When I reach my UGW.....



  • duetwithjosh
    I haven't gone clothes shopping in months, as I felt like getting clothes for my new size would be admitting defeat. As a result, the very few clothing items that I could stretch to fit me are well worn. When I reach my UGW, I'm looking forward to getting rid of *everything* and buying myself an entirely new wardrobe!
  • VeganPanda
    VeganPanda Posts: 582 Member
    Once I reach my UGW of 125, I want to:

    -be able to run for a long distance and have great endurance
    -look slamming and tight in a bikini!
    -get my belly button pierced
    -wear leggings as pants without looking stupid
    -fit in at my favorite punk bar in cool clothes

    and many others...
  • VeganPanda
    VeganPanda Posts: 582 Member
    I haven't gone clothes shopping in months, as I felt like getting clothes for my new size would be admitting defeat. As a result, the very few clothing items that I could stretch to fit me are well worn. When I reach my UGW, I'm looking forward to getting rid of *everything* and buying myself an entirely new wardrobe!

    And this!
  • FoxyPhoenixRising
    FoxyPhoenixRising Posts: 26 Member
    I want to feel confident at all times, not just when I spend hours on my hair and makeup = D

    I second this. A whole bunch! :wink:
  • peachied
    peachied Posts: 117 Member
    I will go clothes shopping! And not just buy a few items of clothing here and there, I will buy bags and bags of clothes, so much so that it will seem like an outtake of Clueless! Whoo!

    ...man, I should probably start saving up for that...

    Epic shopping trip will be epic.
  • peachied
    peachied Posts: 117 Member
    oh! Also, I would like to feel like I am not stomping while I walk. I hope to take lighter, more graceful steps.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    I'm pretty much there...but I am working towards running a marathon...and wearing a super hot Halloween costume this year!!!

    ...last year was my first year being able to wear shorts...and it was super sweet!

    good luck everyone!
  • gtunlimited
    gtunlimited Posts: 60 Member
    The day when I look in the mirror and I finally see my lower two abs (got visible top four and lines down the side if lowers. Pretty good going from 96kg to 62) and having someone else notice. It'll all be worth it.
  • sharibob3
    sharibob3 Posts: 180
    When I get to my UGW, I will be treating myself to a new pair of boobies.. :-)
  • emmalecras
    emmalecras Posts: 79 Member
    It is going to take some time to get there but I would love to be able to walk into a "normal" clothes shop and be able to buy whatever I want and know that I will find something that fits!!
  • Claire594
    Claire594 Posts: 357 Member
    Nearly everyone one I read I thought to myself I want too LOL. Mine is to wear a knee length dress and to be able to wear skinny jeans and knee high boots.

    Good luck everyone.
  • bigaussiebloke
    bigaussiebloke Posts: 257 Member
    I am going on a trip to the USA......
  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    I second all the shorts wearing, bikini confidence and new wardrobe buying comments.

    My husband is working up to lifting the weight I was when we were married and when I get there and he can lift that comfortably he's going to carry me over the threshold (we were married in 2008)

    I will be ready for baby #2

    Buy lingerie and schedule a burlesque photo shoot and give the pictures to my husband for our anniversary.

    I want a pair of boots that come over my calves! (my calves are too big to just go to the store and buy them) So I can wear them over a pair of tightish jeans.
  • TiredOfBeingFAT130
    I think I am the crazy lady here... I wear shorts-even with stretch marks behind my knees... if it's hot, I'm going to be comfortable! And I wear tank tops with my flabby stretch-marked arms, too. I wear bathing suits without problem also. I guess I truly don't care about what people think.
    HOWEVER... there are thing I can't physically do that I look forward to. Not sure when they will happen, but it should be even before I am at my UGW.
    *I want a pair of Uggs. This past Fall/Winter, my calfs are too big and I don't like the short ones.
    *I want to wear cute torn up jeans. I have a pair that fit, but jeans never look good on me... my stomach is huge and my thighs and butt are just big. So when pants fit my belly, they are baggy on my butt and thighs... which doesn't make the thigh-ripped jeans look very cute!!!
    *I would like to wear a sundress this summer. Usually, I have a hard time with dresses because of the size of my stomach vs the rest of my body.

    This is the first year that I am really hoping my husbands work has a Summer BBQ! By Summer, I will still be very much overweight, but, I would like to think I will be confident in going :)
  • Hev_uk
    Hev_uk Posts: 82 Member
    It won't be my UGW but my main target is to buy a ball dress for my grad ball in June that I actually like. I probably still won't be happy with my size but I'd like to wear something I like and for people to notice I've lost weight!
  • mdj1501
    mdj1501 Posts: 392 Member
    When I reach my UGW I'm going to try to dress more feminine with things such as skirts and dresses.

    I'm just a regular t-shirt and jeans kind of girl

    That sounds like me... I would love to wear some skirts and dresses without my thighs rubbing together!!!:embarassed:
  • audreygumm
    Hoping when I reach my UGW that I can stand in front of my partner completely naked for the first time since we have been together (6 years) without the fear that he will vomit and leave me :(

    I'll get there.. physically.. I think mentally its going to take a lot longer though :(

    anywho.. YAY for losing weight

    Oh hun, Don't think that way!!! I'm pretty sure he loves you just the way you are. Be proud of who you are and what you have, it could be worse. And yes I do believe that it is harder to make yourself believe you are not fat after losing a lot of weight, then losing the weight itself. Just think positive!!!!
  • audreygumm
    When I get to my UGW I will be getting a tummy tuck, and boob job. Then I will be buying a whole new wardrobe that will make me feel even better about myself. Then go on a nice long vacation somewhere on a beach where I can wear a bikini and look hot in it!! Someday, Just hopefully very soon. I'm done feeling and looking the way I am!!!! UGH!!
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    I love tailored clothes, and my reward for reaching my goal is a whole new wardrobe. Well, I did some serious shopping over the weekend. And today at work I am wearing a pencil skirt with the blouse TUCKED IN!! And both are size 6!! I could not be happier with the results. :bigsmile:

    On a fitness level, I want to be able to hike down to the floor of the Grand Canyon and back with my hubby. We are going to be taking some camping/hiking vacations starting next month, and I can't wait! Hopefully, we will be able to complete our BIG hike before next fall.
  • jenniejoy07
    jenniejoy07 Posts: 78 Member
    I am looking forward to wearing American Eagle jeans. I am currently a size 22/24, and AE jeans only go up to 18. I have a pair of size 18s as motivation!!!

    AE jeans are my fave :) I worked at AE for 3 years in undergrad.