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weight going up

Istartedthisplan last weekand my weightisgoing up not down:( it seems I have gained a lb maybe 2 .I was following sw and fancied a change tso decided this site was brill and id give it a go.i have been exercising every day as well ,day 5 off the 30 day shred and aslo beendoing wii danceandwalking somedays for an houror more. I am wondering if I am eating more now that i was on sw or too many carbs or something not sure :(


  • demrymccoy
    You should take measurements. I know at one point I was discouraged because I had only lost one pound in an entire month but I had lost 7 inches! so it may just be your body converting fat to muscle.
  • harebearva
    harebearva Posts: 216 Member
    If your eating close to maintenance and exercising everyday the weight can actually go up. exercise causes micro trauma to the muscle tissue. Muscles repair themselves by drawing fluid into them to allow them to repair themselves thus retaining a bit of water. Muscle soreness can indicator of this. If you've ever experienced DOMs, (delayed onset muscle soreness ) it's soreness that turns up usually 12-24 hours after exercise, when the muscles are repairing. Just watch your measurements as demry indicated. Hope this helps
  • mummytobeslim
    mummytobeslim Posts: 367 Member
    Thank you will stick with it .I have been doing more exercise over the last week so this maybe the cause .I have gone from not doing much exercise at all to exercising for last 7 days
  • tksnehal
    tksnehal Posts: 1
    IT was my problem too. I am not very regular to workouts. But, I always watched what I am eating. Two weeks back my scale showed as if I lost 8lbs. I did not do much workouts for 2 weeks, but watched what I ate. I gained 6.6 lbs. I was upset for my regularity and weight gain. So, I started my journey again where I was at 3 months ago. Inspite of watching what I ate, I still gain. May be it is due to not being regular to workouts. Don't giveup, we all can loose weight. It is possible by being regular. Do not look for immediate results, but long term results and a life style changes. I mean, this is what I tell myself!
  • mummytobeslim
    mummytobeslim Posts: 367 Member
    thank you just gonna stick with it se ehow it goes over the next week or so