Differences between men and women

just out of curiousity what are yalls thoughts on this?

men seem to lose weight much easier than women and I understand part of that is body composition, but do you think the averages mans mentality plays into it?

Do men view weight loss differently?

Do things women in particular do that make it harder for them to lose weight?

Are men as ashamed of their size as women?


  • hapoo100
    hapoo100 Posts: 940 Member
    mentality-not sure mentality makes a difference
    view of weight loss- most guys i know played some sports at some time so getting into shape is kinda familiar to us
    women- not sure why it seems harder
    men ashamed- when we get to certain point, shame can be involved, yes.
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    i guess my thoughts on mentality is a lot of women seem to be all or nothing and one mistake leads to binging triggered by guilt, do men have this diet oops binge cycle?
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    lol, I think you should take a bio class, men just will lose weight quicker than women b/c our bodies are different, not b/c we don't work just as hard, it's just a fact. I think we eat our emotions more than men do though.
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    lol, I think you should take a bio class, men just will lose weight quicker than women b/c our bodies are different, not b/c we don't work just as hard, it's just a fact. I think we eat our emotions more than men do though.

    That was a bit rude, if you look through my posts you might find my job is making people lose weight and know full well the biological differences, I was asking more cultural gender differences
  • hapoo100
    hapoo100 Posts: 940 Member
    I tend to see more women on here admit to emotional eating than men do. Admit is the key word.
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    I also notice more women on here than men in general? Are there stats on gender ratios on this site?
  • elcieloesazul
    elcieloesazul Posts: 448 Member
    Women carry more weight AND body fat--we "have" to to be able to carry children. Going along with that, it's easier for men to build muscle.
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Men to carry more muscle mass.... one reason why they can lose better than us women can for the most part. More muscle = more weight loss.

    I don't think most men see weight and the number on the scale as important as women do. The way the media is maybe, the way our minds work ... who knows.
  • hapoo100
    hapoo100 Posts: 940 Member
    Men to carry more muscle mass.... one reason why they can lose better than us women can for the most part. More muscle = more weight loss.

    I don't think most men see weight and the number on the scale as important as women do. The way the media is maybe, the way our minds work ... who knows.

    think she is right, scale isnt really important. we tend to know our range and if we are near it, its all good.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    lol, I think you should take a bio class, men just will lose weight quicker than women b/c our bodies are different, not b/c we don't work just as hard, it's just a fact. I think we eat our emotions more than men do though.

    That was a bit rude, if you look through my posts you might find my job is making people lose weight and know full well the biological differences, I was asking more cultural gender differences

    I wasn't trying for rude, sorry it came off that way.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Interesting post!

    I'm not sure if it's possible to quantify mental differences but I'm sure there are some. To do a horribly broad brushstroke, men I think tend to be a little more divorced from the way they look to others than most women are. Perhaps that helps a little... I think men have more of a tendency to shrug off things like plateaus without emotionally investing in them as much. Ugh, those are awful stereotypes though and I feel like a jerk writing them.

    And (hope I don't start a crapstorm here) women's menstrual cycles *have* to make it harder to diet. I know if I felt like crap on a measurable timetable every month I would eat my way into oblivion.

    Physiologically I think it's mostly just a situation of muscle:adipose ratio. Women just structurally have more adipose for reproductive reasons, and men's generally higher muscle mass typically means slightly faster metabolisms.
  • LonnieMyrons
    My wife complains about this topic BIG TIME !! She thinks it is different for men. But the truth is ... I have eaten emotionally, I have had cyles of binge-ing, I have felt shameful of my weight at times to.

    Bottom line: ...... It is still the same for both genders. In order to lose weight, We have to do the same things that the women do.
    make the necessary lifestyle changes, modify our eating habits and break the depression cycle by getting up and start moving. Doing the right things brings me success and that success inspires me to keep it up.

    We definately are not always on the same emotional page but one thing that has helped us this time around is that we are doing this together.
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    Ive never really over eaten at my time of the month but when I see the scale go up at times 5 pounds (last week mhmm) it definitily can be discouraging, sometimes I react by working out more, sometimes I give up, especially if I dont realise what cuased it
  • ladyfingers39
    I think it's two things, men have more muscle mass and tend to be less emotional about things.

    Women have more fat and we are emotional creatures, we tend to carry the burden of motherhood different than men carry fatherhood (in most cases anyway). I know us moms get mommy guilt etc and if we work on top of that we tend to have more stress. I'm basically speaking for myself.

    My husband lost 170 pounds and he says in the end it's 90% MENTAL. LOSING WEIGHT IS A MIND GAME.

    I'm trying to build muscle in my brain. hehe
  • boggsmeister
    boggsmeister Posts: 292 Member
    My fiance is losing weight faster than I am. I think she has her calories set up a little more aggressive than I do though.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    just out of curiousity what are yalls thoughts on this?

    men seem to lose weight much easier than women and I understand part of that is body composition, but do you think the averages mans mentality plays into it?

    Do men view weight loss differently?

    Do things women in particular do that make it harder for them to lose weight?

    Are men as ashamed of their size as women?

    I think there's a lot of propaganda out there that is just plain incorrect and can limit the success of some women, but that is changing. I see more women lifting heavy now than I have in the past, and though waiting for the squat rack is a pain in the butt it's a welcome change. I also think (and this is a huge generalization) it is more acceptable for a man to really push themselves in a workout. It annoys me because I think a woman truly digging deep in her workout is one of the sexiest things there is, I love that my fiancee is willing to work hard even though it's "unladylike".

    Men do generally have higher BMR's than women, but I think that mentality plays into it a LOT.

    As for self image, I have a lot problems with my size. I would probably have more issues if I were a woman because of just how large I am, but I don't think being overweight is 'easy' for either gender.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    From what I've noticed, in general life with people who want to lose weight:
    It seems that men go about it through exercising, hitting the gym hard. Women go about it through mostly dieting.
    That's just my observations.