Anyone here with lots of food allergies?

Hi Everyone.

I have lots of food allergies and sometimes find it challenging to rotate my diet sufficiently. I find if I eat the same food all the time, I develop and allergy to it. For example, in my twenties I used to exercise like crazy and ate wheat pasta all the time. Well, it did not take long to develop an allergy to wheat. This has happened with lots of other foods too. So I am currently allergic to: wheat, corn, oats, barley, soy, cow dairy, peanuts (and related legumes like garbanzos), dates, limes, and a few other ones. I am however, not allergic to any meats yet so I eat a lot of chicken because it's great protein, inexpensive, and taste good. Fish is my favorite, but to get good fish here in the US it costs quit a bit, so I do not have fish too frequently, perhaps twice a week.



  • brendasnz1
    brendasnz1 Posts: 11 Member
    I am vegetarian (no meat, fish, seafood or chicken) and I have Coeliacs Disease which means I can't eat anything with wheat or Gluten.

    I does limit my food choices and sometimes it can be a real struggle (& excuse!) but I cook meat everyday for my husband and son and love cooking, so I think it's important to take as much time out to look after yourself as you do others.

    Planning is key!