Calories on MFP differ alot to HRM

I don't know much about HRM's and all that. But I have the polar F4 which allows you to input your height, weight and age.
The "training" button works on your heart rate and all that other information as far as I can gather.
The other day I wore it for a good hour just cooking dinner, cleaning the kitchen etc and it told me I burned about 400-500cal.
I also wore it out yesterday just walking around the local mall for half an hour doing some general shopping. My hrm said I burned about 400cal.

If you put walking into MFP for 30mins it gives you an amount of 100-200 calories burnt. (I don't remember the exact number, I think its like 130 or 150)

I would assume that my HRM would be more correct as its catered to my specific measurements? Is that right?
Or is the number way out and MFP considered correct?

Just want to know so I can work out how many calories I'm actually burning. Don't want to over or under estimate. I did read that being an unfit person with more to lose, you do burn more calories?


  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    The HRM is more accurate, mfp is just an estimate.
  • loftard1
    loftard1 Posts: 14
    mama goskie is right heart rate moniter really accurate. you have to keep in mind that your body is always burnnig calories no mater what you doing even when sitting. dont count calories that you burn when doing activites outside your normal scope like workouts or over exerting cleaning activites you have to do once a week or so like mowing the lawn and stuff. personaly i dont worrie about the number so much i like to keep track of what i burn so that way i can know if i pushed my self hard or not.