Help! Need advice on my exercise regimen!



  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    @Mommareed4 How long have you been on that regimen? I would take a wild guess that you're no longer challenging your body. Do you feel like your fitness level has improved? Is it easier to finish 30DS? Add some resistance! Get some arm and leg weights for your kickboxing class.

    But it could also be your diet. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • cmgehrke
    cmgehrke Posts: 20 Member
    do maybe 20-30 minutes of cardio several times a week, and strength train 3-5 days a week. the last time I weighed what i do now i was 2 sizes bigger.
  • Mommareed4
    Mommareed4 Posts: 144
    @Mommareed4 How long have you been on that regimen? I would take a wild guess that you're no longer challenging your body. Do you feel like your fitness level has improved? Is it easier to finish 30DS? Add some resistance! Get some arm and leg weights for your kickboxing class.

    But it could also be your diet. Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    I have been doing kick boxing for 2 months, and I just started 30 day shred a little over a week ago
  • eschwab855
    eschwab855 Posts: 258 Member is a great resource for me I am on the 9th week of Lee Labrada ( ) copy paste my wife is starting ( she hasn't started hers yet. Love these sites as every move is supported by video, printable workout sheets and each muscle group the routine changes each time to help create muscle confusion
  • I think you should try higher intensity workouts. Like circuit training (30-45 minutes) 3x a week. That would be non-stop (or at most 30 second breaks every 3 minutes or so) of pushups, weighted lunges, burpees, sprinting, weight work, stairs, etc . Also, do you workout in the AM or PM? Sometimes working out in the morning, before you even eat breakfast, will raise your metabolism for the rest of the day. Also, your breakfasts should be the richest, biggest meals of the day to get your metabolism revving and to feed your body after an AM workout.

  • Hi. I am not a pro in any sense but this is what I think.

    First. I really hope you are drinking more water than you are logging. You need water and lots of it.

    Second. You are a carb junkie. Most of your meals are packed with carbs and very little protein. Try to balance it out a little better. I try for 40/40/20 ratio (carb/protein/fat) but I don't always make it there.

    Third. You are not eating often enough. You should be eating 5 or 6 meals a day. That is meals that contain a balance of carb and protein.

    I am not trying to be harsh or anything and this is just my opinion. Give it time and yes, you should do some strenght training. Hope this helps.

    I try to make any carbs I eat wheat. Last week for dinner for instance I would eat chicken or fish with brown rice. So should I not be eating the brown rice?

    Yes, that is great. You have your protein (chicken or fish) and your carb (brown rice). You throw in some veggies and you have a balanced meal. However, you have to do this for ALL 5 or 6 meals that you eat. Have a look at my diary and see what I am talking about. I am far from a pertect eater but that is what I try to do.
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    Hello all!
    I am just starting my weightloss journey, although definitley not new to exercise. The difference is that now I finally have the right mindset and am eating right. I am wondering if anyone can give me some advice to see if I am doing things right to lose weight.
    Last week I worked out 5x a week doing 45 mins of cardio each time. I did not lose any weight.

    Now, I have done some strength training before, but heard that at the beginning cardio is better because it burns more calories. Is this true. Or, could I have not lost weight because I did not do strenth training with the cardio?

    Any advice is appreciated

    The short answer is no. You need to continue to strength train and add in cardio. Gaining muscle will help your body metabolize fat. Cardio is really good for endurance but weights are the best for losing fat and gaining muscle
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    Although cardio burns more than strength training DURING the exercise, strength training will keep your muscles burning energy well after you leave the gym. Over a short period of time you will begin raising your BMR and as you gain more muscle you will burn more calories day by day.

    First of all, you will not just magically lose weight in one week having done some cardio. You will have made yourself fitter yes, but it is only a first step.

    If you are new to weight training, try 2 days a week and stick to 3 days cardio.
    Get a PT to start you off but NO GIRLY WEIGHTS. Tell them you want to learn proper technique with free weights and work up how much you are lifting from there.

    Good luck!

    YES this! Look into the new rules of lifting for women. No girlie weights. Its a very good program I am doing it myself and I feel so much better.
  • Kaleonar
    Kaleonar Posts: 11 Member
    Feel free to check out my diary. I have had success thus far with 3 - 4 days of cardio and 2 days of circuit training which gets the heart rate up and tones/builds muscles.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    1. strength train. (along with cardio, but strength training is VERY important.)

    2. eat clean. or as clean as you can. this would exclude: processed food, artificial sweeteners.

    3. cut out sugar, flour and starch.

    4. get plenty of good fats and protein.

    5. get plenty of rest.

    6. don't let your calorie deficit get too low.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    I agree w/ strength training. Also take your MEASUREMENTS and track them at least monthly. If you can afford a PT definitely invest in one for at least 3 months.

    Check out the book News Rules of Lifting for Women. It explains why women should lift HEAVY weights and why women won't get BULKY. There is a MFP group you can join as well.

    Lastly, check your SODIUM intake. You would be surprised how much sodium pre-packaged foods have and deli meat.

    Good luck~
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    It didn't take you a week to put on your weight, it won't take a week to lose it.
  • belovedromena
    belovedromena Posts: 14 Member
    If you love cardio, you can do a Tread and Shred routine like this one. Everything is for 2 minutes unless noted otherwise.
    1. warm up at 3.5
    2. incline 8, 3.5
    3. run/jog/walk fast (whatever level you are at right now). I usually do 6.5. Incline 0.
    4. speed 3.2, walk with high knees
    5. 20 seconds all out as fast as you can go, 10 seconds rest. Repeat 8x (takes 4 minutes). Hang onto the side bars to jump on and off. BE CAREFUL
    6. recover-3.5
    7. stop the treadmill. Hang on to the side bars or the front where you would take heart rate, put feet behind you so you are at an angle, and do push-ups. You can do 30 seconds with hands wide and 30 seconds with them narrow if you want to target triceps, too.
    8. Squat with overhead press-1 minute. Start with weights that are challenging for you by the end. May be only 3 or 5 lbs if you are a newbie to lifting weights!
    9. Bicep curls-1 minute. Make sure you extend your arms fully as this will keep you looking long and lean.
    10. back on the treadmill at a jog-maybe around 4.5
    11. 20 seconds all out, 10 seconds recovery 8x (takes 4 minutes)
    12. recover 3.5
    13. incline 12, speed 3.0. Try not to hang onto the treadmill as much as possible.
    14. run/jog/walk fast (whatever level you are at right now). I usually do 6.5. Incline 0.
    15. cool down-3.5
    This should take about 1/2 hour. Your heart rate should go up and down (good for cardio fitness and fat burning) and you've incorporated some weights and the time flies by!
  • amanda52488
    amanda52488 Posts: 260 Member
    Wow!! Thankyou for all of the replies!!!!
    This is what I am going to do:

    1. Strength Train 2-3x a week. On these days, about 30 mins of strengh training and then 20 mins of cardio?
    2. More protein, less carbs.
    3. Drink more water.
    4. Watch my sodium intake.

    Ill check out that book... I usually do the machines when i strength train because I have a lot of neck issues and free weights tend to hurt my neck.
  • That sounds great. It will work. I am no doing enough strenght training yet but I intend on starting. I also find that 1 day with high sodium will show a large weigh increase and it takes about 2 day to get back to where I was. Just keep going and you will see results. Good luck.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Wow!! Thankyou for all of the replies!!!!
    This is what I am going to do:

    1. Strength Train 2-3x a week. On these days, about 30 mins of strengh training and then 20 mins of cardio?
    2. More protein, less carbs.
    3. Drink more water.
    4. Watch my sodium intake.

    Ill check out that book... I usually do the machines when i strength train because I have a lot of neck issues and free weights tend to hurt my neck.

    Better to split your strength and cardio on different days and up the intensity. I always feel that if I have the energy left do do cardio, I didn't go hard enough at strength and vice versa. Also, there is some eveidence that your body competes for recovery resources if strength and cardio and not seperated by at least 8 hours.

    On the carb thing, I would get less of my carbs from grains that contain starch and more from fibrous veggies like Kale, Broccolli, Onions, Peppers. Swiss Chard, Spinach, Dark Green and Red Lettuces. This will help your weight loss.