New && looking for some supportive friends!


Hey friends! Just started this handy tool & am looking for some motivating supporters to help me when im in a rut/emotionally eating/ etc ! lol. i will of course provide support ! a little about me - im 24, i need to lose hmm about 30-40 lbs! i have a beautiful 3 year old son, and to be quite honest, i cannot say NO to food especially sweets! ugh . Talk to you all soon! :)


  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    Welcome!! Please feel free to add me.

    I :heart: MFP and am always looking for friends to support & be supportive.
  • Rebecca_Evans1
    Hey there - welcome! :flowerforyou:

    You can add me if you want! I'm 29 - 30 this year - and have a 9 year old daughter. I gained all my weight because I drove everywhere, I ate the wrong foods and didn't recognise that to be successful at achieving my goals I have to make changes to my lifestyle rather than do fad diets etc.

    I am here to support and encourage you on your journey.

    Good luck! :happy:
  • UnderConstructionLuis
    Hey there! Good to have you on mfp. I think you'll really enjoy it on here. I'm all about motivatin, support and encouragement along the way. Heck, we are all here for the same reasons, right? Anyway, enjoy the day. I'm sending a friend request now.
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    I always welcome new friends! Feel free to add me.
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Hey, welcome to the community! There are some great people floating around here, very helpful :)

    Shall send you a friend request now - any other newbies feel free to add me :)
  • latinabubbles
    you're going to LOVE it here. Lots of great friends and wonderful support!
  • trollydollymolly
    trollydollymolly Posts: 107 Member
    Welcome!!! Please feel free to add me too!
  • RileeMarie
    RileeMarie Posts: 113
    3 weeks of a newbie as well, please add me I too need the emotional support.. Welcome
  • ukjake3
    ukjake3 Posts: 13 Member
    You are more than welcome to add me as well. I've been on here a few months & absolutely love it. Lost over 30 lbs so far & this site keeps me motivated more than I've ever been.
  • tishajo
    tishajo Posts: 146 Member
    Add me if you wish. My goal is also around 30lbs. We can motivate each other. :)
  • dhansen88
    dhansen88 Posts: 22
    awww thank you everyone! going to add all of you now :)
    a little bit about my whole situation - i work a desk job (yippee) ... i do pretty good during the day i pack a nice little lunch and leave my debit card at home! NOW...after work is where the problem lies! I get so hungry all i want to do is eat, even when im not hungry i am still raiding the cabinet! my boyfriend is a huge motivation but when he leaves for a bit i am right in the kitchen tearing everything up! and i just got a gym membership so i have been working out, but to see no results because of my night time attacks makes it extremely discouraging! :(
    plus ... the weekends appear to kill all my hard work i have done that week when i go out with friends & have a drink, or 2, or 3....
  • AnnaK812
    AnnaK812 Posts: 48 Member
    Feel free to add me! I've been on MFP since November and am FINALLY starting to get the hang of it and see results! I'm 25, have a 5 year old daughter and work a desk job's hard to make it allll work and lose weight at the same time! But you can do it!!!
  • redmichelle67
    redmichelle67 Posts: 49 Member
    an ways use new friends ...I'll add ya
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Aprill20
    Aprill20 Posts: 48 Member
    Like you - I work a desk job and actually eat fairly well at work but the weekends are killer.

    You can do this! I have been at it 6 weeks and it's getting a little easier as I see the pounds come off.
  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 231 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm 28, mom of two, and nighttime snacking was a HUGE issue for me. Not the eating at night part (because that isn't necessarily a bad thing), but because I would eat little throughout the day and then gorge myself at night without even thinking about what I was putting in my mouth. Now I try to balance it as much as I can, and those nighttime cravings have really dwindled down to practically nothing.
  • jillwaller10
    jillwaller10 Posts: 17 Member
    You can add me!(: I'm an afternoon snacker. It's bad.
  • SimplyAllys
    You sound like me!! I'm 22 with a 1.5 year old and a 7 month old. I love them dearly but I gained all my weight from the pregnancies, especially since they were so close together. Not only that but I can not resist any sweets that come my way. I've been going to the gym, more regularly now (whenever I can get out that is!!). Trying to watch what I eat and count calories, but sometimes I slip a teeny bit! Oopsies...
    I need to lose about 25 more pounds to be happy. 30-35 would be amazing. Hoping to add yoga and Zumba classes to my fitness routine soon too!
  • helenmc40
    helenmc40 Posts: 117 Member
    Feel free to add me! I am also new (on my 2nd week) and I love MFP and the people on it! Good luck!