Tape Measure is my friend today

I will try and make this short and less boring.. So this chapter of my life started on 2/22/12 when I stepped on the scale and went Holy Crap!!!! (kept that PG for post purpose)

So on 2/23 I started my journey of getting (back) into shape and being healthy.

To date I have lost

-1" off chest
-2" off waist
-2.5" off hips.

Sorry no photos (yet) for some the scale is not their friend for me Cameras are not my friends..

Go ME!!!!!


  • alawson02
    alawson02 Posts: 10
    good job
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    That is awesome! I too love my tape measure...it shows my results better than the scale. GO YOU!!
  • DJdB
    DJdB Posts: 5
    Awesome.....one thing I wish I did before starting MFP was take some measurements....Oh well I have PLENTY of photos to see how big I was!

    Keep up the good work!!
  • quietHiker
    quietHiker Posts: 1,442 Member
    Great work! Especially since it's barely even been 2 weeks! Keep up the amazing work you're doing :)
  • Sweet_Tea_Mama
    So far I have been more impressed with my loss in inches than in weight. So I know how you feel!! Conngrats!!
  • RileeMarie
    RileeMarie Posts: 113
    thanks ev1, last night i laid awake trying to come to terms of why i let myself get out of shape, i have no definite answer for that. but what i do know (and realized) I want to get in shape and be healthy. i have a son that needs me and life is to short to dwell on the what ifs and i should had. today is a new day. I changed my goals (in my mind) to not focus on what i want to be at in 4 weeks, I am going to take one week and one 1lb at a time. going to focus on my short term goals instead of the long term.
  • KristysGonnaGetFit
    KristysGonnaGetFit Posts: 40 Member
    Nice work! I also tend to see more results in inches than in lbs. I bet it feels GREAT!! keep it up!
  • Sandydee60
    Sandydee60 Posts: 29 Member
    I too like the tape measure. I seem to lose inches quicker than pounds.
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