
has anybody tried this?


  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Yep, I sure have!! I lost 8# and lots of inches from using it! Chalene is really motivating and it's a really awesome program! Let me know if you have any questions!

  • ccleadbyexample
    Yes I LOVE it! I did her turbo jam to start with..and am now in week 3 of ChaLEAN. It all depends on what your goals are and what you like to do:wink: I not only like the workouts, but really enjoyed the kitchen makeover DVD that comes with well as the DVD that goes over how to do the moves with both weights or bands.
    If you ever want any info on it or anything else...I am on facebook too (Casey Fett)!
  • denitchy
    denitchy Posts: 445
    I am currently using ChaLEAN... on week 2 of the Push phase. I love it!! She is a great motivator.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    I have heard really great things about it.... but I have never done it. Maybe put that in my To Do List (: I have a lot of different things going on right now (: Keeping it exciting with lots of variety!!
  • Pineapples
    Pineapples Posts: 246 Member
    Thank you everyone for their response...i think I am getting it this weekends or order it if i can't find it in the store. :D
  • metalpalace
    metalpalace Posts: 576
    I got to work out with Chalene in a group workout over the 4th of july weekend. She is a big ole ball of energy and very inspiring!
  • ccleadbyexample
    Hey there,
    You won't find this in a can only get it online through beach body..they don't sell their products in stores! It's worth it though...she has a kitchen makeover DVD with some recipes on it, a nutrition book, a guide on how to use the program, etc. I did the Burn Intervals this am..def burns but LOVE it!
    My advice..get a good coach to buy it through..not only is it cheaper through them..but they will help be your mentor for the program...for FREE!!! I am a coach myself..but you can go through whoever you want!
    If you need any help or advice...let me know!
  • denitchy
    denitchy Posts: 445
    Hey there,
    You won't find this in a can only get it online through beach body..they don't sell their products in stores! It's worth it though...she has a kitchen makeover DVD with some recipes on it, a nutrition book, a guide on how to use the program, etc. I did the Burn Intervals this am..def burns but LOVE it!
    My advice..get a good coach to buy it through..not only is it cheaper through them..but they will help be your mentor for the program...for FREE!!! I am a coach myself..but you can go through whoever you want!
    If you need any help or advice...let me know!

    Actually, I was in a health food store (Can't remember which one), trying to find the "recovery drink" that Tony is always talking about in P90X. Well they didn't have any of the supplements but they did have the P90X program! The guy there said they just got them in...I was quite surprised. I don't know about any of the other programs.
  • ccleadbyexample
    The BB company really doesn't like stores that do that. Most stores sell it for the same amount..but it's not authorized by the company. They want you to go online to use their site (which is free by the way) because they want you to use their coaches (also free) so that you get the most out of the program...if you don't have support or people to ask ?'s etc it might not work for you...or you may not have the right program.
    It's not about the money thing like I said as most of what they have for support is free..they just want to be sure you get the support and program you need to be successful. It's their way of giving you support without you having to go to a gym or use a personal trainer!
    Best of luck to all of the end YOU have to do what's best for YOU!
  • denitchy
    denitchy Posts: 445
    I completely agree with you. I am part of BB also. I have ordered all of my programs/supplements online.
  • ccleadbyexample
    Great to "meet" you! I am ccfett in the BB world if you ever want a good fitness buddy! Best of luck to all!
  • Trinhp2916
    I was thinking about trying that out. Is it intense?
  • ccleadbyexample
    Hey there,
    Depends on what you define as intense! What is your current fitness level? She has 3 strength programs per week (around 30-40 min each)...then has some core routines and cardio (the cardio is intervals..this am I did the Burn Intervals...45 min of mixing cardio and strength..GREAT workout!).
    She goes between muscle strength (3 programs a week) and muscle endurance (more in the cardio segments) so you really feel it! She has different people using different weights or bands and at different levels so you can follow based on YOUR level.
  • FluffnStuff
    FluffnStuff Posts: 387
    I am currently in my 3rd week of the LEAN phase (which in my opinion it the toughest of all the phases).
    I have really enjoyed the program and although I haven't lost much weight the muscle tone is GREAT!
  • denitchy
    denitchy Posts: 445
    I love seeing the definition! It's all "work-in-progress"!