can you convert number of steps to miles/kilometers?

I am fairly new to MFP and am looking for some advice...

I am doing my first ever run in June and want to work up to 8kilometers, I have a pedometer so does anyone know how I calculate/average steps to distance easily.

Thanks for any help


  • newtattie
    newtattie Posts: 47 Member
    So suprised no-one knows anything about this?
  • kristy6ward
    kristy6ward Posts: 332 Member
    Depending on stride, there is about 2000 steps to a mile. Easiest way to find out if that is true for you: walk a measured mile and see how many steps it took you.
  • newtattie
    newtattie Posts: 47 Member
    thankyou - gives me a good start to work with.