Struggling To Be Thin ...

For 4 years of my life I've been going on crazy diets . Started off starving myself ; I would lose 20lbs within a 2 week frame time . After , I went out of that phase , I just started exercising so much I'd pass out . Now , I gained all my weight back .. I went from 139 to 166 within 2 months . I eat when I'm bored , and I can't stop the cravings . So I tried drinking ginger ale when I get hungry . To help soothe my stomach for me not eating . And I also switched my diet to eating only organic and healthy foods . I'm eating everything a healthy diet consist of . Although I don't drink more than a cup of water a day , because I hate drinking water ... I try to exercise 2-3 times a week . What am I doing wrong , because I can't seem to lose any weight now ...?


  • sssygirl
    sssygirl Posts: 55 Member
    Make sure you log all your calories, it might take a few weeks, but you will see what and how much you are eating.

    Stop the dieting and focus on healthy options and portions/calories.
    Also make sure you are strength training a couple times a week.

    Drink water...if you hate water..add something to it like crystal light.

    Best of luck!
  • wolfehound22
    Well quite a few things actually.

    First the whole starving thing, probably the worst thing you can do. If you actually dropped 20 pounds in 2 weeks, that is super unhealthy, and probably why u gained the weight back so fast. Eating that low puts your bdy in starvation mode, and can actually hinder your weight loss. So first thing would be to increase your calories. Second u have to drink water, 1 cup just wn't cut it, try flavor water at the very least, but u really need it.

    You need to listen to your body, if its hungry that mans you need to eat, starving t is only going to make things worse, and your workouts will be ineffective. It seems like you have the workouts under control, so work on getting your cals up, just make sure they are healthy.

    Feel free to add me if your looking for motivation
  • FungusTrooper
    FungusTrooper Posts: 227 Member
    Yeah, the site really does work. Log what you eat, try as hard as you can to drink enough water (like someone else said, mix stuff with it if you want to mask the taste) and within a few weeks you'll notice a difference, as long as you stay true to your goals.
  • heidiwebs
    heidiwebs Posts: 82 Member
    Give your body time to settle into the healthy eating. Log everything you eat, all the little extras really add up. Drink, drink, drink...Crystal light or lemon in your water are great options. Exercise, but don't push yourself too hard because you'll quit. Your metabolism is probably out of wack a little bit, so give it all time to settle in and I bet within a few weeks the weight will start to disappear. Be good to your body and it will reward you!! Good luck!
  • runnerwithin
    ginger ale has A TON of calories in it, and for that same amount of calories you could probably eat a snack (and if you're drinking diet, the artificial sugar causes water retention and severely hinders weight loss.) and you need to drink water, especially if your working out. try mixing half water half lemonade and slowly decrease the lemonade, before you know it you will be drinking water! or you can try adding fruit to it, i personally love lemon water, but you might like peach, mango, pineapple(that is my sisters favorite) just make sure you're adding actual fruit not canned b/c of the syrup etc.
  • karengroovy
    karengroovy Posts: 16 Member
    My naturopathic dr told me that herbal (decaffeinated) tea counts towards my water for the day. If you think herbal teas smell better than they taste, or simply don't taste at all, then try Tazo -- they make some incredibly yummy caffeine-free flavors - the Wild Sweet Orange is my favorite, and next is the Passion. I do drink a lot of water, but I also drink about 4 cups of Tazo a day - it's seriously good.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    losing weight isn't really that hard, it's just about being patient and consistent.

    you need to drink water, just point black period, you have to, it's life, it's what your body is mostly made of (a percentage anyway)
    you can add lemon or lime to it if you want flavor

    eat when you're hungry and make good choices when you do

    dairy, nuts, whole grains, lean meats, fruits, veggies

    eat treats in moderation, portion out servings
    don't starve yourself

    be positive.

    be patient,
  • Maxingtonbear
    Maxingtonbear Posts: 47 Member
    I recently started logging my food & exercise on here (about 2 weeks ago). I had been a member for a while, but was convinced that it would be too much of a pain to log my food. I was positive that it wasn't necessary!
    Well, guess what? It REALLY does work! :D I'm still learning new things every day, but this site is phenomenal.
    As for water, I always detested drinking it. I finally decided that I needed to get over it & just drink it. What I've found that works best! Drink it through a straw or out if a sports bottle. Really, it helps me a TON!
    Tons of luck to you!
  • BlackDhalia413
    i drink diet ginger ale .
  • BlackDhalia413
    thank you all for the support and the advice , i'll keep it in mind.