so confused Help

KAK68 Posts: 51 Member
I am just starting this up again hopefully for the last time. I just need some basic advice. I get so confused on some of the foods. I drink at least one glass of 1% milk a day- well in my opinion this has alot of sugar - do I really need to worry about this kind of sugar for my end of the day count. Also the same with sugars in fruit- I know everyone says don't worry about those but hate seeing that red sugar count at the end of the day- getting close to just not tracking sugar but then afraid I would go overboard- lol! Also I hear alot not to worry about protein- I'm usually pretty good at keeping this in track but if we have pork steak or steak for dinner then it can become a problem and also cottage cheese which I would love to eat everyday but does have a lot of protein in it. So, should I just concentrate on keeping my calories, carbs and fats under control and not worry so much on sugar and protein. Just would like some advice from someone that understands this more than I do. Thanks so much.


  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Here's the advice I share with a lot of new folks on here:

    How does MFP work? For me:

    1. Eat clean
    2. Meet your calorie goals, don't fall below them
    3. Set your goals to lose 1lb/week unless otherwise advised by a doctor
    4. Log every bite--if you are tasting during cooking chew gum or just log each taste.
    5. Keep your routine varied, try something new: Zumba, martial arts, body combat, Tai Chi, power yoga...keep your body confused and your mind from getting bored.

    I reached my goals in September. I also read Everyday Food magazine (makes it easier to log--nutrition info included),, and Whole Living Magazine. You can get free recipes on all of their websites.
  • KAK68
    KAK68 Posts: 51 Member
    thanks- I have been logging all my food and have stayed within my calorie count- do you eat your calories you burn in exercise? I've been about 50/50 on that. I'm not comfortable with the calories they add for my exercise - I need to get my polar back out- I trust that more.
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    thanks- I have been logging all my food and have stayed within my calorie count- do you eat your calories you burn in exercise? I've been about 50/50 on that. I'm not comfortable with the calories they add for my exercise - I need to get my polar back out- I trust that more.

    I never eat back the calories I burn.
    I'd rather let my body fuel itself from my fat then directly from the calories I ingested that day.
    I only eat when I feel hungry. I don't eat more calories for the sake of eating because I burned calories that day.
    Plus, I found MFP is too generous when it comes to listing calories burned for many of the exercises.

    It took about 3 weeks for my stomach to shrink to a size small enough to feel full at a 1250 calorie diet. During that time I only did moderate exercise: walking my dog twice a day. I joined a bootcamp class this week. I found that I wasn't hungrier than usual on the days that I had an intensive workout (345cal burned), so I didn't consume the calories back.
  • CharityEaton
    Don't track the sugar unless you have been told to do so by a doctor! It was totally stressing me out to see that red number everyday.
    If you eat a lot of fruit you will go over before lunchtime! If I make a fruit smoothie with a banana for brakfast I'm over on sugar! It's just not worth it to me! When I fisrt started MFP I was using fruit as a way to stop snacking on all the processed junk food sugar so I was waaaay over but it was FRUIT!
    I stopped tracking it. Instead I track sodium and my iron. Iron is one thing that most women are very low on and they don't even realize it.
    Also, the protein is the one item you WANT to be red every day! If you are working out and using your muscles every day you need to feed them, that's what the protein does! Plus, protein will keep you full longer. The MFP setting for protein is pretty low by most people's standards so don't stress about it being over.....try to MAKE it over every day!

    You will not lose all control of your sugar if you stop tracking it, as long as you make good choices. I choose to eat chocolate every day so I know I'm over on sugar, but I measure out my chocolate and that is that. When it is gone, no more! How you FEEL is a far better judgement then some of the numbers yu are tracking on here!

    Good luck to you! Don't let those red numbers drive you crazy. Track the ones that make you feel in control and slowly work on those pesky red numbers later!
  • KAK68
    KAK68 Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks everyone- I'm to the point that I don't worry about my protein so much and sugar I just subtract my fruit and milk and make sure I stay under from there. I don't eat all my exercise calories but some of them I do some days. Right now I am exercising 5 times a week at about 40 mins a day then I eat really good during the week but need to work on my weekend eating- not eating over my calories but just not eating the right food. Baby steps I guess- just know I am doing better than I was before I started exercising so can't be all that bad.