Do I have to use machines to do weights?

I'm just checking to make sure my thinking is right on this..

I do Jillian Michaels No Trouble Zones, and Power Sculpt as my "weights" workout a few times a week. There are lots of squats and pushups, etc. Those work the same way as weights do for your body, right? I don't have to go and use machines at the gym everytime do I?


  • isadoraworkman
    isadoraworkman Posts: 205 Member
    I've been doing strength training for nearly a year and haven't used a machine once...hate them! My trainer has me do squats, lunges and free weights...working well for me
  • tvfit
    tvfit Posts: 56 Member
    absolutely not. Look for some good exercises online for variety. Try Shape's and Self Magazine's websites as starters!
  • vstarcher
    vstarcher Posts: 28
    No. My trainer like free weights better because of the free range of motion. You don't get that from machines.
  • punka274
    punka274 Posts: 895
    I don't have to use machines!

    I love Jillians workouts...her no-nonsense approach is awesome!

    Good Luck
  • kookla33
    kookla33 Posts: 234
    Good to know! Thanks for the help on this!