Broken embarrassing stuff!!!



  • sspetter
    sspetter Posts: 20 Member
    This is the funniest post. Thanks, you all have made my day.
  • kerrymh
    kerrymh Posts: 912 Member
    Oh I broke a chair at our Xmas work party one year...not even one of those flimsy plastic ones..that was embarrassing....
  • Meg177
    Meg177 Posts: 215 Member
    That's the difference between a man and a woman. A man thinks jeezzz this is a piece of crap. A woman thinks something is wrong with her. Spend the dollars to get a good seat (that's one of the important ones:). Something comfortable, easy to clean that will look nice in the bathroom. Honestly, my cat could break some of those.
  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
    They need to make sturdier toilet seats . . . . I'm just saying. And while they're at it, if they could make a stability ball that doesn't sink like a beanbag chair when I get on, that would be greeeeaaat! :grumble:

    Totally agree! Watch out for outdoor resin chairs, too. If they've been left out in the weather for too long they get brittle. :bigsmile:

    OOPS~ I sit on these VERY carefully....not pretty when one explodes!!
  • When I was in high school, I was in a class and was leaning on the back legs of a chair. They were metal legs and a plastic seat. The legs bent all the way back and I ended up on the floor! Horrified I laughed it all off and everyone s******ed and made their fat jokes. I thought it was all over then later on that day, the broken bent up chair was left outside the faculty lounge door for the care-taker to fix. So every student that walked through the main corridor that day found out what happened to the chair. :(

    This also happened to me twice in high school.
    I have also broken 2 plastic garden chairs at parties. I avoid them now :/ Haha!
  • i said s n i g g e r e d :/ as in laughed....
  • Dawn200321
    Dawn200321 Posts: 64 Member
    My bed mattress is all squished down. When I was pregnant I got pretty heavy and it the springs got that I have lost weight Im getting a new bed! lol
  • repubgurl
    repubgurl Posts: 105
    Exercise ball. One minute I was doing sit-ups on my exercise ball the next my back was crashing to the hard floor. It's a pretty rotten feeling breaking workout equipment because you're so fat.
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    I broke a chair once! We were all eating dinner at my Mom's house and next thing you know POW! I'm on the floor looking up at everyone! Granted, the chair was 30 some odd years old, and kind of creaky but STILL! I'm glad I was surrounded by my own family though or I would have been so embarrassed! We CRACKED UP! I still laugh about it til this day :-)
  • You guys are cracking me up.:laugh:
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    yeh, never be embarrassed to admit REAL LIFE...everybody puts their pants on one leg at a time. And I'm almost positive that aliens are fatter than us.

    I always think that saying about pants is funny. me, hubby, the kids, we all get our pants on the same way. both legs in at the same time.. we sit on the edge of the bed, put both feet in, tip backward with our feet in the air, pull them on. jump up and shimmie our butts into them. is this weird???

    re: breaking stuff, I've only snapped buttons off my back pockets by scraping door frames.
  • mwcraig34
    mwcraig34 Posts: 359 Member
    I'm a 300lbs plus monster! I have broken my fair share of things. Chairs plastic and folding, lawn furniture, trampolines, tables, toilet seats, couches, bikes, golf carts, office chairs (the one I'm currently sitting in), you name it and it has buckled under me at some point! But you really do start to be able to judge what you can and can not sit on!
  • natashamcn
    natashamcn Posts: 145 Member
    I don't think mine was due to weight ( I was approx 135-140lbs) but I was walking on a side walk in my brand spanking new sexy boots when suddenly the heel totally broke off. One minute I felt pretty damn hot and the next I felt like an idiot as I hobbled quickly to my car hoping not to be seen. LOL!
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    I can count two toilet seats broken, one was really old and plastic and the other was one of those cheapo plastic cushioned ones with plastic hinges with a hole so small because of the padding you felt like you were peeing/pooping into a tin can. I complained to my mother but she insisted on replacing it with another padded seat. Thank god I don't live there anymore.

    I also broke my dad's 20 yr old lazy boy, but it was so old and worn the bolt inside had come unscrewed and when i flopped into it the bar came undone underneath, that was easily fixed, but everyone still blamed me for breaking the chair lol.
  • Erinslove
    Erinslove Posts: 139
    Ok, this story isn't about me but it's way too funny not to share. One of my good friends since high school is a big guy. We were at the softball fields and he was walking on the wooden bleachers when *blam* suddenly he falls through and his waist up is sticking out through the broken planks. Fast forward a couple of years. We are at my house having a b-b-q. We are sitting in a circle of chairs and he is regaling us (he is a hilarious guy and great story teller) with the story of his shameful fall through the bleachers - and I am seriously not making up this spot on comedic timing - as he is in the middle of his "fell through the bleachers" story his chair breaks and he crashes to the ground. Funniest. Thing. Ever!
  • hollyberry2012
    hollyberry2012 Posts: 239 Member
    ROFL That is too funny!!! :laugh:
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    I was at an event and sat down on a reception type of chair and the leg bent right under, but I was 135 pounds at the time?

    I also sort of broke a doctors chair last week, the round rolling sort, and am now 145? The seat just plumb out dropped

    At home I sit on a laundry basket, the plastic sort and I broke one once
  • I don't think it's just you. My toilet seat keeps coming off the hinges also. Wow, I thought it was just me. Good to know I'm not alone :)
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    My husband has experienced furniture collapsing under him several times when he was almost 300lbs. Now, he's 220 and he doesn't have that problem any more. Most furniture and ladders and things are rated for 250lbs, so if you are above that, you might experience the limitations of it's structure.

    Most of the time, I didn't mind inspecting the quality of things a little closer for my hubs, but there was one time when we were still in college that a lecture hall row of seats fell apart while we were sitting and I think that was pretty embarrassing. We just laughed it off and moved to the next row. The seats were old, but they still should have been able to hold us up. We were the only two on the row, so it was bound to happen sooner or later, whether or not it was us that sat down.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    i said s n i g g e r e d :/ as in laughed....

    Do you mean "snickered?" Please tell me that's what you meant to say....