Help with a plateau!

Hi! I'm so excited to be here! My name is Cindy and I'll give you a little background about myself. I'm 29 years old and I just had a gorgeous little boy in November. I love to work out and I was intensely into it until we got preggo this last time. Reason is because I had a miscarriage about 2 years ago and assumed that was the reason, so my overprotective hubby wouldn't let me this time. So needless to say I gained 45 pounds during pregnancy. I lost 20 after the birth but becuase I had a C section I couldn't start working out right away (which I was dying to do). January I started weight watchers and started running/jogging 6 times a week. With that I lost about 11 pounds in 6 weeks which was amazing! But now I've actually gotten better about my calories and the scale hasnt budged in 2 weeks. I even eat enough for my workouts but it won't move. I feel like my scale is broken.. Can anybody tell me what I can do to get me going again.. My workout is already pretty intense. I get off my treadmill dripping in sweat and I watch my protions very carefully.. Oh occasionally I do add a strength training workout about 2-3 times a week... What am I doing wrong?


  • loftard1
    loftard1 Posts: 14
    Don't be so concerned with the weight weight flctuates through out the day judge your progress by how your clothes fit.change up your workout do different things. But keep a routine even when changing it up. Like doing certain differnt excersises on certain days. U found like how I get when I'm in a workout mode try p90x or insanity might fit you well.congratz on the baby boy kids are great I have two of my own.
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    1. You don't go back exactly to your prepregnancy weight, even if you are exactly as fit. Your ribs and pelvis expand. It improves your lung capacity, but it takes more flesh to encircle you now.
    2. Are you breastfeeding? Even after your baby empties you, your breasts will weigh more, and you tend to store more fat on your tummy when your hormones are suppressed. That goes back to normal after you wean.
  • cindyluu17
    I actually think that's part of my problem. I just quit breastfeeding about same time so there were a few days where I was still eating like I was breastfeeding and now I've cut down to the calories amount without breastfeeding. I'm hoping I'm just on a transition phase but it's hard when I'm not sure what's going on. :)
  • cindyluu17
    Thank you!! I have a little girl but she's eight so I'm starting all over. With her I gained like 60 pounds and that took me a year to lose so I am adamant about doing this all the right way to not be stuck there for too long. I forgot to mention I'm 5'2" so 60 pounds looks terrible on a shorty :)
  • TrueBlueBruin78
    TrueBlueBruin78 Posts: 311 Member
    Has your diet been pretty strict? If so, maybe you need to have a "treat day" to restart your metabolism. Hopefully this helps.
  • lmalaschak
    lmalaschak Posts: 346 Member
    I plateaued the last 2.5 weeks also and am hoping it is coming to an end, finally. I think the most important thing is, stick with it for at least that long and keep it up. When I look at my weight loss progress it always goes in spurts...down rather quickly, then levels off for a while, then down again, over and over. Husband's graph looks exactly like this too! The two things I did do the last three days to encourage weight loss to start again: doubled my water intake, since I'd gotten bad about not getting my 8 cups in. I probably drank between 9 and 12 today and the past two days. I also got really strict about logging EVERY BITE. I cook three meals a day for husband, children, self, etc, and there is a certain amount of tasting that is necessary when you cook. I also logged the one animal cracker I might eat while packing my boy's lunch, and things like that. It seemed crazy but it really helped me to watch very carefully what I put in my mouth. I had lost weight this morning so we'll see if that keeps up! Good luck! Your house is going to be very noisy in about two years -- we have three boys so I know. :)
  • cindyluu17
    Awww. Really? I have a Lil girl who's already rambunctious and loud so we r in trouble. And this little guy has been super active since before birth. :). Excited but nervous... I'm gomna really try to focus on my water intake. Maybe that's what's going on too bcuz I've noticed I've stopped drinking at night bcuz he's right next to me and I'm afraid to get up and pee. Lol
  • cindyluu17
    Hmm. A treat day. Sounds good. Haven't had one of those in a while... I get a Lil too focused once I'm I'm zone :)
  • lmalaschak
    lmalaschak Posts: 346 Member
    Try it, it might be a good thing! The important thing to remember is to look at the long term. When I'm plateauing I look at how much weight I've lost in the last month, or even longer. It helps me to see that it IS working, even if I'm not losing weight right now. I'm so impatient that I weigh in every day and so I have to keep looking at my progress in the reports to really see what is happening. :wink: