OH man I really blew it!

Hey guys. I have no idea what happened but I started going to the gym more than doing my at- home workout routines and I seem to be doing worse as far as weight loss and muscle gain. Now I am totally worried that i'm going to lose all faith. I have committed to working out 5 times this week. But what always happens is that I get to the weekend and I feel as though I was good all week so I should be able to treat myself. Then I over do it.... ;( what is wrong with my self control?
Does anyone else have this weekend monster problem too?
Feel free to add me I could use some actual support rather than just compulsive adders ;)


  • Gioooo
    Gioooo Posts: 301 Member
    I think my weight loss has been hindered due to my weekends. I do great all week- log all my meals and preplan, get workouts in- its part of my routine during the week just like school and work. Then the weekends come and theres always different stuff going on and I slack off or allow myself 'treats' and end up eating enough to feed an army LOL. I woke up today and told myself I needed to change my mindset. Weekends are going to be part of my routine and I no longer want to throw my week long hard work away on the weekends. Its hard especially when youve done it for so long..but the weather is getting so nice here in NY i dont want to end up self conscious and uncomfortable in a bikini like i was last year! Always here for motivation and to kick your *kitten* if you need it ;)
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I will be adding you. Your story sounds so much like mine.
  • Rivka007
    Rivka007 Posts: 26 Member
    I tend to blow it on weekends, too. That's when I eat out, drink too much wine, etc. I've learned to accept it and prepare for it - I go under my calories a little on weekdays, and that way I have some in reserve to use up on the weekend. I also work out longer on Friday and Saturday, so I have more calories to eat back. For the most part, that works and I meet my weekly calorie goal (or, if I am over, it's only by a little bit). However, I went out yesterday and it put me WAY above my weekly caloric goal. I forced myself to log it all in, and told myself that today is the beginning of a new week....
  • e_NV_y
    e_NV_y Posts: 100 Member
    This is me as well!!! Weekends are soo hard! i do try to work out during the weekend. but my self control is out the window once saturday hits!!
  • lsapphire
    lsapphire Posts: 297 Member
    muscle mass is more dense than fat so weighs more, don't always go by what the scales says. Hang in there, you can do it
  • swycoff17
    swycoff17 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm totally a weekend monster. It's a work in progress for me. I've started working out on Saturdays (sometimes) and that seems to help. But, as I said, it's a work in progress. I need to get to the place where it's ok to treat myself...but not for the WHOLE weekend.....
  • Crystal0827
    Crystal0827 Posts: 244 Member
    I do the same thing, especially with drinks....I think to myself, you have deserved this and then of course after several drinks I make very poor food choices. ;(
  • AMIS456
    AMIS456 Posts: 34 Member
    To help keep me in line I make Sat or Sun a work out day. I run so I know that I can not go too crazy the day/night before I run so therefore I can't completely let go on the weekend. This also means that I get a rest day during the week!
  • kvissy
    kvissy Posts: 205 Member
    I tend to blow it on weekends, too. That's when I eat out, drink too much wine, etc. I've learned to accept it and prepare for it - I go under my calories a little on weekdays, and that way I have some in reserve to use up on the weekend. I also work out longer on Friday and Saturday, so I have more calories to eat back. For the most part, that works and I meet my weekly calorie goal (or, if I am over, it's only by a little bit). However, I went out yesterday and it put me WAY above my weekly caloric goal. I forced myself to log it all in, and told myself that today is the beginning of a new week....

    That's my story this weekend too! had a great weight loss all last week then was 4lb up this morning. I'm hoping to water it all out!
  • katzblood
    katzblood Posts: 41
    try doing the spike diet--there's a group on here spike84. You eat your BMR or less all week, work out, whatever, and one day a week you eat twice your BMR & dont work out. You gain a little after the spike day but by the next spike day that & more is gone. :)
  • samanthateal
    That has been my diet for years. I log all week and go to the gym most nights. By Friday night its all over. For me If I know i couldn't splurge and have the take out and beer on Friday night this wouldn't be a life style change. I figure 4 and a half good days is better then 7 bad days. I also try to fit in the early morning spinning classes Saturday and Sunday to off set my weekends.
  • wolfehound22
    I think this happens to everyone, theres no school or work, u sleep in, u dont feel like cooking, there is so much food just laying around, and u binge dont beat yourself up. Ive had plenty of those weekends, the key is just limiting them to a few instead of every weekend. Try to improve on one day first, allow Sat to be your cheat day, just try and maintain your portions, and then Sunday get mack into the groove, maybe add exercise in on Sunday, but force yourself to have a normal day. And thenas you improve bring Sat around. Ive had plenty of success while maintaing a Sat cheat day, but it will slow your progress.

    I know its tough, but its all in the learning process on how to treat your body, and get to your end goal. Ya u messed up, well thats in the past, this is a life time change and u will have these stumbiling points. U just need to get to a point where u stumble less and less. Keep your workouts going strong, and slowly work on the diet.

    U can do itn
  • TanyaCurtis
    TanyaCurtis Posts: 630
    Honey, u know I do!! I have been bingeing on weekends and all weekend too. That totally screws the rest of the week up for me, and I end up bingeing all week too!!!!! Urgggg, where's my self control?! I feel so frustrated and out of control most days! Hopefully I can do better, yesterday was the best day in a loooooong time, and it still wasn't as low as I ideally would like, but whatever, lets just never give up, and we will do this forsure;) Love u chick!
  • hopefloatsup
    hopefloatsup Posts: 207 Member
    This happens to me too! In fact, it was my kiddos birthday this weekend, so we took him out for Pizza & had cake & ice cream (although I made a lower cal cake). I refused to feel guilty about it all weekend but now I'm afraid to weigh myself in fear that I gained. I love hearing these stories though. It's nice to know you're not the only one. I am convincing myself that "it's ok" to have a set back. Set backs don't mean failure. :-)
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Hey guys. I have no idea what happened but I started going to the gym more than doing my at- home workout routines and I seem to be doing worse as far as weight loss and muscle gain. Now I am totally worried that i'm going to lose all faith. I have committed to working out 5 times this week. But what always happens is that I get to the weekend and I feel as though I was good all week so I should be able to treat myself. Then I over do it.... ;( what is wrong with my self control?
    Does anyone else have this weekend monster problem too?
    Feel free to add me I could use some actual support rather than just compulsive adders ;)

    Just a couple thoughts on your post:
    1. You are a person, not a pet.....why does food have to be a "treat"?
    2. Why is eating healthy being "good"?

    If you move away from the mindset that you are being "good" or "bad" and indulging in unhealthy food is treating yourself.....maybe you will be able to make a more sustainable change.
  • hopefloatsup
    hopefloatsup Posts: 207 Member
    Just a couple thoughts on your post:
    1. You are a person, not a pet.....why does food have to be a "treat"?
    2. Why is eating healthy being "good"?

    If you move away from the mindset that you are being "good" or "bad" and indulging in unhealthy food is treating yourself.....maybe you will be able to make a more sustainable change.

    THANK YOU for this! That seems to be the biggest hurdle to get over for me too! I think it has to do a lot with people saying "are you dieting?". It gets into my head, and I stray away from the fact that this is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE! I have to keep reminding myself and asking myself "is this something I can stick with long term? or do I need to find an alternative?" That, to me is the hardest part of this journey.