I gained it all back



  • KilikiMom
    KilikiMom Posts: 237 Member
    1000 calories isn't even enough food to support you throughout the day WITHOUT exercise!!!!! that is setting yourself up for failure eating that little....you NEED at least 1500 for your body to function....i eat between 1500-1800 every day....on the days i do not exercise i keep it close to the 1500....and eat more when i do exercise....i have so far lost 11.5lbs....you can't expect to starve yourself and your body cooperate...cause that is what you are doing to your body right now STARVING it....of course its going to retaliate and hang on to every single calorie you put in it even with exercise
  • tljones63
    tljones63 Posts: 11 Member
    Keep trying and remember your value is more then the number on the scale. I know that sounds cheeseze, but it is true. Im 48 , my kids are grown .I use to look great when i was young now not so such. Been married almost 30 yrs. and would like to look good again.
    But heathy too !!!
    Its ok to be mad , just start again. i was having trouble getting myself to excerise. This week i got myself to WALK. I would love to friend you. Help support, and someone to conplain too !! LOL

    from Kansas'
    ( you can do this!)
  • Try 3 meals with 2 snacks in between. Snacks high in fiber and protein will fill you for longer. Also remember that it takes 20 minutes for your brain to know your stomach is satiated.
  • RynoSada15
    RynoSada15 Posts: 48 Member
    I know now not to let myself have ANY diet cheat days cuz I cant handle them.
    Maybe instead of a cheat day have a cheat meal? So still be really good all day but whatever meal you choose have something you really want...that way if it's just one meal maybe it won't be such calorie overload the way it would if you felt you could cheat and eat whatever you wanted the whole day.
    I know it's so hard...you're right, losing weight blows lol!!! But we just need to remember what we're working towards and how good we feel when are on track...
  • bzinke
    bzinke Posts: 5
    You need to remember...if you are exercising and eating only 1000 cals then you were way in the hole for calorie intake. If you continue that way you are going to be very run down and then workouts are going to be next to impossible. Eat things high in protein for the full feeling and the energy you need. I love greek yogurt...that usually has 12+ grams of protein. I usually don't worry about the number of calories...I just try to limit the sugar and saturated fat. Don't get discouraged.
  • You need to eat more and eat a buttload of protein, that is how I keep from getting hungry. I'm never hungry anymore and I used to be hungry all the time. I literally have to remind myself to eat even on days that I work out super hard. I don't take cheat days either because I crave crap the next day and even tho I don't give in anymore it is annoying. Little treats here and there while staying within calorie budget is the way I go about it. It ain't a race, just go slow and it will be more likely to be a lasting change.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Yep, water weight for most of it. Maybe you lost 1-2 pounds which you can easily gain back on a week-end binge.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    Eating 1000 calories a day will set you up for failure unless that is the amount set by a physician and that is their recommendation. For me personally I see my doctor and nutritionist once a month and have since I started in October 2011. I started with 1500 calories and a low exercise rate due to double knee replacements. In January they decreased my calorie intake to 1300 calories. Take a peek at people's diaries to see what they are eating and how much. When I first started I ate 5--6 small meals trying to keep me eating about every 2 hours. I gradually went to 3 meals but still do snacks in between. Protein is a must. That's what fuels your body and keeps it running. I started out using Healthy Choice dinners because I hadnt shifted from my old southern ways of cooking to the healthy way I cook now. I still keep them in case of emergency but cant remember the last time I had one.

    Also since you are exercising you really need to reassess your caloric needs. Did you run your numbers the the MFP calculator to see what your calorie goal should be? Or did you just randomly pick 1000 to lose weight quickly? Quick weight losses results in a lower metabolism which then causes you to gain back the weight you lost, plus more in most cases. Believe me, I have been there and done that.

    Read some of the success stories in the forum and you'll see how people have achieved their goals. I've seen losses of over 300 pounds. And no it doesnt happen over night but then again we didnt get this way overnight either.

    Good luck in your journey but please reconsider doing the 1000 calorie thing. You'll find a few on here trying it that way but it's not the healthiest choice. You have to ask yourself if what you are doing is something you can sustain for the rest of your life. And have others have said, drink a lot of water. It does get easier and becomes like second nature.
  • menagerie4
    menagerie4 Posts: 8 Member
    IF the 8 lbs you lost was pure fat (which it almost certainly was not), that means you had a deficit of 3,500 cal/lb * 8 lbs = 28,000 calories over the 7 days which comes to a calorie deficit of 4,000 calories a day. Your BMR is probably less than 2000. To have a net deficit of 4,000 calories a day, you'd have to be exercising enough to burn an additional 3,000 calories. If you are logging your exercise... you'll know that's an unreasonable/impossible amount of exercise. These numbers are just to try to convince you that what others have said is correct - you lost mostly water weight. I agree with others that are advising to eat more. I shoot for a net deficit of ~300 cals/day (1700 cals/day) and eat back most (if not all) of my exercise cals. I also agree with those who said to increase your protein intake - i think you'll find you are satisfied longer. It's frustrating, but true weight loss really is a marathon... not a sprint.
  • michelledusik
    michelledusik Posts: 63 Member
    IF the 8 lbs you lost was pure fat (which it almost certainly was not), that means you had a deficit of 3,500 cal/lb * 8 lbs = 28,000 calories over the 5 days which comes to a calorie deficit of 5,600 calories a day. Your BMR is probably less than 2000. To have a net deficit of 5,600 calories a day, you'd have to be exercising enough to burn an additional 4,600 calories. If you are logging your exercise... you'll know that's an unreasonable/impossible amount of exercise. These numbers are just to try to convince you that what others have said is correct - you lost mostly water weight. I agree with others that are advising to eat more. I shoot for a net deficit of ~300 cals/day (1700 cals/day) and eat back most (if not all) of my exercise cals. I also agree with those who said to increase your protein intake - i think you'll find you are satisfied longer. It's frustrating, but true weight loss really is a marathon... not a sprint.

    My thoughts EXACTLY!! More protein! And losing weight is definitely a marathon!!!! Have patience,YOU CAN DO THIS!!
  • Troyeee
    Troyeee Posts: 9
    The best advice I've gotten, and it's either from Dr. H, (The Biggest Loser) or Dr. Oz, is to eat slowly. It takes about 20 minutes for our bodies to recognize that we are eating and to release the hormones and chemicals that make us feel full and satisfied. So, when I can, I try to break my meal into two pieces. Eat the first half, and then wait about 15 minutes and eat the other half. Also, I will eat in front of the computer and read while I'm eating, which slows me down quite a bit. Often times I find that I get so distracted that my meal had gotten cold and I don't finish it. Also, add some extra fiber and have a large glass of water with your meal. Benefiber is nice because you can sprinkle it directly on your food and it doesn't really have a flavor and kind of just dissolves. Hope this helps.
  • JamieSK
    JamieSK Posts: 266 Member
    Eating high protein foods will keep you from feeling hungry all the time. One thing I eat is 1% cottage cheese but there are many other proteins you can eat that will satify you. You just have to find what you like and what works for your life style.
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    I was eating about 1000 calories a day. All fruits and vegetables and chicken

    There's your problem. First, eat more. You do not need to eat this little; at least not every day. Second: EAT. SOME. FAT. I'm not saying that in an internet "yelling voice" because it's in caps. I'm saying it because if you don't eat fat, you'll likely feel hungry. Protein and fat kill hunger and are important to your diet and body. Fat is your friend and so is protein. I'm talking the natural stuff here: the skin from your chicken, cheese, a little butter, a little cream, a little olive oil, peanut butter, nuts... work it in. Do not be afraid of it! Good luck.
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    Yes, it seems too little calories and too little protein. YOu also do need some fats, and they help you feel fuller longer (like avocados). I also wouldn't really bother counting your veggies....unless you're eating cases, they're just so low in cals (and way more worth it for the nutrients). I believe the minimum cals for a woman is 1200, and even that is low for most people IMO unless you don't have much left to lose or are starting out with a lower weight. Good luck!
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    I think fiber is what fills you longer. So get some bread you like that has extra fiber, oranges and apples are good. 100 cal pack of popcorn at night is good if you have enough cals left at the end of the day. Peaches are good.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Yea, 1000 isn't enough. No wonder you were always hungry. An 8 lb loss per week cannot be maintained for very long unless you are very obese. There will come a time when you reach a certain weight and the best and healthiest weight loss goal is 2 lbs a week. At first, I would recommend 1200-1500 calories a day, and make sure to get in a good amount of protein as well as keep your water intake.