New around these parts

Hi all,

I'm 'the new guy' :wink:

Three years back I had a job that involved lots of physical exercise, walking all day, lifting heavy stuff and generally being busy. Not to mention the 30+ minutes bike ride to and from work. Then I got my master's degree and got a job that is sedentary, in fact - the most exercise I get is when I stand up to walk to the coffee machine. It's not doing wonders for my shape and I'm getting fed up with my love handles and manboobs (for which, incidentally, I've been bullied ever since I was a kid :embarassed: ).

I've got modest targets (want to take off about 8-10kgs but knowing myself it's going to be a long stretch. I love food and I love eating, not to mention the occasional beer (or, two, or.. more :drinker: ) but at almost 32 I need to get my stuff straight if I don't want things to get out of hand in a few more years of predominantly sedentary living....

I've read a number of topics and I'm amazed at the progress and determination people show. It's really motivating and I'm sure I can lose weight, too :smile:

Sooo... Let's get this weight off of me then :ohwell:


  • Pedalist
    Pedalist Posts: 8
    35 year old bloke here, also new to all of this! Best of luck on your journey, I'm sure you'll do fine.

    Feel free to friend me for mutual support.
  • GeneveSparkles
    GeneveSparkles Posts: 283 Member
    I"m on MFP daily, feel free to add me for support, ideas, motivation etc. Good luck!
  • hvergelmir
    Thanks for the kind words and the support!

    I take it you love cycling ;) I've been planning to get my old racer bike out from storage and start some touring when the weather gets better. I used to love making 30-40 mile treks.
  • hvergelmir
    I"m on MFP daily, feel free to add me for support, ideas, motivation etc. Good luck!

    Thanks! I've already lost 1 kg, I need to keep it up (repeats this 1000 times) :)
  • albali
    albali Posts: 225 Member
    I have been on here for 10 months and logged every day. I am not a 'hardcore' exerciser, but I regularly run and do Zumba as well as other bits like rowing and cycling. I have lost 41lb and am looking to lose the last 10 by the summer. Add me if you want motivation and support!
  • mdawson2112
    mdawson2112 Posts: 26 Member
    As one of those sweating, obese 40-somethings around here, good luck and next time you might want to be a little more sensitive when you post things like that.
  • AbiLee1976
    Hi. I'm on here loads. Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • kaq3353
    kaq3353 Posts: 5
    New to MFP just joined today!!! Any ideas or help would love it!!!
  • hvergelmir
    As one of those sweating, obese 40-somethings around here, good luck and next time you might want to be a little more sensitive when you post things like that.

    Whoops. Didn't want to tread on any toes there. I'm sorry - what I was trying to say was that I want to take control now because in the long run it's only going to get harder.
  • mdawson2112
    mdawson2112 Posts: 26 Member
    I understand what you meant. Just remember we are all here for the same reason. A lot of us have spent there whole lives hearing things like that. Here of all places you want to be sensitive to people's feelings.

    I do sincerly wish you luck!
  • Generalle
    Generalle Posts: 201 Member
    I'm pretty much at the maintenance stage now, just trying to work on getting more body fat on.
    Have been on here for around 4 months, and it's been the best tool ever!!!
    Feel free to add me :smile:
  • hvergelmir
    I understand what you meant. Just remember we are all here for the same reason. A lot of us have spent there whole lives hearing things like that. Here of all places you want to be sensitive to people's feelings.

    I do sincerly wish you luck!

    Thanks for the heads up. And thanks for wishing me luck - I wish you the same! :)