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Oh MY word... *sigh*



  • Hey there,

    I recently started the 30 Day Shred and I got through 10 minutes and was completely wiped! It's hard but I'm gonna keep pushing myself. I also bought Bob Harper's Inside Out Method, that one was actually a little easier and I did the full 25 minutes and didn't have to take a break. You're doing well and just remember, baby steps!
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    Adamb83 has the right words! You can and will do this. It is just a matter of going at your pace. Sometimes relax when she moves on... breath (no matter what she says)... then try the next exercise and go at your own pace... try a little of each you can get to... then the next day try a little more.

    I was exactly the same when I started 30DS -- and I had been doing the Leslie Sansone Walk At Home DVDs for at least 2 months before trying that one!
  • fatgirlzrule2
    fatgirlzrule2 Posts: 162 Member
    You WILL definitely be able to do this! You just have to take it one day at a time. When I first started all I could do was sit in a chair and row with 2 lb weights for no more a total of 10 minutes. Now I do over a half hour of zumba and a half hour of biking, and it's only been 101 days for me.
    Just don't give up!! It will get easier, and you will be able to go longer.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    First, stop calling yourself names. You deserve better than that.

    Second, I almost died my first day of the shred, and I'm not that overweight. Start with something lower impact, like walking. Build your distance, jump on an elliptical, swim, gradually increasing the time and the difficulty. Two months ago I could barely do 10 minutes on the easiest level of the Arc Trainer. Now I can do 40-60 mins on level 6.

    Third, start strength training. Not barbie weights, but heavy lifting (heavy for you). "New rules of lifting for women" is a great program.

    Fourth, eat healthy.

    Fifth, be patient. It took you more than a week to gain the weight, so don't go in expecting to lose it in a week.
  • Don't feel bad. It's not easy at all. You will see results in endurance before you know it. And if it was easy, then one of the girls in 30DS wouldn't cheat on one of the moves. (Hint - It's Natalie doing the lunges w/bicep curls move)
  • akiramezu
    akiramezu Posts: 278
    with that atitutde? no
    if you keep working hard and telling yourself you can do it, no matter how much it sucks? yes\
    it's simple as that
  • OK, 6 weeks ago I was walking at a fast pace and thinking I was going to fall out. Today I jogged for 14 minutes.....straight. I have asthma and am about 35 pounds overweight for my height (5'3). I never would have believed it 6 weeks ago. As everyone has said, just start slowly and work your way up; keep at it 4-5 days a week and you will surprise yourself. The most important thing of all is DON'T GIVE UP!!!
  • What you need to realize is that you are actually doing someting. Going from a slug to Jullian Michaels over night is a pretty big move. Do it every day, keep the video in and take as many breaks as you need to (Jullian will say something different). You can do this. Also, maybe find a beginner work out video. They are out there. Every day just push yourself a little harder, even five seconds. Soon you'll be doing the 30 minutes in your sleep.


    I agree here. I have been doing the 30 DS for 12 days now, love it by the way but just take your time. As long as you are moving you will burn calories. Take breaks whenever you need to but stick with it. In just 12 days I have lost 1 1/2 inches off my waist and hips. It works just take your time. Good luck and dont give up!
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    I'm 100% sure I'm too out of shape to do the 30DS, and may never get to try it if I learn that the rumors are true that people with bad knees would be wise to make a different workout routine choice. I'm starting out with my Wii and doing what I can, every day. I do some activity daily, and right now they're admittedly light. Wii golf (Tiger Woods PGA 2012) makes me sweat, if that tells you anything.

    I got Walk It Out and I can do 30 minutes of walking in time to music. It's a lot more fun than I would have believed. I got Gold's Gym Dance Workout, but cannot keep up with it just yet. I can do about 20 min. of the cardio boxing but I can't do any additional activity the day I do that one. I can go about 10 miles in 30 min. on the stationary bike, which I do two to three times a week in addition to the Wii games.

    So don't feel bad - feel empowered. You're doing something that isn't easy! Take each day as it comes and know that you are in better shape than some, not as good as others. Every day you will improve if you don't allow yourself to get discouraged enough to quit.
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    I'm doing the ripped in 30. I only managed to do the first half. But everyday I kept doing it and eventually i got through the whole workout. I'm pretty sure by the time I'm done it will be a Ripped in 90. LOL
  • You're such a ROCK STAR for even STARTING down this road!!! For every one of you out there there's hundreds that don't lift a finger to take care of themselves, so cut yourself some slack!

    It's gonna be hard at first. It's supposed to be. Just keep on taking breaks, make sure you're enjoying yourself while you're sweating (not too much, though! :)), and keep at it! You'll do great!
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,385 Member
    Just remember, Jillian is the devil and you’ll do great.
  • G30Grrl
    G30Grrl Posts: 377 Member
    Oh honey, I totally understand how you feel. I thought Jillian was going to kill me! You know how it's suggested that you spend 10 days on each level? I spent over a month on level 1, because I didn't want to move to level 2 until I could do all of level 1, and that's how long it took. But gradually, I noticed that I could do a little more each time, and I felt a little less like dying each time.

    This is hard work, yes. And it is not going to happen overnight. Neither did getting as overweight and out of shape as we got. But the short-term suffering of getting back into shape is NOTHING compared to the long-term suffering of NOT getting back into shape.

    You can do this. We all can. We just need to make the decision to do it, and then follow through, come hell or high water. Now let's do this, ok?
  • madameduffay
    madameduffay Posts: 166 Member
    Well, from what I hear, JM's videos are hardly your typical beginner videos, so cut yourself some slack.

    The funny thing is, and I'm sure A LOT of people will back me up here, is that you will be amazed at how fast you start to get stronger when you first start. Give it a few more tries and soon you will not only finish the video but going up in weights. The small victories (a little faster/longer on the treadmill, upping the weights, kicking higher, etc.) tend to happen pretty fast.

    It will happen. Just give yourself some time.
  • gogidget
    gogidget Posts: 70 Member
    Oh, please don't be so hard in yourself. My goodness, you have already lost 25lbs! Awesome! Perhaps 30 day shred is not a good video for you to start out with. Another MFP member suggested a great website where you can find variius types of workouts(and watch snipits of the actual videos) to suit your level: http://www.collagevideo.com/exercise-videos/walking-style-videos-140. I love the Leslie Sansone Walking videos, and really look forward to them. Although the weight is coming off slowly, the inches are coming off a lot faster and I feel so energized. Good Luck. You are doing great:smile:
  • Just remember, Jillian is the devil and you’ll do great.

    ^^^ Okay, THIS made me laugh out loud. I think I can handle THAT! :)

    Seriously to ALL of you,
    Thank you for the encouragement. i don't know WHY I didn't think to just leave it playing, take it easy and just keep going when/how I could. I thought it had to be all or nothing. (I'm very much that way in all areas... *eyeroll*)

    I appreciate your support and motivation so much! I will do more tomorrow, and more the next day, and so on... thanks SO much again... :)
  • angied80
    angied80 Posts: 713 Member
    You got this. I workout like crazy and the first Phase is even hard for ME! Just keep at it and do it at your pace! Take longer than a week to get the first phase down if need be. Once YOU are ready then move on to phase 2. You got this! Keep your chin up!
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    chauncyrenayCHANGED Posts: 788 Member
    When I first started doing workout videos, I could only do 15 minutes of Zumba. Now I can go an hour. Keep going. You'll get there!
  • kailajames
    kailajames Posts: 2 Member
    you can do it!!! the first few times you will be exericsing will possibly be the hardest. Especially if you havent exercised much previously. Even if you go for a walk around the block, its still more than sitting on the couch. Dont be too hard on yourself, belive in yourself and what you can achieve and set small goals for yourself. Like going for a walk 3 times this week, then 4 next week etc. Or being able to finish the warm up and half of the workout dvd, building up slowly.

    The biggest muscle involved in exercising is the brain, and will power is also like a muscle the more you use it to not eat those biscuits or to walk that bit further the stronger it will become.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Firstly, you are doing great. Secondly, you are lapping everybody who is still on the couch. Don't give up on yourself. I did the 30ds and I wanted to punch Jillian in the face every second of every workout. She is a sadistic alien, here to sweat us all to death.