Disgusted with myself :-(



  • ladyamandajane
    AS others have said every day is a new starte, put it behind you and think positive. We all have a blow out now and again I have been the same this weekend, seemed like one bad things after another and you check out the calories and its shocking really, but whats done is done.

    Get back on the wagon and look forward to the coming week being a good one with healthy good and exercise, good luck#

  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    hey there! Sorry you're having such a rough time looking at those numbers but that's all they really are... numbers.

    I have a saying that really helps me through times like this. "nothing is done or UNDONE in one snack one, one meal, one day, one week or even one month". You don't fix everything in one weekend and you don't ruin everything in one weekend. Weight loss (and even maintenance) is a compilation of all of your efforts over a period of time. Don't fret!

    And actually look at how much more AWARE you are now of how many calories you ingested! I bet before you never would have guessed it. Look at this as a huge success for future awareness and planning!

    big hug to you!


    This is GREAT advice.
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    Been there, done that. Weigh in and see your damage (if any) and go from there. This is another week. Start from scratch. And smile! It's good therapy. :happy:
  • NTBlade
    NTBlade Posts: 6 Member
    I was feeling the same way this morning. I ran Wednesday and Friday. Last Thursday I had a few pints - not the end of the world and we went out with a bunch of friends for a meal and drinks on Friday. I didn't even try to estimate what it all added up to. I had a pretty good day on Saturday and got back on track yesterday and ran 10 miles. Then ended up in the pub in the afternoon and got pissed. It was good at the time but I'm angry at having made some progress then blown it.

    However, we all have off days and life isn't just about diet and fitness so, this is the start of a new week. I'll get 4 runs in over the whole week so I'll be fitter and hopefully a little lighter this time next week. I've a good friend coming on Friday and I'm afraid the carnage will be unavoidable. But hey! I'll juat have to be focused the rest of this week.

    So, to the O.P., you're not alone!, Stick in!

  • dancingqueen2013
    dancingqueen2013 Posts: 63 Member
    Maybe leave it and weigh tomorrow morning and you might find you haven't done any damage or you might even have lost if you had been on target all of last week; I also sometimes think a blowout helps to kickstart the weight loss if you're stuck.

    I was very naughty on Saturday as well with food and alcohol and I find that if I drink a lot of alcohol I retain fluid for a couple of days, so that is why I wont be weighing this morning.

    Everybody needs a treat, we are not machines.

    Good luck, you will be fine.
  • dancingqueen2013
    dancingqueen2013 Posts: 63 Member
    I was feeling the same way this morning. I ran Wednesday and Friday. Last Thursday I had a few pints - not the end of the world and we went out with a bunch of friends for a meal and drinks on Friday. I didn't even try to estimate what it all added up to. I had a pretty good day on Saturday and got back on track yesterday and ran 10 miles. Then ended up in the pub in the afternoon and got pissed. It was good at the time but I'm angry at having made some progress then blown it.

    However, we all have off days and life isn't just about diet and fitness so, this is the start of a new week. I'll get 4 runs in over the whole week so I'll be fitter and hopefully a little lighter this time next week. I've a good friend coming on Friday and I'm afraid the carnage will be unavoidable. But hey! I'll juat have to be focused the rest of this week.

    So, to the O.P., you're not alone!, Stick in!

  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    It's not helpful to be disgusted with yourself. So you ate a whole lot more. just get back to it.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I drink water and eat healthy and get back on plan. It happens, especially when you eat food and have drinks out. Don't beat yourself up about it and just get back on the band wagon.

    I try to look up food/drinks before I go out now to keep myself aware of the actual portion sizes within restaurant servings. It's helped keep me on better track.

    My thoughts also. I have a terrible time on the weekends for the very same reasons. Gee, I wish I could go to work seven days a week. I would then stay on track.
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    we are all human. We deserve a day like that every once in a while. It may even help out in the long run. Just get back on track today. It's okay.
  • GuruOnAMountain
    GuruOnAMountain Posts: 489 Member
    I totally echo what everyone else is saying. Remind yourself that I would guess almost everyone going through a weight-loss journey experiences the same thing from time to time and as people have said, the difference is picking yourself up, dusting yourself off and getting back on with things rather than thinking, "Oh well, I've ruined it now, best to give up". The fact you came on here and posted on these forums shows that you are wanting to pick yourself back up because if you didn't want that, you'd probably be knee deep in donuts and french fries now rather than on MFP. So congratulate yourself for that......it's a big step so be proud of it!

    I have definately found that some times when I go over, it definately seems to help my weight loss which is great. If it were me, I'd weigh myself anyway (in the past when I've tried to lose weight and have had a bad day, then I've not weighed myself and never really got back into the habit of doing it and have just quit). So for me, consistently weighing mysellf on a set day every week regardless of whether I think I might have put on or not is really important but only you can answer that for yourself. If you are really worried that you'll see a gain and that that will make you quit, then I'd leave it, eat healthy and weigh yourself next week.

    Good luck on your journey. You WILL get back on with things and this little blip will soon be a forgotten memory. :)
  • sozzell
    sozzell Posts: 166
    WOW, I have to say I am really taken aback at the lovely, thoughtful and helpful responses.

    Every single one of you :-)

    I have limited time online here at work so cannot possibly reply to every individual response but would like to let you all know that I decided to weigh myself anyway, and have found......that I still lost 1lb this week.

    Not only am I amazed but I also feel a lot better about myself than I have been doing since Sunday morning (part of that could have been the hangover!)...

    What I decided to do was up my calorie intake anyway, so my daily limit is now 1500, because I have found that on my non gym days (Tues/Sat/Sun) I REALLY struggle to stay under 1350...so here's hoping I won't be feeling so stressed about staying under limit from now on! Plus I have hurt my ankle so can't do as much running as I would normally :-(

    Also, I do have a few 'big nights out' coming up, including this Friday....I am big into my gigs (heavy music + beers = bliss!) and really like a few beers but I know that this is one of the worst things for me, so does anyone have any suggestions for a better 'beverage' to drink when out at gigs etc? Gin & slimline tonic doesn't scream 'rock n roll' does it now? ;-)

    Once again, thank you all for taking the time to respond, and I wish all of you the best success on your journeys :-D
  • GuruOnAMountain
    GuruOnAMountain Posts: 489 Member
    WOW, I have to say I am really taken aback at the lovely, thoughtful and helpful responses.

    Every single one of you :-)

    I have limited time online here at work so cannot possibly reply to every individual response but would like to let you all know that I decided to weigh myself anyway, and have found......that I still lost 1lb this week.

    Not only am I amazed but I also feel a lot better about myself than I have been doing since Sunday morning (part of that could have been the hangover!)...

    What I decided to do was up my calorie intake anyway, so my daily limit is now 1500, because I have found that on my non gym days (Tues/Sat/Sun) I REALLY struggle to stay under 1350...so here's hoping I won't be feeling so stressed about staying under limit from now on! Plus I have hurt my ankle so can't do as much running as I would normally :-(

    Also, I do have a few 'big nights out' coming up, including this Friday....I am big into my gigs (heavy music + beers = bliss!) and really like a few beers but I know that this is one of the worst things for me, so does anyone have any suggestions for a better 'beverage' to drink when out at gigs etc? Gin & slimline tonic doesn't scream 'rock n roll' does it now? ;-)

    Once again, thank you all for taking the time to respond, and I wish all of you the best success on your journeys :-D

    Most spirits with a Diet soft drink mixer are fairly low in calories eg. vodka and diet coke
  • Mel1959a
    Mel1959a Posts: 7
    Get right back to what you have been doing and don't beat yourself up about it. Everyone needs to had a let down time. Just jump back on the wagon, you'll be fine...
  • gemmaldavies
    Part of this journey is taking away excuses. Learning who you are in relation to food. Stick to your schedule, don't be upset with yourself, and be prepared for what your body and the scale tells you. Accepting who you are even when you make wrong choices - very important. We all make choices we aren't proud of. Just promise yourself next time will be different. You can do this - you are worthy.

    Completely agree. Well said :))
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    I know exactly where you are & just how you feel, my friend.
    I had a weekend from hell--from binge-eating the whole time--because I am also mentally ill with Bipolar Disorder & forgot tom take my meds twice in a row. I thought that nobody cared; until I posted my true feelings on this site. the results?
    People cared & gave me reality checks on just exactly I was feeling.
    That's what I love @ this site: You can vent your feelings 100% & you will not be judged for it; People here really DO care @ each other's progress & struggles. So what I guess I'm trying to say is: You are NOT alone! Please add me; I could really benefit from having you as a friend;
    Most Sincerely-
    Jessica :flowerforyou: :smile:
    Wow , that is so awesome you got such a great response! Having depression and bi-polar it is *crucial* people support you or it can lead to a very bad day(for me I might eat a whole bunch of cookies) I realize what trigers me to get off track. WE all mess up thats for sure! I have hypothyroidism and have been stalled on my weight losss for months ! ... talk about being "disgusted"!!!
  • si_puedo
    si_puedo Posts: 138 Member
    don't stress over it....it happens to all of us.....today is a new day!!!!!
  • BeepRocks
    BeepRocks Posts: 15
    Don't be disgusted. Your aloud to have those days occasionally. Now that your aware of the calories.....you will definately be more prepared next time you go. Shake it off and move on. Everytime I think the weigh in is going to be bad because of a weekend spurge......it usually is the opposite. So don't beat yourself up.
  • venlife
    venlife Posts: 6 Member
    Yeh I had a blow out this weekend too. Chocolate, sub, chips, lasanga, cookies, icecream. Actually it's been going on for 4 days! I don't know why? I have been overwhelmed and emotional and I have alway been an emotional eater. To get myself back on track I went ahead an weighed myself to see the damage and deal with it. Yeh, wasn't good.

    I signed up for a 3 day juice and fruit cleanse and I start a kettle bell challenge after that. So at 4:30 a.m. I was juicing kale and carrots, and such. So my plan, fall off get back on. No one can always be perfect. Good luck and don't get derailed because of a few screw-ups here and there.

  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    It sucks reading the actual number when you eat out, BUT you at least logged it to remind yourself of how much calories are in that stuff so that you wouldn't do it every day. But, on the bright side, you would have to eat your reg amount of allotted calories for the day plus 3500 extra calories to even gain a pound, so if you were good the whole week and had extra calories and exercised you should be ok. Just up your water intake and jump back on the wagon
  • YvetteRoy
    YvetteRoy Posts: 13
    I went over board this weekend too. Taco Bell, chili cheese bratwurst with chips and dip and munching on chocolate here and there all weekend!! I have been struggling on the weekends to motivate myself to workout and I am really feeling like I failed myself this weekend. Even though I feel pretty down in the dumps today I am gonna get back on track and continue on with my weekday routine. I have come to terms with the fact that I am weak and have to indulge here and there or else I will end up going totally off the grid, so I just pick myself up and continue on. Try not to get down on yourself too much. Just dust yourself off and get back on track and leave the rest behind you.