I want to JOG!! Ideas for a beginner :)



  • ZebraGlee78
    ZebraGlee78 Posts: 83 Member
    I used the Nike+ app on my iPhone....so if you have an iPhone, all you need to get is a pair of Nike shoes, but only if they work for your feet, fortunately for me, Nike shoes are the best for my feet. If you don't have an iPhone or don't want Nike shoes, but you do have a smartphone, there are plenty of apps that can still track your run based on GPS. Give those a try. I love being able to look at my past runs and see how I did, and it helps me make goals. Two years ago the most I'd ever run was 2 miles (I'm in the Air Force), and now I've gone as far as 17 miles in 3 hours. I'm not hard core like a lot of people, usually if I want to walk, I'll walk, especially if my knees are hurting. Don't over do it.
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    It has taken me over 3 years to be able to run half marathons. When I began "running" I weighed almost 300 pounds. And like I mentioned in a previous post there is no way that I could have gone to zero running to 30 minutes straight in only 9 weeks. It took me almost 3 months before I could even run a mile without stopping and that was at a 15:00 min pace (which a lot of people can walk faster than that). I feel it sets unrealistic expectations for obese people. And yes, I understand that it is an interval program, however, the intervals are quite long for a beginner runner and the goal of the program is to build you up to 30 minutes of straight running. Again, this was strictly my opinion and I don't expect everyone to agree with it.
    I, personally, HATE the stupid Couch to 5K program and wouldn't recommend it to anyone. My advice is to research marathoner and Olympian, Jeff Galloway',s run/walk interval program. He has a proven program that will take you from non-runner to runner by adding intervals into your runs. This is especially important for beginners who can't run for long periods of time yet. I took 21 minutes off my half marathon time by using the Galloway run/walk method. I recommend that!

    Really, it's "stupid"? Clearly you know nothing about it because it IS a run/walk interval program. The program is designed for nine-weeks but you work at your own pace so you add run intervals as you can handle it.

    Read their message boards and you'll find tens - if not hundreds - of thousands of people who have learned to run with that program. If you're doing half marathons then you are in an entirely different world than those of us who do not know how to run.

    Galloway's program is good and I'm doing it this summer, but it isn't offered everywhere and the Couch to 5k program WORKS, plus you don't need to find a group.
  • sacha_1987
    sacha_1987 Posts: 79 Member
    Sooo much brilliant advice - thank you all, was exactly the motivation I needed!! I am going to look up the Couch to 25k now, and start asap!! :drinker:
  • oceanamy2287
    oceanamy2287 Posts: 19 Member
    It's very funny that you mention this, because I recently felt the same way! I have always tried doing some running intervals, ut found that I just couldn't do it. Until a good friend of mine, told me I needed to slow it down. That would be my advice. Try doing short spurts of 2 or 3 minutes at a really slow pace (I usually do 5.0-5.2 mph). It's amazing how much I want to do now that I don't feel like my lungs are going to explode when I run!

    Rememer, slow and steady wins first place!
  • FTIM2015
    FTIM2015 Posts: 460 Member

    I started jogging/ running recently. Found the best thing was to walk and build up speed to a jog, jog for as long as I could then walk, back to a jog when I felt able, back to walk when I couldnt jog any more and so on.

    My fitness level has improved hugely in a short space of time doing this. I've had huge difficulty getting my breathing right though!

    Good trainers are a must though!! And blister plasters!!!

    Oh and a good sports bra... I'm debating duct tape atm!!!!:laugh:
  • sacha_1987
    sacha_1987 Posts: 79 Member
    I did this last year. Great results!!! Basically, I bought a good pair of running shoes, a sports bra and mapped out some runs around my house by blocking out 1/4 mile increments. I would go out and run as far as I could, then slow to a speed walk until I felt able to run again, then run again. I made sure my running wasn't so fast that I got out of breath, usually my slow downs were due to my legs feeling like they were going to fall off (and starting to stumble a bit). Double checking it at the gym, turns out I run 5.0 mpg which is a 12 min mile.

    With time, I was able to go further before slowing down and I was able to go further altogether. When I started, I had just quit smoking after 34 years of it and was unable to run next door. I had to sit down after each 1/4 mile and rest. Eventually, I was able to go 5k with only a couple of walk rests. It didn't do a lot for my weight, but it did miracles for my shape. My butt and thighs changed shape and how my clothes fit improved a great deal.

    This year I'm doing zumba and kickboxing for my cardio, just as a change of pace. I still run a mile as a warmup on weight lifting days. Ha! A mile used to be my entire workout. Now it's just my warmup. :bigsmile:

    So short answer? Just go do it. There is no secret to starting other than getting out there and doing it.

    This is amazing...so motivational!! :happy:
  • Handbanana06
    Handbanana06 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm using Couch to 5k and I love it, it builds you up gradually and gets you use to running! I am on week five now!
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    So you hate it, but never actually tried it. I see.

    As a person who at one time weighed almost 300 lbs there is no way that I could have followed that program of running for 30 minutes straight in 9 weeks. I think it offers unrealistic expectations for obese people. Yes, I know you can repeat weeks and go as fast or as slow as you need to go, but often people get so frustrated because they feel they're going too slow. Plus, it also could make a person feel defeated if they have to repeat a week. But this is just my opinion.
    I, personally, HATE the stupid Couch to 5K program and wouldn't recommend it to anyone. My advice is to research marathoner and Olympian, Jeff Galloway',s run/walk interval program. He has a proven program that will take you from non-runner to runner by adding intervals into your runs. This is especially important for beginners who can't run for long periods of time yet. I took 21 minutes off my half marathon time by using the Galloway run/walk method. I recommend that!

    What do you hate about it?

    As it is recommended by Health service in the UK it seemed like a sensible one to follow.
  • mbkrol
    mbkrol Posts: 21
    I want to try too...!
  • sacha_1987
    sacha_1987 Posts: 79 Member
    I am starting my THIRD week of Couch to 5K .....and I have never, ever, ever, been athletic or even able to run my whole life. (Im 43. ) So far, I have been able to do the intervals that is instructed to do. Try it......and see what happens! If I can do this....Im going to try a harder goal and push myself for more! : ) Best of luck!

    Amazing!!! I'm definately doing this....We'll see what happens! :flowerforyou:
  • VezNo1
    VezNo1 Posts: 83
    There is an APP for that. Couch to 5k or 10k. They are great and help one go from non-runner to runner is a matter of a couple months. 3 days per week gradually adding more and more time to your running interval. Get good shoes and an APP --- off you go.

    This app is brilliant, I started back in Sept, you can dip in and out. Post times etc to facebook, so all your pals can offer encouragement. I can now run 5/6k without stopping. I can't sing this apps praises any higher, and its cheap get it off Itunes!

    Good luck
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    C25K - Couch to 5 K. I've done it a few times but never got past week 2 (I got scared!!) I started it again last week and started week 2 last night. I am determined to finish it this time. I had to push through last night but I am really concentrating on my form and making sure I am taking longer strides so the time flies by. Just do it.
  • lindamrose
    I used the Couch to 5k (C25K) program on Active.com. You can friend them on facebook to find out more info. I literally went from the couch to running a 5 k comfortably in 6 weeks!
  • ksmorck
    ksmorck Posts: 82 Member
    Good, new shoes.
    Follow Couch to 5 K, if you have a smartphone get the app then go running!
    I was NOT a runner by any stretch of the imagination. These two things have turned me into one ( or at least a slow jogger) and I'm addicted and LOVING it!
  • jeffkim2000
    I started at 255lbs I am at 191 now i started jogging a little while ago now I can jog up to 4 miles I started by walking then just increasing speed a little each couple of days,I hate jogging because everything jiggles and it is hard but pretty soon you will be
    speed walking,then you will be jogging!!! Go for it!!!
  • liljgrafix
    liljgrafix Posts: 177
    Try the couch to 5k program. its great for beginners and gets your heartrate going
  • Erinslove
    Erinslove Posts: 139
    My advice is don't get discouraged if you can only run 2 minutes at 1st. That is normal for beginners. Just keep doing it every day and you will gain stamina and endurance. You might actually start liking it. Many people run/walk/run/walk. I am more likely to run until I can't then walk for awhile. Also, don't worry about how slow you jog - it will still be great for you!
  • RunAmock
    RunAmock Posts: 95 Member
    As everyone has said, C25K is a great program. If you have a smart phone, I highly recommend that you get the APP. It really helped me to complete the program to have an app that beeped when it was time to run, etc. It really simplifies it for you. Additionally, the running shoes are a must. Thirdly, my best advice is a repeat of what I feel has helped me the most: Go slow. When you think you're going too slow, slow down. Start with a shuffle and not much more. Good luck to you. You can do it!!!
  • joannejacob
    I was feeling the same way. What I did was join a Team Challenge, or you could join a Team-in-Training group. They train you to run a specific race, and you help raise funds for the cause. For me it's been helpful because they have experienced runners who help you train and teach you about nutrition and injury prevention. It's also much more motivational to run with a group of people rather than trying to go out alone in your neighborhood. And in my instance, their are as many inexperienced runners as their are those who have been running for awhile. The hardest step is the first one, good luck to you!
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I am starting my THIRD week of Couch to 5K .....and I have never, ever, ever, been athletic or even able to run my whole life. (Im 43. ) So far, I have been able to do the intervals that is instructed to do. Try it......and see what happens! If I can do this....Im going to try a harder goal and push myself for more! : ) Best of luck!

    Amazing!!! I'm definately doing this....We'll see what happens! :flowerforyou:

    If you download the podcasts from the NHS site, you get a trainer, Laura, that talks to you during your walking sections to give you tips too.

    You can download it to your phone, or an MP3 player.

    Good luck. :)