Help, please

Mt30 Posts: 1
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
Ok I am a teen and I am 5'6 weighing 131lbs. I'm confused . I am dieting because I feel like I could weigh atleast 10 or 15 pounds less. I am active most days. I am a member of our highschool basketball and soccer teams. My question is... When I go on a diet I usually eat 3 small meals a day and none of them include meat. Last time I dieted I got dehydrated and was to weak to even get up. What should I do different. My account is tellin me my calories are to low. Is what I'm doing healthy? If not what is the healthy way?? And healthy foods?


  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    my dear, the body NEEDS protein! Plain and simple. I can't tell you what to do different (besides drink more water), but you should make sure you don't overdo it, 10 lbs means a VERY small deficit (yes, you DO need to eat enough to lose weight!), and make sure you get your healthy fats and lean proteins as well, don't go thinking that all you need is 3 field green and cucumber salads a day, that's a sure way to fail miserably (not that I know whether that's what you are doing or not but...)
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Don't think of it as a diet, that's the first thing. Diets are temporary fixes, and once you stop doing it you will probably gain it all back. Think of it as a healthy change, one to keep up with. Pay careful attention to what you eat and how much of it. Portion control is a big key. Plus lots of grains and vegetables with lean meats like chicken...
  • Sebidian
    Sebidian Posts: 199 Member
    Welcome Mt, First let me note that your stats show you are quite healthy. If you wish to lose a few though, please, please read the posts at the top of the General Diet and Wieght Loss section.
  • pange
    pange Posts: 82
    SHBoss is right, you need to eat calories to burn calories. As an athlete, you need more protein than the average person, so eat a lot of poultry, fish, lean beef, egg whites, etc. If you eat too few calories, your body will think it's being starved and will try to horde all the calories it can. Eat plenty of calories, just make sure they're the right calories, rich in whole grains, vegetables, fruit, and lean meats.
  • kkerns1
    kkerns1 Posts: 2
    to completly repeat what everyone is saying... you need calories... your body requires healthy fats, carbs and proteins to function. proteins are really important because your athletic because they replenish your muscles, and prevent them from atrophy. also i'm sure your doing alot of cardio so eating carbs is as important as protein. but most importantly you should not judge your body souly by what you weigh... you most likely have more muscle than other girls your age because you are an athlete. you should really be going by your fat percentages and your size rather than your weight on a scale.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Drink lots of water and use MFP to keep track of your calories and exercise. You're active, so you need to make sure you're getting enough calories or your body will hold onto every little bit of fat that it can. You need protein, so if you're not eating meat, make sure you're getting your protein in other ways- do some Googling on vegetarian protein sources to get ideas.

    Don't starve yourself! Set your weight loss goal for 1/2 pound a week, and make sure you eat enough! :)
  • beckythebunny122
    beckythebunny122 Posts: 55 Member
    Wait, wait - you don't have to eat meat to eat protein. There are alternatives out there if you don't like meat for some reason. Try things like beans with rice, boca or soy alternatives. There are some great websites on vegan/vegatarian eating, like or

    But you do need to have some protein, especially if you are active. Try talking to your coaches about nutrition - they might have some good ideas.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Eat at least as many calories as MFP recommends. It doesn't matter if you eat meat or not ... just eat!
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