starting my insanity workout! help needed



  • Antigone
    Antigone Posts: 70 Member
    I started my second week today and want to know how you guys are logging Insanity on mfp??

    I log it as cardio and enter what my heart rate monitor shows for calories burned.
  • DomenF
    DomenF Posts: 2 Member
    I started my second week today and want to know how you guys are logging Insanity on mfp??

    I log it as cardio and enter what my heart rate monitor shows for calories burned.

    I just chose aerobic - high impact 30 min. I don't know if that is right ... so if anyone knows exactly what to chose pls tell me :)
  • lacijaie
    lacijaie Posts: 2 Member
    I just finished my 1st workout of Week 2 a little bit ago. It's crazy, but it already seems like I have improved since the first week. I am bound and determined to stick with insanity and get the results I have seen so many others achieve. I got through about 3 weeks this summer when multiple vacations/work/excuses got in the way, and I don't want to let that happen again... plus I want to FINALLY be able to wear a swimsuit and feel comfortable this summer. I am 5'2" and last time I looked at the scale it said 149...that's a little too much extra cushion for my liking! My goal would be to lose 10-15 lbs this round of insanity, but if the scale doesn't drop and the fat is replaced with muscle and lost inches, I will be just as happy. After all, the scale doesn't tell the whole story! Any help and motivation throughout these next few weeks of insanity would be greatly appreciated! Feel free to add me.
  • BrenB150
    BrenB150 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi everyone.. I am on day 9 tomorrow.. I love insanity.. LOVE IT! Feel free to add me .. Love the support from others doing the program as well.. Today is my first day i am upping my calories to 1700 and kind of following the diet plan.. I need to make sure i am fueling my body properly.. Good luck all..
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member

    Push yourself but don't be afraid to take breaks when you need it. Even those in the video have to stop once in a while. Just try to keep the breaks a short as possible and get back into it.
  • swall0810
    swall0810 Posts: 148 Member
    Hi! I just did day 1 of week 4 today! I love it and I have seen major results so far! Add me if you like, I have a blog on a few of the days =)
  • shannonbrandy
    shannonbrandy Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I started Insanity last Monday and even though the workouts are killer and I can't keep up with everything yet, I've seen a major improvement in my ability in just a week. No weight loss yet but it's a no brainer that will come soon considering all the sweating that takes place! Add me so we can motivate each other and share stuff! :) And good luck to everyone!
  • Hi! I'm on Week 3 of Insanity and I LOVE it! I actually took nearly 2 weeks off to travel, so I just picked up where I left off. Definitely add me!
  • Erica-
    I did P90X last spring and I was very intimidated at first but I found that it did get easier and the workouts were easy to follow and complete. The time commitment was the hardest part for me--not the actual workouts. Good luck!!!
  • Geez,

    I hadn't heard of the insanity workout until now. It sounds very effective albeit scary. I might just try it ou!!

    **edited by MFP moderator** - please, no links to promotional websites
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    I just did day 2 of the final week of Insanity today. It's a fantastic workout that never fails to kick my @$$ but I'm burned out and looking forward to taking a rest next week (I still workout in the gym or run at lunch), maybe because I do it at 5:30 am or maybe because I'm doing 2 a day. Or maybe because the freaking workout is INSANE! :wink:

    I've had fantastic results, lost almost 10 lbs and gained a lot of strength and cardio endurance. I haven't taken measurements since I started so I don't know how many inches I've lost but I'm down 1 pants size. I'm in my first week of half marathon training so that's gonna take priority, after the race I'm planning to do the Insanity program again.

    Anyone - feel free to add me.
  • delco714
    delco714 Posts: 229
    just finished day 8 of insanity! add me :)
  • jppd47
    jppd47 Posts: 737 Member
    Did insanity with a group of friends about a year ago or so. Was wonderfully hard. So worth it. Now I do days of it here and there.

    Good Luck

    "Core tight!"
  • GoMizzou99
    GoMizzou99 Posts: 512 Member
    A few hints...

    Go every other day for a spell, then add a day. etc. You will be sore at first.

    Also do NOT try to keep up with the 20 year old hard bodies in the DVD. Go at your own pace.

    You might gain 2 or 3 pounds at first (very common...muscle building) but you do lose inches. I am now down 5 pounds 41 days into it.

    If you can't do an exercise, do something else at your own pace...but DO SOMETHING.

    And - Lastly -

    Get a Heart Rate Monitor (HRM) with a chest strap and use it Polar FT4 - or many chain sporting goods stores). When Shaun T tells you to recover, get your heart rate down. Super Important!

    Good luck.
  • I started yesterday only i am doing 3 day shred! Good luck...I'll add you!
  • amerie711
    amerie711 Posts: 3 Member
    I just started week 4!! I had a baby nearly 8 weeks ago. I'm hoping to lose the rest of my baby weight to b in my friends wedding. I want to start jogging more but am worried about doing too much and getting burnt out. I jog about twice a week. Very easy pace for 35 mins. Looking to give and get support. I'm new to myfitnesspal
  • I just started Insanity and finding some of the exercises really tough!! Determined to get through the programme though and trying to do alternative moves if I can't do something! Previously completed p90x before having a baby but now need to get rid of those pregnancy pounds. Would love to do a p90x/insanity hybrid. Feel free to add me I'm new to all this.
  • 4Nori2
    4Nori2 Posts: 4 Member
    I finally got up the courage to buy the DVD :tongue: I'm on Week 1 Day 6 and haven't really been following the meal plan... I calculated everything like the Elite Nutrition Guide told me but it seems like too many calories to eat in a day compared to what the MFP calorie count is telling me. I'm confused :cry: which calorie count should I follow to lose weight???
    CHBLISS Posts: 4 Member
    I am on week 6 I can definately feel the higher intensity of the second month. I love the burn but ouch the side stuff( side suicide, side planks, side pushups) kill me not sure my body is made to bend that way:sad: well wish me luck powering sorely on.:happy:
    oh yah also was thinking it would be great if insanity workouts were listed under exercise
  • soul_sista88
    soul_sista88 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm also doing Insanity. My only problem is that I need to try to do it everyday.