MM Challenge-Closed Group



  • Apple84
    Apple84 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm loving the fruit/veggie challenge! It's taken some planning to make sure I get it all in but that time is made up because of the little (or no) time to prepare them. Eating fresh and not processed feels great. Thanks for the suggestion Heather!!
  • heatherconcoff
    Hi ladies!

    I have hit a nice new low weight... finally a loss!

    But, with it I have had some kind of energy problem... feeling faint, low energy. This is my second day. I am still up for the 60 minutes and planks, but am going slow on the mountain climbers... Sorry if I'm letting you all down!

    This is my favorite challenge week!
  • Apple84
    Apple84 Posts: 10 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss!! You're not letting me down! Listening to your body is really important and pushing yourself beyond limits only makes it worse. I hope the energy picks back up so you can be back in the swing of things soon!
  • heatherconcoff
    Thanks for the encouragement! I am feeling better today. And, I am doing some mountain climbers tonight! On track, and the break helped.

    Hope you are having a good week!
  • heatherconcoff
    Check out my new pic of me doing plank!

    I entered all my info in advance, since I am working all day tomorrow... Hope it is a good weekend for you all!

    I loved our challenge this eek - Go team!
  • bridgettegarzonie
    bridgettegarzonie Posts: 54 Member
    So the episode for this week is up. Great job everyone on killing it with the mountain climbers! :-) I didn't get to weigh in this week so I appologize for that and for my weight staying the same. :-(

    The whole grain challenge will be difficult to track and keep eachother accountable I think.

    However, I just went through every grain item in my pantry and discovered that every single one of them is considered whole grain. So this won't be hard for me to do. However, I don't eat grains every day, so on the days that I don't do any grains at all do I just put a "yes"? I don't want to add unnecessary carbs in my diet for the day just to say that I met the "whole grain" requirement for the challenge when the only grains I do eat are whole grain to begin with just not everyday.

    Sorry if that didn't make sense... Just trying to figure out if I don't eat grains at all one day what to put down on the spreadsheet.
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    Everyone did an awesome job on the mountain climbers!!! I don't know how ya'll did so many, my back is sore from the planks and mountain climbers.

    I thought the grain challenge was a strange coincidence. I have been having some issues such as skin problems, insomnia, abdominal bloating, etc., they happen when I eat too much gluten. I was planning on reducing or eliminating all grains for a few weeks, that usually helps. I would say that if you eat 0 grains for the day then put yes since 0 x .5 = 0 and if you only eat one make sure it is a whole grain. The challenge isn't to eat x amout of whole grains, it is to make sure that half of the grains you eat are whole grains.
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    I wanted to post a recipe for pancakes that only uses a banana, egg, and almond butter.

    Do you ever feel like the universe is trying to tell you something? I saw this recipe posted at three different places last week. I haven't tried it because I'm out of bananas but they are on my list and I'll be going to the store tomorrow. Hopefully they cure my craving for pancakes.
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    We need to put how many calories we burned each day on the spreadsheet. The second part of the challenge is: Team(s) with highest burn averages for the week will recieve advantages. With the amount of calories you guys burn we should do great.
  • heatherconcoff
    Hi all! We should do great this week, I agree! What a great team!

    Thanks for the pancake recipe... I will try it tomorrow.

    So glad this week is easier for me - the last two have been super challenges!

    Thanks again for all the support.

    Have a great week!

  • bridgettegarzonie
    bridgettegarzonie Posts: 54 Member
    Great job again this week ladies!

    I again didn't get to weigh in this week since I didn't get to go to Tara's b/c my sister was in town, so I apologize for that. I'm going to go buy my own scale this week so I can weigh in at my own house!

    This week's challenges are going to be tough! I'm gonna be working full time this week since it's spring break, so that means I won't get to eat my normal snacks as I don't get to get out of my chair much especially since my supervisor is out for her 4th week! I rarely eat my exercise calories and it looks like we are required to eat at least half of them for the calorie challenge. Is that what you guys are getting?

    However, enough complaing! I'm up for the challenge! :-) Good luck this week everyone.

    Oh, I'm also interested in joining for season 3? Anyone else in with me!? It'd be awesome to have the same team again! I might have someone who's interested in joining with us too.
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    TNGirlyGirl posted a clarification in the comments about the calorie requirements for this week:

    Just to clarify -- in order to "meet" the calorie goal: you should be between 100 lbs of your total (daily goal + 1/2 exercise) and the (daily goal + 100% exercise).

    Example: My daily goal is 1300. If I exercise 600, then to meet the challenge, I would need to eat between 1500-1900. Within 100 of (1300 + 300) to (1300 + 600) without going over.

    I think the hard part will be eating this many calories AND staying under 2000 sodium.
  • heatherconcoff
    Hi all! -

    I don;t get the part about having to eat the exercise points. Hmmm... Still, it will be interesting.

    I am changing up my diet on Dr orders... No gluten of eggs or milk for the next month. So, I'll keep relying on my veggies...

    Best to you all!
  • heatherconcoff
    Also, - Just to let you know - I went down onto a smaller size... Into old smaller clothes, and it is so much fun. Thanks for the encouragement.
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    Heather, if you burn 600 calories and your daily goal is 1260 you need to eat 1460-1860. You need to eat your daily goal plus 1/2 to all of your exercise calories and you can eat 100 calories less. Does that make sense? Great job on going down a size, WTG!!!

    Sorry to hear that you need to go gluten, egg, and milk free, I've done it and it's not easy. Here is a great website, they also have a book The Whole Life Nutrition. Check out the elimination diet recipes or gluten free vegan recipes, lots of ideas. Good luck.
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    You might want to consider some type of probiotics, they seem to help me. I just bought Bubbies pickles, they are fermented and have all the good bugs. I read that you can make vinaigrette type dressing using the juice instead of vinegar, sounds good but will probably need to wait a week to try due to the sodium. I have also been thinking about trying to make my own fermented vegetables. Here is a good explanation and video.
  • Apple84
    Apple84 Posts: 10 Member
    Congrats Heather! I'm sure that's a great feeling!

    I think the challenge this week is really tough. Burning 580-ish calories per day for 6 days in a row will be tough but I'm planning to break it up in to AM and PM workouts so it's not so exhausting.

    So we really have to eat a fruit and a veggie from each color category? If I put blue food coloring on cauliflower does it count? (I'm serious - that would be kind of fun anyways.) I already bought some purple potatoes so that one's taken care of!
  • heatherconcoff
    Thanks for the support. I am feeling good, but having trouble with protein. I'll check out the fermented pickles next week and the website. The banana pancakes were wonderful, but now can't have eggs... I'll look for a replacement.

    How are you doing???

    I am going to work out strong tomorrow, since I want to meet the 3500 goal and I had a slow start this week!

    Best to all of you guys, and Happy St. Patty's day! Does green beer count for the green??? LOL!