Veggie & Fruit shakes

I am looking for some shakes that I can incorporate into my diet that will have servings of veggies and fruits. BUT, I really want it to taste good. I looked at some of the cleansing shakes online, and while they look interesting, I am unsure of how they taste. If it doesn't taste good, I won't drink. So, I thought I would ask real people on here if they would willing to share some recipes with me. TIA!


  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    I don't have a recipe... But, I did pick up some of that "Bolthouse Farms, Green Goodness" smoothie in the bottle. And its pretty darn good. Its by the produce sections in the grocery store. There is another brand that makes a similar smoothie in the bottle, thats right next to it, in the display. It does have fruits and veggies in it. Green apple, pears, kiwi, and beets, & other veggies. I think spinach and kales in there. You can't really taste the veggies in it. Its pretty good. I think its 130 cals for 8 oz. You should check it out. Its green, if your one who can get past that. It tastes way better than it looks... Sometimes I put 1 scoop of Chia Seed in there. Good Luck... Let us know if you find something you like. :wink:
  • I use shakeology in my diet. They have chocolate, greenberry and tropical. They taste great especially when you mix fruit with them. It has all the nutritional value you need and it's only 150 calories!

    Check it out:
  • azzreana04
    azzreana04 Posts: 4 Member
    I have been doing a lot of 'green' smoothies. They sound scary but they are truly delicious and you can't taste the 'greens'. A site that I love is Incredible Smoothies.