Hey new friends!

Hello all,

My name is Mike, and I just wanted to say hey! I just came across myfitnesspal a couple days ago and I already love it. I started losing weight about a year ago and I was at a whopping 415 pounds, just ridiculous. Fortunately I have gotten down to 330, but it is certainly getting tougher and tougher, which is where friends come in!

I'm 20 years old, and I go to school in Wilmington, NC, which is a beach area so it sucks being in this area and really not getting to use it for everything I'd like.

Anyway, please add me if you'd like, especially if you are in similar situations!



  • mdamrow
    mdamrow Posts: 92 Member
    I'm not in a similar situation. I'm in my 30s and have a wonderful son. I'm always interested in supportive friends, so I'm sending a friend request
  • newlife888
    newlife888 Posts: 83 Member
    Hey Mike,

    Not in a similar situation but I am motivated to lose and maintain the weight so I'll be around. Just sent a friend request.
  • Hi mike. I am new too. Started today. I love fitness pal so far. I can relate to you. I lost 122 lbs. I was so close to my goal and then during my wedding planning I lost all self control and gained 20 lbs back. I get so frustrated because I always get so close to my goal but the weight is much harder to get off that I end up giving up for a while. I am hoping to get to my goal by the summer. July 7th is my two year anniversary and I would like to be at or near my goal I wish you tons of success. Melissa
  • Ladybug921
    Ladybug921 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Mike!

    That is quite the achievement! I'm impressed and inspired. I have about 100lbs to lose and it is much easier with a cheering squad behind you :)
    Add me up!
  • not in an incredibly similar situation, but everyone on mfp has a similar goal :)

    plus, my friends aren't seeming very supportive right now :( expanding my network!
  • mezzy11
    mezzy11 Posts: 41 Member
    Well done Mike!! You seem to be really motivated already-good for you! You will certainly love the support & motivation from others on this site. Whether you need to lose a little or a lot, we can all help eachother. Sending you a request all the way from Australia :)
  • tabatham1982
    tabatham1982 Posts: 68 Member
    Great job losing as much weight as you already have!!! I know how being in a beach area (I live in VA) and not getting to use it can be! But keep up the good work!
  • heeytheresunshine
    heeytheresunshine Posts: 33 Member
    Welcome Mike! And congrats on the weight lost(: Good luck!
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    welcome to mfp :) I was in sort of the same sitch in college (minus the beach), but ended up just gaining more. MFP has been wonderful though :) Good luck! (feel free to add if ya want some new friends :))