First cheat day after a week of eating clean

And I feel like crap.... I feel way better when Im hungry all the time physically.... I ate clean and below or at cals this entire week and today I binged... Does anyone else feel like this? Cuz im about to cut out cheat days completely....


  • MDawg81
    MDawg81 Posts: 244 Member
    I didn't call it a cheat day, but I ate horribly today and I feel the same way. Lethargic, sick, overall crappy. I can't say it won't happen again, but it's a good reminder of why I'm trying to do better.
  • GBO323
    GBO323 Posts: 336 Member
    Ah, you've just learned the valuable lesson of the greener grass. Sorry you feel like crap.

    Maybe do a modified cheat take your daily goal and add a set number of calories to it. Works for me.

    When I had a bad cheat day, I'm with ya there. Feel like crap and ticked at the major setback. I've learned I don't like that so I choose more wisely when I "cheat".
  • yummummum
    yummummum Posts: 257
    yep! Eating clean is a way of life for me now! I do on occasion have something I do not normally have. But I still like to make sure it is not total junk just more of a splurge as opposed to a total cheat day. I found that this was actually a real key in making some great progress. I used to "un-do" a lot of my progress by splurging all weekend!
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    I do this all the time... Do you mean you feel physically ill or guilty?
    If physically ill, maybe eat less next time, if guilty, just remember that one day isn't gonna kill you, and you earned the day!
  • Mumbum78
    Mumbum78 Posts: 28 Member
    Heres a helpful hint. Never give yourself a "cheat day".YTry a "cheat meal" instead.This is what keeps me from going overboard when I have a treat.
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    Cheat meals/days are just bad IMO, why throw yourself off target for no good reason? If you feel you need this soo bad, you probably aren't getting proper nutrition throughout the week.
  • PositivelyFlawed
    PositivelyFlawed Posts: 316 Member
    Generally my cheat day isn't a day to eat crap, but to eat higher calories, but still healthy foods. When you are used to eating healthy, you're body really doesnt know what to do if u give it too much crap.

    I'd still say a day off is nice, it recharges the mind and body, just perhaps focus more on eating larger quantities or more often with a treat or 2 fit into the day.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Heres a helpful hint. Never give yourself a "cheat day".YTry a "cheat meal" instead.This is what keeps me from going overboard when I have a treat.

    Works for me too!
  • CharityEaton
    Cheat days are the best reminder of WHY you are doing what you are doing. It is amazing how much better you feel when you eat healthy. A "bad food" day evey now and then is a great way to remind yourself how to balance your food, cravings, etc. Plus it is great practice for when you are in a situation where you have limited choices on what to eat.

    If you have a cheat day every once in a while then you never actually feel deprived of anything because nothing is really off limits. You just learn that half a slice of pie is totally acceptable instead of half the pie.
    Over time you will want a cheat day less and less but it is nice to go for all those bad choices and not beat yourself up over it plus, sometimes it is just what your body needs to get going again.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I do this all the time... Do you mean you feel physically ill or guilty?
    If physically ill, maybe eat less next time, if guilty, just remember that one day isn't gonna kill you, and you earned the day!

  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i have cheat meals. although it doesnt make me feel sick afterwards, my meal choice usually ends up making me feel sleepy.

    also i told myself when i had cheat meals, they would be worth it. so since my cheat meal is usually bacon cheeseburger with onion rings, i dont just blow those empty calories at someplace like mcdonalds or burger king where i know I will get sick, instead i got to a local gourmet place where they use good beef, good bacon and make everything fresh. it's a bit more expensive than the fast food version ($10 vs $5), but i savor it so much more because it tastes better and still kind of healthy.
  • Mumbum78
    Mumbum78 Posts: 28 Member
    Cheat meals/days are just bad IMO, why throw yourself off target for no good reason? If you feel you need this soo bad, you probably aren't getting proper nutrition throughout the week.

    I agree,but for many,a restricted diet is set up for failure(this is why so many people try to lose weight!)
    the 80é20 rule is great to live by. For those who have had `cheat days`in thepast, a `cheat Meal`is a better transition towards healthier eating. As people begin to eat better on the whole, the cravings do subside. If it were that easy, there wouldnt be soo many people falling off the wagon and giving up,Ive seen it happen a million times
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    A lot of people think cheat days mean eating all the high-calorie/sugar junk food you can stuff down your throat. A cheat day for me is a normal, healthy day ended with a slice of cake, or a serving of ice cream that still fits under my caloric goal.