Can't stop snacking in the afternoon



  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    I go through phases where this is a huuuuge issue.

    My only real success is eating low cal things in large quantities... Like popcorn (obviously not the kind with tons of butter, etc), pickles, big salads of basically just lettuce and a LITTLE dressing.... Frozen veggies... Etc.

    For me the act of eating is more "important" than WHAT Im eating. So just find something low cal and go crazy with it :)
  • melrn
    melrn Posts: 17 Member
    I had that problem and it turned out that it was my adrenal glands. I had to snack because my blood sugar was dropping dangerously low. Its a survival mechanism. I felt like I was possessed in the afternoons. Find a doctor that knows about adrenal fatigue. You may need to branch out into naturopathic medicine. Regular MDs aren't very fluent in this area.
  • susandg
    susandg Posts: 4
    I just started eating Lundberg's Organic Brown Rice Cakes Lightly Salted. I LOVE THEM. One usually fills me up and they've got enough crispy crunch and salt to remind me of tortilla and potato chips (sans all the bad stuff). At first I was eating four rice cakes a day and after a week, I'm down to two a day. Good luck!
  • 2kidsandadonut
    2kidsandadonut Posts: 137 Member
    I had this problem too. I found that the more I ate during the day the hungrier I would get. Breakfast would mean STARVING by lunch and same with dinner. So what I found worked was during the day I have a liquid diet. Breakfast is water and a shake, lunch is water and a shake, if I get a craving in the afternoon it is crystal light. Then I eat a healthy dinner. I find this works great for me and I am less hungry in the afternoon and I'm less likely to snack between and after dinner. Remember a great deal of the time you think you are hungry you are probably just thirsty. So try drinking first and then wait 30 mins I guarantee the need to snack will subside.
  • Thank you so much everyone for your thoughtful replies! You gave me some great ideas and strategies to try tomorrow. I will make a point to read through this thread when the urge to snack hits. I need to work on my willpower mostly. Thank you!
  • maf66
    maf66 Posts: 211 Member
    What works for me is high protein and high fiber snacks I try to keep my snacks around 200 cal and 10g protein. A few things that work for me, and honestly, I do not get hungry, are greek yogurt with 2Tbs organic cold milled flax seed. Thats around 200 cal, 16g protein and 4 g fiber. Mini whole grain pita pizza's, split mini pita, spread on both pieces, tomato sauce, low fat feta (or other variety), fresh spin & chopped artichokes, bake for 10 min at 350 in toaster oven. These are around 200 cal 10g protein 6g fiber and they ROCK! A pack of Albacore tuna on a whole grain tortilla or whole grain crackers, around 200 cal 24g protein and 4g fiber. Hope those suggestions are helpful!