Should I be taking supplements? Please help!

First a little about me... I'm 25 years old, 5' 8" tall and currently weighing about 215. My goal is to get down to about 170. I have a bit more muscle packed on than the average person because I played football and wrestling in high school. My goal now is to get real lean and improve my mobility and flexibility. I have been taking Thai kickboxing (Muay Thai) for almost a year now and was wondering if the high-impact nature of the sport should be taken into consideration. I'm just wondering if it is recommended for me to take any supplements. I'm currently taking a men's multi-vitamin, and fish oil capsules. I was also taking some whey protein but I'm not sure if it's doing me any benefit. Will the protein cause me to pack on muscles? Because I'm not looking for any more muscle gains at the moment. I'd like to hear what other members have had success with or if I should just go the natural route and not consider taking any supplements. Thanks for the help!


  • kaiser90
    kaiser90 Posts: 29
    definitely keep up the muay thai
    can you jog on your days off? great way to lose calories

    the easiest way to look at how to lose weight is:
    your daily calories needed + excess calories = weight gain
    daily calories needed -- excess calories = weight loss
    daily calories needed + 0 calories= same weight

    you just have to try to figure out how many calories you are eating each day for a week or so
    determine from that whether you are losing or gaining weight

    keeping the muscle is the tricky part, wouldnt know too much about that
  • harebearva
    harebearva Posts: 216 Member
    The multi and fish oil is fine although you can get all you need from good balanced nutrition. Often times, multis and omegas are recommended for those unable to maintain healthy food choices or for those who have health issues that create a micronutrient difficiency. They whey is a matter of choice, but If your eating a calorie deficit, your not likely to gain much in muscle. The whey is useful if you have trouble eating enough protein daily to maintain muscle mass while dieting but it isn't necessary if your eating a good diet.