Any other 50ish women struggling?



  • laleepop14
    I will be 49 in October and have 150 lbs to lose. I'm in health care and there isn't anyone I work with who is overweight. I am tired of hearing all their comments about obesity. I know they are right but, I would like to make friends with someone in the same boat who I can encourage and will encourage me also. :smile:
  • grammyholland
    grammyholland Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I am 49 and Just joined yesterday. I too am struggling to loose weight, it use to be fairly easy but not any more. I am glad to see that I am not the only one.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I'm 57, and have a good 60 pounds to lose. Weighing myself everyday, I notice gradual change. I'm averaging a weight loss of about a pound a week. Day-by-day, it often feels like I'm standing still. The new lower number on the scale will fluctuate up and down a bit before I see another loss. Naturally, not weighing myself as often would spare me this grief, but the suspense kills me, so I can't seem to stay off for even one day. Based on my experience since I joined here in October, 2011, I am thinking this weight loss part of my fitness journey will last almost another 2 years. I'm okay with that, when I look back two years--that's hardly any time at all.
  • ElzbthStths
    ElzbthStths Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 53!
    I used to be fit in my 40's. Now, I sweartogod, I no longer know this body. I knew my physical self as well as a well oiled machine, then it all changed,and what worked before doesn't work now, nor does it have the same result, so........solution?
    Find what DOES work, experiment.

    I don't have it down yet ( I swear something else changes every 6 mos!), but I keep trying, and I am going to stay plugged in to this message board topic and try different things suggested as well as get encouragement. Hurrah for us Boomers!

    We can do this! Boomers want to live forever and look good doing it!

    My Extra Stress - I won't be going through the actual "change" for another FIVE YEARS! At 58!!?? Thanks MOM!
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    bump - to read later
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    I'm 55 and so many of your stories sound oh-so-familiar. I've always been fairly active, extremely healthy and overweight. Last year I hurt my back (nothing really debilitating), but X-ray showed some arthritis, and those BP, cholesterol, and sugar numbers started to creep up. I started doing aquafit classes and that helped the back and BP. Now I'm back on the elliptical and doing other classes. I have extreme difficulty doing some abdominal exercises, perhaps due to hysterectomy surgery a few years ago. When this year's check-up showed those other numbers creeping up, I decided to do something. I feel fortunate to have found this site, and the support here. Having online friends helps so much with the accountability in tracking, and there's some good advice on the forums.
    I'm so happy to see other 50-somethings here, and wish everyone the success they are working toward.

    Any advice on how to strengthen those lower abdominal muscles gladly accepted, and I would always appreciate friends!
  • JamCubeChi
    JamCubeChi Posts: 378 Member
    :flowerforyou: 55 her-wil be 56 this year. CW-155, thereabout; GW-120 for now and to re-evaluate if and when I get there. Weight just don't seemto want to move. I have seen some inches lost so am NOT giving up. I also have been on HRT since having a hysterectomy about 12 years ago for fibroids & endometriosis so don't think that helps any. Also, need to re-check my thyroid as my last check in Jan showed the hormone levels were low.... getting old is really no fun, but fighting the whole way-lol. Feel free to friend request- we all can use/give the support. Good luck to everyone!
  • frumpytofit
  • Lala20112
    Lala20112 Posts: 72 Member
    Hi.... 51 here and I have had problems for 12 yrs, diet here diet there and excerise also..... not working but I belive I have a lot to learn yet. Ive gotten serious with this program( MFP SITE) and lost 7 pounds since oct/ nov 2011. So Iam not giving up!! The internet has alot of what to dos and donts as far as calorie intake, excerise sites,what works, what dont ect... something for everyone we are all different so dont give up yet!! Good luck !!
  • menopass
    menopass Posts: 27
    Hi, Oh I am so glad you posted this. Yessssssss I am 51 I have gained 15lbs in 3yrs and at first thought it was because I had a new boyfriend and we went out to eat and such...BUT no once I had noticed that I was not liking the way I looked in the mirror I started Weight Watchers and noticed that was doing nothing and if so very slow.... that was like a year ago. Now I tell my doctor I can not loose weight or trim down. I weigh 120 I am 4 11 my BMI says normal I say no way.

    I know i am starting Menoposs and this is my problem I guess. The doctor told me to go on this so I stared last Tuesday and I have never eaten 1200 cal before so I have been told my body was in starve mode and eating 1200 is a good thing I have a hard time eating 1200 a day but have been doing it. I feel like I am not loosing a thing. I am afraid to get on the scale... and I can telll my clothes are not much looser. Ok I know it's only been a week!! LOL but i am still scared almost like I am eating to MUCH.

    Alot of changes in my body and I do not like it!

  • menopass
    menopass Posts: 27
  • linbat555
    I hear all of you guys !!! I have been working out seven days a week... I have been watching my calories and the scale wont budge.. Wondering if anyone else has gone through this
  • linbat555
    Your post was just what I needed today.. I have been doing Richard Simmons each morning for forty min and loving it and then going to the gym doing cycling tread mill rowing and walking a mile on the track.. I am on my sixth week and keeping my calories around 1200 have only lost five lbs and totally discouraged .. Any tips from you would be wonderful.. I am 58