Emotions suck sometimes

I am so emotionally drained..... My best friend told me she thinks we shouldn't talk anymore and I feel like i've been hit by a bus. So naturally, I turn to my comfort, food.... I hate it but I don't know how to fix it... suggestions please?



  • NicolettetheGreek
    NicolettetheGreek Posts: 246 Member
    Walk away from the kitchen..just take steps back..

    Do you know your "friend" doesn't want to talk to you anymore?

    Did you ask why?

    Maybe she just needs a break.

    But whatever you do, be selfish. Meaning, be good to yourself. Br your own best friend. Don't lose out on the weight loss you have

    done by emotionally eating. I know it's easy, 'cuz I do it too.

    Friend me and message me if you need someone to confide in who will look at things objectively

    God Bless You!

  • chippy83
    chippy83 Posts: 92 Member
    1.) Try talking with your friend about it. I'd imagine it's "sudden" to you, but not to her. I've been in your shoes before and it sucks!

    2.) Journal-- either pen and paper or typing it all out. It's amazing how it cleanses the brain!

    3.) Cry and cry some more.

    4.) Take a hot shower.

    5.) Drink tea.

    6.) Entertain yourself with a favorite movie, music, or book.

    7.) Reach out to other friends and family.

    8.) If things don't turn around with your friendship, recognize the good parts/person, and let go of the bad. It's a loss so there will be a grieving process.
  • Have you ever read any Geneen Roth books? I love her book When Food is Love...whenever I've had a bad day and turned to food I like to just pick a chapter to read. I hope you can find it somewhere, or one of her books.
  • wyvett
    wyvett Posts: 1 Member
    Stacey....All of us have gone through similar situations. YOu have to remain positive. Perhaps this is a good thing in that God is looking out for you and perhaps you two need a break from each other in order to continue on your journey as well as your friend. It may be an opportunity to branch out and find new friends and dwell on you. Be strong, stay positive....."and this too shall pass."