i'm new :D

I only just joined this a few days ago! so if anyone wants to talk you should add me! I've been struggling with my weight for a long time now and i'm determined to get to my goal. I think this site is actually amazing! the past few days it's helped me keep track on everything i eat and count all the calories and my exercise! i love it :)


  • quietHiker
    quietHiker Posts: 1,442 Member
    I love it too! I've been here for about a month and am still learning new things by reading through the message boards and through friends. If you need some support, feel free to add me :)
  • It's awesome! :) thanks I'll add you! :D
  • Welcome! You're going to love it here. I wish I'd utilized this site when I first got on early last year. It wasn't until January of this year that I said I can do this, used the site, made friends and it's been wonderful!
  • jamirood
    jamirood Posts: 5
    Feel free to add me as well....just joined a week ago....already lost 3 pounds....not a show stopper...but it's a start :-) WE CAN
    DO IT!!!:wink:
  • Hi ladies.. I am also new here. I also had downloaded the app and used it for a couple of days and stopped. After comparing all the apps out there such as Loseit, Sparkpeople.. and others. I found the myfitnesspal app to be the one with the best database, I was able to find the foods I generally eat. Anyway, would love for you guys to add me as well. I have been using it consistently for a week, which is huge for me cause the minute I cant find a food I usually just give up. I can definitely use the support..:smile:
  • sjebert
    sjebert Posts: 212 Member
    Been here 2 months and this site has been a God send, I am down 30 pounds and you can do it too. Add me if you like
  • I've added you all (: the people on here are super friendly!
  • Jackie9950
    Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
    Been here since September...50lbs down! You are welcome to add me, I love this site!
  • chuckiephudd
    chuckiephudd Posts: 30 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me, i have been here on and off for a year but, the last 50 day a regular, and have lost 21 pounds, but thats not without the help of this site and all of the positive ppl on here!!!
  • Been here since September...50lbs down! You are welcome to add me, I love this site!
    50 pounds is amazing! well done :)
  • deansters
    deansters Posts: 59 Member

    Feel free to add me :3
  • I'm new :) Been here 3 days and 3lbs down <3 I love this site. so muh better than sparkpeople which I was on!!

    Let's stay stong and keep going :)