First Cut: But I'm STARVING! =(

So I've been averaging (over the week) about 1800 - 1750 calories per day while lifting as heavy as a could 3 to 4 times a week and doing 20 to 30 minutes of cardio about twice a week.
My BMR is 1460 and my estimated maintenance is 1760 calories per day. On days I lifted I ate all or almost all of my calories back.

First day... I set myfitnesspal back to a half pound weight loss, which is 1550... I'm keeping my protein at 125g/day.

But I'm STARVING today! I've netted 1550, (post gym). I feel so hungry.
Is this normal? What should I do? Should I be this hungry during a cut?
I don't want to lose more muscle than I need to. =P

Any advice?


  • Marquettedominos
    Marquettedominos Posts: 107 Member
    We would need more info. Age? Sex? Height? Current weight? Where did you get your BMR from? Cause if it from here most are way off.
    GO here . It is lengthy but very informative. If you are starving you may need to look at what your eating.

    Make sure you are getting at least 1 gal of water in a day. That will help with your hunger

    I am 36 male 203 lbs and have been on a cut diet for only 2 weeks at 2200 cal a day. I am also hitting the weights 4-5 times a week and cardio twice. My goal is to only loose a half a pound a week because my body is still recomping some fat to LQM.

    My diary is public if you would like to look.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Are you doing cardio? When I did my cut I did NO cardio. Cardio makes me absolutely starving. That would be my recommendation. Also, give it 3 days to adjust. You will.
  • Inlet
    Inlet Posts: 135
    We would need more info. Age? Sex? Height? Current weight? Where did you get your BMR from? Cause if it from here most are way off.
    GO here . It is lengthy but very informative. If you are starving you may need to look at what your eating.

    Make sure you are getting at least 1 gal of water in a day. That will help with your hunger

    I am 36 male 203 lbs and have been on a cut diet for only 2 weeks at 2200 cal a day. I am also hitting the weights 4-5 times a week and cardio twice. My goal is to only loose a half a pound a week because my body is still recomping some fat to LQM.

    My diary is public if you would like to look.

    Good point...
    25 year old female,
    135 lbs,
    About 19-20 percent body fat (according to one of those handheld bio-electrical impedance devices) I would like to get to 15% to see some definition.

    Day 1: upper body/abs/back
    Day 2: lower body + 20 min running
    Day 3: rest day.
    And repeat....

    And occasionally I throw in a hard circuit class/interval training once or twice a week in place of a normal workout.

    I do forget to drink water when I'm not at the gym. That could have something to do with it...
    Thanks! I'll look at your food diary...
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    sometimes it takes time for your body to adjust to a new calorie limit. when its used to eating a certain amount it adjusts the hormones (leptin, gherlin mostly) produced that signal hunger or satiety. give it some time and see if your hunger changes.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    And you were just maintaining on 1800 calories? That is so hard to believe. You are taking in a lot of protein, maybe you should throw a carb in there. I think you should stick to the 1800 with your work outs for a while longer.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    And you were just maintaining on 1800 calories? That is so hard to believe. You are taking in a lot of protein, maybe you should throw a carb in there. I think you should stick to the 1800 with your work outs for a while longer.

    i maintain at around 1700...i'm 125 lbs, 5'2". when i bulk i usually up my cals to 2000-2200. so ya when you go from eating 2200 cals to 1700 cals you're hungry
  • Inlet
    Inlet Posts: 135
    1800 net calories... So, sometimes 1900, or 2000, but 1800 net cals, yes.
    However, that was up significantly from my recent 1200/1500 persistant (non-lifting, cardio only) deficit so my body was adjusting to higher cals... And adjusting to building muscle...

    I am noticeably bigger... I'd kinda like to actually SEE the muscle I'm starting to FEEL. :-P
  • Inlet
    Inlet Posts: 135
    And you were just maintaining on 1800 calories? That is so hard to believe. You are taking in a lot of protein, maybe you should throw a carb in there. I think you should stick to the 1800 with your work outs for a while longer.

    I was netting 1800, so I frequently ate more than that... Depending on that days workout...
  • Marquettedominos
    Marquettedominos Posts: 107 Member
    I am on my 3rd week of my cut diet. I was taking in 3500-4000 cals on my bulk. %95 was very clean also. I did not see any scale movement for the first 2 weeks. Then on the 3rd week I went down almost a pound. I eat around 2200-2500 cals a day and I take in at least 1.5 gal of water a day minimum. It is too soon for me to see any measurement changes. I am not too worried about what the scale says as I know that I am recomping some.