Going over the recommended fat intake amount?

lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I seem to be right on in the calorie dept, but it seems I keep going over my recommended fat intake for the day by 5-15 fat grams. I know if that happened now and then that it wouldn't be a big deal, but it seems to be happening pretty often which may explain stalling out at a 6lbs loss.

I feel like a lot of my fat intake is coming from protein. I typically eat an egg scrambled in the morning w/ a slice of whole grain bread and a smear of butter, plus some fresh fruit. Lunch is usually a salad w/ veggies, protein (like grilled chicken or egg or tuna), plus an oil/vinegar dressing. For dinner it's more protein (lean steak, salmon or another meaty fish, chicken breast), plus veggies and a small side salad. I usually limit myself to one sweet treat a day like a mini Dove Dark or two w/ some almonds.

So I guess what I'm just looking for is.... YES! Eating those extra fat grams each day will keep you from losing more weight! Then I guess I just have the hard job of figuring out how to lower my fat intake and yet still keeping up my calories/protein.


  • fraiseroja
    fraiseroja Posts: 215 Member
    One very simple thing you can do is switch your regular egg in the morning to egg beaters. It cuts out a ton of fat and gives more protein. You really can't tell the difference. I gave my burly dad egg beaters and he thought he was eating real eggs :laugh: They are much easier to store as well.
  • crysania
    crysania Posts: 1
    cut out the egg and get egg beaters, an egg substitute made with real eggs that tastes pretty much the same. zero fat, and like 30-60 calories per serving and the cholesterol is way better too. just read the package and it will tell you the differences in that vs the egg and you will be amazed. i substitute anything that requires eggs with egg beaters now and it is much healthier.
  • fraiseroja
    fraiseroja Posts: 215 Member
    We must have been typing at the same time :) Oh, I just checked and 1/4 cup of egg beaters is 0 fat and 1/4 cup of real eggs is 6 grams. There you go :wink:
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    I am doing that too. My husband and I decided to try Alli since most of the fats I get are from chicken breasts, and my cheese sticks. Gotta have one a day, or I feel deprived! lol
    So far, so good, but I've only been using it for two days.
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    I could switch to eggbeaters, but I won't. I eat rather clean real food and the eggs are from an organic Amish farmer and they are hands down the most amazing eggs I have ever tasted in my life. In fact, store bought eggs will never do again.

    It appears I may just have to make cuts to things somewhere else in my diet. Eating clean is pretty important to me. Thx!
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    I could switch to eggbeaters, but I won't. I eat rather clean real food and the eggs are from an organic Amish farmer and they are hands down the most amazing eggs I have ever tasted in my life. In fact, store bought eggs will never do again.

    It appears I may just have to make cuts to things somewhere else in my diet. Eating clean is pretty important to me. Thx!
  • mappy
    mappy Posts: 31 Member
    Try to look up the fat grams in an item BEFORE you eat it. Butter, nuts, regular oily salad dressings, ice cream all contain too much fat. Although nuts are good for you, they still contain A LOT of fat. Eat them sparingly.
  • In egg all the fat comes from the egg yolk. Skip the egg yolk. You can never eat more than one a day anyways. All the protein comes form the egg white. And I would suggest you eat less meat (smaller portion) if you're eating meat for both lunch and dinner (those fats are coming from sat sources, really not that great). Don't do that every day. Try eating more fats that come from plants (mono-unsat variety). Eat more protein from plant sources (nuts, legumes). They don't have as much fat as meat protein sources. And I would try not to eat too much meat in the first place even the lean variety. Basically mix up your fat and protein sources. =)
  • blakgarnet
    blakgarnet Posts: 343
    you could continue to use the eggs you like, but cut out some of the yolks - that's where the majority of the fat and cholesterol is. I'd do 1 whole egg and 2 egg whites if you make a 3 egg scramble. Keeps the flavor and the clean food you love but cuts some of the fat.
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    Thanks for the thoughts on beans and such Margaret. That's great! I had completely forgotten about adding in more beans, especially to salads or as a main part of dinner. I think I'm going to forgo the salad, protein & oil based dressing at lunch too and switch to some natural low-fat greek yogurt w/ fruit & homemade granola, especially w/ blueberries & raspberries now in season! YUM!
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Might I suggest something a little different? Perhaps Try switching up your condiments? Instead of butter try salsa or ketchup on eggs and toast, Instead of salad dressing (which usually has loads of fat) try making your own, with vinegar, fresh herbs and a smidge of olive oil. Other than maybe the nuts, I don't really think you're food choices contain too much fat at all, I think its just the condiments that are pushing you over :)
  • Just a thought....I'm always mainly concerned with the bad fats (Saturated Fats), and I keep them below the allowed amount daily. I do take flax oil and cook with olive oil, almonds are good too....this is all monosaturated fats, which are healthy for you. So, although my fat intake 'appears' high....my saturated fats are VERY low.
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