I'm new and I hope to make some new fitness pals!

Hi! I'm Brittany I'm 6'1, I'm 23 and I'm a huge lover of food!. I just joined fitness pal tonite and I LOVE it! I decided I needed something to track my weight loss and food intake since I wasnt tracking anything before. I decided about 4 weeks ago that I needed to get back into working out and being healthier. I gained 20 pounds in the last year and I got a new knee a year ago so thats no bueno! So far Ive lost 13 lbs in 3 weeks and its been great:bigsmile: I love reading everyones posts!! Theyre so motivating and its nice to see everyone else busting theyre butts. It also would'nt hurt to be able to get on here for motivation because my family has been the enemy sending me to get them ice cream late at night and buying fast food all the time :grumble: Well thats all for now and good luck to everyone :heart:

"Learning to eat to live and not live to eat"


  • sylwiasta
    sylwiasta Posts: 43 Member
    You can do it!! I LOVE food as well. Sometimes I say: "I was born to eat!!" ;) and I do eat, but have learn to control my portions and treasure my daily calories. Will think twice before eating something high in cal cause I know how much pain and work does it cost to burn it :) lets be friends :)
  • catfire309
    Hi Brittany, Im new too. I have been on for 2 week's I hope you dont mind if I add you as I friend :)
  • brittyc1988
    Yay thanks guys! I'm finally trying to get a grasp on portion control because that was my biggest enemy. I really dont mind eating healthy food or junky food but whether its healthy or not I was eating like I'm going to hibernate for a winter! lol
  • Wellnessbabe
    Wellnessbabe Posts: 16 Member
    Hey Brit,
    Congrats on losing some of the 20lbs that u gained :happy: :happy: that is awesome! I love FOOD also and although I eat healthy I ate too much and no exercise so I too gained 20 in the past year... So far I lost 8lbs but it took a while though.
  • sillylily1960
    sillylily1960 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm new here too, I just started about a week ago, I had surgery on my heart a year and a half ago and I need to lose a good 100 pounds, I'm tired of being obese, so I decided to join and it's not that bad. Counting calories is not the hard part, it's the exercise that is the hard part. I need to start walking, it's easier to say it then to do it, with my heart problems, I get exhausted very easy. But I do feel better, maybe once I shed a few more pounds I can walk easier.
  • catfire309
    that my problem too. :)- im trying a new thing. I put all of my food on a smaller plate. that helps me a lot. that and not letting my self get to hungry. i always want to load my plate up when im starving. so i try to add healthy snacks in between means. :)
  • brittyc1988
    Hey Brit,
    Congrats on losing some of the 20lbs that u gained :happy: :happy: that is awesome! I love FOOD also and although I eat healthy I ate too much and no exercise so I too gained 20 in the past year... So far I lost 8lbs but it took a while though.

    Congrats girl!!
  • brittyc1988
    that my problem too. :)- im trying a new thing. I put all of my food on a smaller plate. that helps me a lot. that and not letting my self get to hungry. i always want to load my plate up when im starving. so i try to add healthy snacks in between means. :)

    yeah snacking definitely helps! I was one of those typical starve all day and slam a 3k calorie meal at the end of the day! lol
  • brittyc1988
    I'm new here too, I just started about a week ago, I had surgery on my heart a year and a half ago and I need to lose a good 100 pounds, I'm tired of being obese, so I decided to join and it's not that bad. Counting calories is not the hard part, it's the exercise that is the hard part. I need to start walking, it's easier to say it then to do it, with my heart problems, I get exhausted very easy. But I do feel better, maybe once I shed a few more pounds I can walk easier.

    You can do it! A little patience and determination! Take easy with the exercise and be cautious of your heart and you'll be fine! My grandmother recently had a heart surgery and they didnt think she would live very long but after that big scare shes lost about 70lbs and she was a very bad eater and not active at all! Once you shed a few you'll definitely feel better!
  • luhluhlaura
    luhluhlaura Posts: 278 Member
    Yay tall girls :) I'm 5.8 but find myself towering over other girls...it's nice to see another tall gal on here :)
    Add me if you like, I'm looking for supportive friends as well!
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    I always love saying this part: We're in this together. I've always loved food and the one thing that never stopped me was my parents, so growing up was just a habit that was never broken or thought of for that matter.
    Several years later down the road I'm now faced with peer-pressure and media and that's when I realized clothes shopping was uncomfortable and un-enjoyable.
    Please feel free to add me as a friend. I will send a request because I love being the supported or the "cheerleader" in an other person's achievable goals.
    Bless :)
  • healthylifewealthylife
    Welcome and way to go.You took the big step and got yourself going and look at the payout already,SOOOOO proud of you.Keep going!
  • missm921
    missm921 Posts: 3
    I'm tall too :) I'm 5'10 and also have knee problems. I've been counting calories for awhile and it helps so much! I'm looking for supportive friends too :) Add me!