Master Cleanse



  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Why would you want to do this?

    It doesn't help weight loss. It can hurt your body.

    You may lose in the beginning however you will gain it all back as soon as you stop. Unless there is a medical reason (given by a qualified doctor) for a cleanse or detox it is harmful and not healthy to do so.

    When fed healthy foods, exercised and given enough water your body will naturally detox and cleanse itself. There are no toxins that magically get stored in your body.
  • SusanRenee35
    SusanRenee35 Posts: 182 Member
    bump to read later :)
  • zafferFL
    zafferFL Posts: 402
    Your body conatins the organs and chemical processes needed to cleanse and detox. It doesn't need help.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I wouldn't do this - my body already knows how to "cleanse" itself. I've read articles that said doing this can throw off the natural balance in your intestines and actually cause more harm than good. So, I'd be careful doing it. What's wrong with letting our bodies work the way they're supposed to? As long as you are going to the bathroom - you're cleansing stuff from your system.
  • I have tried it and lost 10 pounds in 10 days! It was awesome. However, once I stopped I gained the 10 x2 more. I did not have a regular eating pattern. I gradually went back to eating but once I was back on solids it was over. It seemed as if my stomach grew and I could not stop eating. The cleanse does not teach or train how to eat afterwards. So my body had nothing to get use to as far as portion control. :smile:
  • Riyam
    Riyam Posts: 25
    Thanks everyone.

    I've got a fair amount of pros and cons and to conclude whether it'll be positive, I'll give it a try myself this "spring" break.

    Will report back.