Any Atkins dieters on here?!?

I am on my third day of the Atkins diet, and was wondering if there was anyone else on MFP going it also. If so i would like to help you out with succeeding, and you help me out as well, add me as a friend and we can do it together!!


  • it is not a well accepted diet and should never be used long may want to consider healthier options like the old fashioned fat and calorie cutting
  • manda1028
    manda1028 Posts: 148
    some people do abuse eating atkins or low carb yeah, but there are others of us who eat lean meats, veggies, cheeses, salads, the difference is we dont eat white flour, sugars, or even starches.. i did that same thing on low cal for a year...except we use full fat salad dressings. everything is still in moderation. i dont see whats wrong with how certain people on atkins eat. not like everyone is consuming sticks of butter, bacon and other fatty meats on a daily basis. to be honest, i feel better eating this way. maybe TMI but i skipped two periods eating low cal.. it freaked me out and i slowly gained 3-4 more lbs than i had weighed when i started on here. i finally found out what i needed and i consider this way of eating vs how i ate before a lot cleaner of a diet and i am proud of what i have cut out of my low cal diet just because it was in my calorie range -- thats for sure! so , u cant judge someone who says theyre on atkins of eating unhealthy. and we do exercise.. its not a well accepted diet by a lot of people , that is true.. but neither is wearing ugly *kitten* clothes.. but everyone has a different opinion, and in my opinion , if someone feels good in their ugly clothes, let them wear them and be happy doing what theyre doing.
  • ritmeyer
    ritmeyer Posts: 136 Member
    it is not a well accepted diet and should never be used long may want to consider healthier options like the old fashioned fat and calorie cutting

    That is incorrect. Most people think atkins is just eating meat, cheese, eggs and bacon. Totally false. I thought this as well. Then I studied the diet and "low carb". It's eating healthy fats, meat MAINLY LEAN, and tons of veggies and fruit, as well as healthy whole grains. The idea is to slowly add back different carbs ie, ww breads, pastas, etc; to find out what your maintance level is.

    My best advise is to drink a ton of water and really measure out food. People tend to overdo it on the cheese. The first week is hard, detoxing off the sugars and white carbs. I love earting a low carb way of life! I also don't do any of the bars and drinks. I generally stay away from things that are processed. If I want a treat (and I'm very close to my goal), I just make one. Good luck!
  • manda1028
    manda1028 Posts: 148
    thanks :) i figured someone would bash what i had to say. yeah, , i admit i have a shake everyday for breakfast or lunch. am not a fan of eating much processed stuff anymore either.. but they keep me full and have protein and lc. it has not stalled my weight whatsoever and i think it keeps any cravings i have at bay. :)
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    Not an atkins dieter, but I do the primal way of eating (no grains/legumes) and I eat pretty clean and it ends up being similar to the basic premise of atkins. My suggestion for doing atkins is to eat healthy, natural foods and don't bother with the "low carb" products aimed towards atkins and low carbers. They are usually just overly-processed and no better for you than the foods they are trying to replace.

    Don't forget to eat your healthy fats :)
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I :heart: carbs
    I am going to go out on a limb and say, based on the 135 pounds I've shed (and the reduction in my body fat from 56% to 22%), that carbs are not the devil when it comes to weight loss.
  • leah_8303
    leah_8303 Posts: 28 Member
    Im thinking bout trying low carb diet
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    I agree. The perception is high fat heart-attack foods. My Atkins diet is pure fish and green veggies. Nothing fried, No eggs, only egg whites, etc...

    And you are correct about water. Drink plenty, take magnesium (just in case), take plenty of vitamins and workout...
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    I agree. The perception is high fat heart-attack foods. My Atkins diet is pure fish and green veggies. Nothing fried, No eggs, only egg whites, etc...

    And you are correct about water. Drink plenty, take magnesium (just in case), take plenty of vitamins and workout...
    it is not a well accepted diet and should never be used long may want to consider healthier options like the old fashioned fat and calorie cutting

    That is incorrect. Most people think atkins is just eating meat, cheese, eggs and bacon. Totally false. I thought this as well. Then I studied the diet and "low carb". It's eating healthy fats, meat MAINLY LEAN, and tons of veggies and fruit, as well as healthy whole grains. The idea is to slowly add back different carbs ie, ww breads, pastas, etc; to find out what your maintance level is.

    My best advise is to drink a ton of water and really measure out food. People tend to overdo it on the cheese. The first week is hard, detoxing off the sugars and white carbs. I love earting a low carb way of life! I also don't do any of the bars and drinks. I generally stay away from things that are processed. If I want a treat (and I'm very close to my goal), I just make one. Good luck!
  • manda1028
    manda1028 Posts: 148
    I :heart: carbs
    I am going to go out on a limb and say, based on the 135 pounds I've shed (and the reduction in my body fat from 56% to 22%), that carbs are not the devil when it comes to weight loss.

    u did do a wonderful job on ur weight loss, i have seen u from joyce and am proud of u. i struggled with a low calorie diet for a year now. i guess some bodies are different. congratulations to u tho!
  • ocrere
    ocrere Posts: 62 Member
    And I agree, drink lots of water.... I agree with Alex, I do not eat eggs yokes either.
  • ocrere
    ocrere Posts: 62 Member
    you gals are absolutely correct!! I have been on Atkins for a good long while and I have been extremely successful with it-87 pounds.... I actually lost over 100 but gained a little back during the holidays. So now I am focused and back on. Now, I also count calories and I stay at or below 1500 a day. This does force me to make better choices in my meal plan. I eat a lot of salads, lean meats, I grill/bake rather than fry, if I have to fry I use Pan Olive Oil. I do not drink a lot of sugar free products, mostly water. I try not to eat too much red meat- I limit it to about 1 a week. The other times I eat chicken, pork, turkey, or fish(not real crazy about fish). So there are ways to do it safe.... try to use organic meats, fresh veggies, etc- but this can get costly. Good Luck....I added you as a friend!!!
  • Thanks everyone for their replies and ideas, i didnt even realize people wrote on here till someone added me, and noticed they commented on my post, really wish they would give us on here!! I am on Day 5 and going stong! I am just trying to get through this week, eating probably not the best stuff, but not tons of it. I am for sure a bacon lover, that is my weakness, but that every now and again isnt going to kill me. I am more less looking to drop 20 pounds then resume back to my 1200 cal diet, or just sticking with this and evetually adding some fruit and more veggies. I have been in a slump because i havnt had power since Sat due to a a snow storm, couple days i couldnt cook anything, just basically eat what i could that didnt have none to very little carbs is it (now my kids and i are ayt my parents becuase we still dont have any power). I do need to stock up on my frozen veggies, so i can have them with my meats. I havne really prepared myself for it, but i grabbed easy stuff shrimp, bacon, cheese, chicken, pepperoni, and my protein drink to drink after a work out or if i am getting a sweet tooth. As of right now i am pretty sure its working and im losing some weight! :)
  • manda1028
    manda1028 Posts: 148
    yay good for u, we can do it :)
    NICOLED73 Posts: 183
    I lost 45 lbs using Atkins. It took 9 months. I started off with rapid weight loss and as I get closer to my goal (I'm 20-30 lbs away) the weight loss became more difficult.
    I was reluctant to move into phase 4 as I was scared that adding carbs would cause me to gain the weight back.
    Because I didn't move to phase 4, I am now dealing with intestinal issues. We need fiber and whole grains.
    Atkins works well for some ( me included) and not so well for others.
    I am giving it up for good old calorie counting and exercise ( I exercised on Atkins as well).
    I'm scared to death I'm going to gain weight back by allowing the carbs I have avoided for so long. But I'm taking each day as it comes and working into the carbs slowly.
    Good luck!
  • Opheliac_Xx
    Opheliac_Xx Posts: 32 Member
    I'm really thinking about doing Atkins or another low carb plan as my weakness is carbs! I feel like I would be much better off reducing them a lot for weight loss. At the moment they are basically all I eat - eating low carb will most likely give me more variety!
  • penroseg
    penroseg Posts: 53 Member
    Everyone's body works differently. I did the "eat healthy and balanced and count calories" way for 4 weeks. I lost 2 lbs the first day, and then nothing. For 4 weeks. Plus, I really struggled with cravings. Then, I switched to very low carb, increased my healthy fats, and it's working very well, and I feel great! My body doesn't lose well when I eat carbs. That's just me.
    NICOLED73 Posts: 183
    I agree with you penroseeg. I am counting calories and fats more so than the carbs these days. But I still try to stay away from simple carbs/white flour/sweets etc.... I just don't need those in my life!! :)
  • i am looking into doing this .. what kind of food are you guys eating for breakfast etc xx
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I :heart: carbs
    I am going to go out on a limb and say, based on the 135 pounds I've shed (and the reduction in my body fat from 56% to 22%), that carbs are not the devil when it comes to weight loss.

    u did do a wonderful job on ur weight loss, i have seen u from joyce and am proud of u. i struggled with a low calorie diet for a year now. i guess some bodies are different. congratulations to u tho!
    Not low calorie, just nutritious, well-balanced meals and snacks in sensible portions. I don't do starvation. I like food too much for that. :)