no one noticed :(



  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    There's a girl at my work that has lost a lot of weight recently and I always want to tell her how good she looks and what a great job she's doing, but I never comment because she's the type who would respond with "Oh, so I used to be fat?" and it's just uncomfortable. Maybe they didn't want you to think they thought you were fat before?

    Lol! I have a co-worker exactly like that! I made the mistake of complimenting her on her hair one day. Big mistake. She carried that one compliment over into the following week, accusing me of "making fun" of her. She takes compliments as a personal attack on her. One time, I noticed that she'd lost weight. Enough to notice. Did I compliment her on that? No way! Once was enough for me, and I'm not about to say something that is honestly meant sincerely, for her to turn it around on me like I'd just insulted her. So....I'm not at all saying or suggesting that you might react this way, just saying there could be reasons why some people don't say anything. BTW, good for you!!!
  • samjmom
    samjmom Posts: 6 Member
    As i've gotten older, I've learned sometimes you just have to come right out and say- 'I am so excited! I've lost 11 pounds and I feel great!' Yes it would be great if they noticed, but sometimes you just have to toot your own horn!
    Be inspired by yourself and keep up the good work! Way to go!!!! :smile:
  • pattyk87
    pattyk87 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I've lost about 18 from my heaviest and 8 since I joined this site. I actually got a comment from my mother in law that she thought I would have lost more by now. lol. But from reading the above comments, I was wearing clothes that were probably too baggy to be wearing, maybe I looked bigger in them.
  • tinalatina
    tinalatina Posts: 499 Member
    Good for you deciding to stick to it. You're doing this for you, right? You have to be proud of yourself for this achievement, right? Don''t worry -- they'll notice. For now, it's your own private victory. Soon it will be a topic they can''t avoid - so enjoy the anticipation and keep doing what you're doing for the right reasons.

    Well done! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the reminder....Yes I am doing this for me, and my family! I can deal with the private victory :) *Yippee-as I jump in the air*
  • minime2b
    minime2b Posts: 168
    That happened to me a few years ago when I lost weight. (sadly i had some depression issues and packed it all back on) I was so proud and had lost about 12 or 13 pounds and went out and not one person said a word. I couldnt believe it! Strange thing a few weeks later and just about 5 more pounds ppl were all the sudden noticing. Who knows but I saw a quote once that basically said it takes about 4 weeks for you to feel the diffreence, about 8 weeks for ppl very close to start noticing a difference, and about 12 weeks for the world to notice. IDK if its true, but just keep moving, soon they'll all take notice! :smile:
  • tinalatina
    tinalatina Posts: 499 Member
    As i've gotten older, I've learned sometimes you just have to come right out and say- 'I am so excited! I've lost 11 pounds and I feel great!' Yes it would be great if they noticed, but sometimes you just have to toot your own horn!
    Be inspired by yourself and keep up the good work! Way to go!!!! :smile:

    That is great tactic! Be proud and Toot your own Horn! Love it....Thanks for the support~!
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 1,005 Member
    To be honest I am quite certain I would not notice a 10 lb + or - gain/loss on any of my friends. When we all get together, unless someone has done something really drastic (like blonde to brunette) I'm oblivious! LOL Not intentionally so, I am just not that caught up in how everyone looks, I am just happy to get out with "my" girls and have fun. I find it is always safest to say "you look great" no matter what :)
  • EMagineBeingEMazing
    WAY TO GO Girlfriend!!! After losing 16 lbs, and I couldn't see it myself (even though my pants were fitting "differently"), a girl at work who knows I'm on this journey said she could tell I was losing and asked how much. She said, "well, that's GREAT, but DON"T WEAR THOSE PANTS ANYMORE because they're too big! And you're wearing clothes that are too big for you anyway trying to cover up what you don't want anyone to see." So I took her advice, rummaged through the closet and found that I can wear pants a size down. SURPRISED EVEN ME! So now, other people at work are starting to notice - I've actually gotten at least 2 compliments today already.

    So... maybe it's the clothes.... but regardless, YOU'RE ROCKIN!!! :)
  • ErikaNJ78
    ErikaNJ78 Posts: 1 Member
    I was going to say the same thing! I have lost about 60 lbs since the end of Sept. Some people immediately say something of you have people that will ask "Did you do something different with your hair?" or "Did you go on vacation or something, causer you look tan or something?" People feel funny admitting that they noticed you were a little overweight or a lot , LOL.

    I know its nice to hear when people notice, but just remember you know you are doing what is best and healthiest for you! I bet your body notices the difference and in the end thats what matters!

    Keep up the good work!:happy:
  • EMagineBeingEMazing
    You know, people are generally oblivious. The upside of this is that no one really notices those things that make you cringe in embarrassment and think that everyone is laughing at you. They're not. They're all too busy with their own stuff to even notice.

  • Jacqui_Davies
    Jacqui_Davies Posts: 9 Member
    Don't be disheartened... It took a while before any of my friends noticed my weightloss... I'm sure you'll start to notice changes soon enough... You've done fantastically well, don't let it put you off track, this journey is just for you!
  • mayaeberhard
    I am sure you look wonderful and that you feel fantastic! And remember, you are doing this for yourself! You are so close to your goal, sometimes people are intimidated by others success....
  • jce240sx
    jce240sx Posts: 5
  • shivaslives
    shivaslives Posts: 279 Member
    People are very interesting how they respond. Some of the people closest to me where the last ones to make any comments.
  • marbit
    marbit Posts: 108
    I've been working out for 4 months now, every day, without fail, and no one noticed until Friday last week. Sometimes, people just don't notice whats going on around them!!! Its the same reason a woman can have her purse snatched with 30 people around, and NO ONE saw anything.
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! (I agree with all of the above.)
  • Lena1967
    Lena1967 Posts: 94 Member
    I have read numerous etiquette articles that advise people to stay away from personal compliments and generally just say, "You look great" or something generic like that. In the same way that you are not supposed to comment on someone's pregnancy until they tell you, so that if they say, "My due date is next week," you say, "Oh, really, you're pregnant?!" :laugh:

    You know your friends best -- whether they are oblivious, trying to be polite/discreet, or what. But I'll bet they will notice next time!

    And BTW, good for you for losing 11 lbs!
  • mb1388
    mb1388 Posts: 2
    Who cares if they noticed or some point in the future they will have no choice long as you are feeling vibrant and your cloths are loser and your energy is up your doing ok :) keep up the good work
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    What everyone is saying is so true. I know a lot of people didn't comment on my loss but since I went from about 140 to 125, it's not a huge transformation anyway.

    But then there's this woman I work with. I kept looking at her thinking she looked smaller. By the time I finally got up the nerve to ask if she'd been losing weight, she'd lost almost 100 pounds. :laugh:
  • Miss♥Ivi
    Miss♥Ivi Posts: 461
    First of all, congrats on your 11lbs and your new lifestyle! This is and will always be about you and your health! So keep up the great work and toot your horn once in a while. It doesn't hurt :tongue: As long as YOU notice, all is well in the world!

    I've lost 22lbs and only 2 people at work have noticed. They're so use to seeing me that it'll take a lot more than what I've lost to get a "wow" out of them and most of the time they're so tied up with what they're doing, that I wouldn't expect it anyway :laugh: But it's okay. I know what I've accomplished and so should you! :heart: