Looking for College Girls!



  • Vodka, Water and a drop of lime or lemon. That will help get you through. It tastes good, you get lots of water and the hangover is not nearly as bad so you can still write your midterm the next morning. Stay away from the Beer and coolers.
  • I'm in the same boat. Feel free to add me! :)
  • jhunt90
    jhunt90 Posts: 78
    Totally the same, Bio and English major :)
  • beautifulbeast11
    beautifulbeast11 Posts: 202 Member
    I actually lost 15 pounds in college... :/ but I know what you mean, though my 'adult life' is much more stressful and difficult to find time to lose weight than college was.
  • TheFloof
    TheFloof Posts: 3
    I'm 21, in college, and have the same problem.
    It's so tricky to maintain good eating habits with all the tempting food when you go out.
    Lack of time doesn't help either.
    I'll add you.
    Anyone else is welcome to add me too, the more the merrier
  • wackedoutpet13
    wackedoutpet13 Posts: 72 Member
    I'm a sophomore too! I'll add you.

    Any other college girls should feel free to add me. :)
  • megganjana
    megganjana Posts: 61 Member
    19, freshman in college for Medical Assisting. (: I totally understand what you mean. Lots of homework, little time to hang out with friends, and lots of stress! I'm in the same boat, with more to lose! feel free to add me. (:
  • I'm 20 and a sophomore with a long way to go. Always looking for new friends.
  • LisamarieBond14
    LisamarieBond14 Posts: 133 Member
    I've just graduated from university, and I'm 23, can I still join in though?? :P
  • Wow, apparently no one has heard of the freshman 15 on this website. I'll add you OP!
  • SeaStar
    SeaStar Posts: 113
    Howdy! I am 25 and an art student in college, and college time has been my best shape yet! Just take it a day at a time :) I always bring my food too so I save money and don't buy food I can't count or is far too high in calories.
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    I'm a few years out of college but I remember after gaining a ton of weight at the start of my freshman year, I changed my routines of sleeping in a lot, eating fries at every meal, and drinking lots of soda - and I dropped a LOT of weight. I know it's tough to do this in college, but get up early to go to breakfast! I would get eggs at the dining hall most mornings and a couple of glasses of water with it instead of milk or juice.

    Replacing soda with water is another big thing, drink TONS of water. And if you're a drinker, end your Thirsty Thursdays with lots of water to re-hydrate (and to save yourself the hangover the next morning).

    I also started getting more fruits and veggies from the dining hall (even sneaking some out to bring back to my dorm to have for later).

    Also, the gym at my school was free for all students so I began going a few times a week. I wouldn't even go for that long. My warm-up was my walk across campus and once I would get there, I would stretch and then walk fast around the track a few times occasionally switching up walking with running (I've always been terrible at running for any amount of time so it was easier for me to walk, run, walk, run, etc). Then I would go to the fitness room and do some of the weight machines to strengthen the muscles in my arms, legs, and abs - and then go right back to the track to run, walk, run, walk, run, and then do a cool-down walk back to my dorm.

    It may sound like a lot, but I would honestly only spend about 20 minutes there. I wouldn't do much of any one thing, but it was enough to burn some calories and get my muscles in better shape. Always bring water with you to the gym too - just always have water everywhere you go. Sometimes when I could get my friends to join me, we'd play some basketball which was fun too.

    Or if your gym isn't free, get a friend to go for walks around the campus or if there's an outdoor track that you can use, just walk around that. Take stairs as often as possible. When I lived on the 6th floor of my dorm, I'd actually try to race running up the stairs against my friends taking the elevator (and I even beat them a couple of times believe it or not!).

    All this reminiscing makes me wish I could go back! After college, once I started an office job, I gained even more weight than I had gained my freshman year - so take advantage of what you have available to you now!
  • onequirkygirl
    onequirkygirl Posts: 303 Member
    Anyone can add me...
  • orangecrayon
    orangecrayon Posts: 293 Member
    Same! It's SO difficult to do but I'm trying! I've got those last few to go and it's really difficult to do here! Hi :)
  • missm921
    missm921 Posts: 3
    I'm new to these forums but I'm also 19 and a sophomore! I'll add you :)
  • fguillory
    fguillory Posts: 291
    25. Senior going to have my BA this fall.
  • mmckee10
    mmckee10 Posts: 405 Member
    Vodka, Water and a drop of lime or lemon. That will help get you through. It tastes good, you get lots of water and the hangover is not nearly as bad so you can still write your midterm the next morning. Stay away from the Beer and coolers.

    this is great lol
  • mmckee10
    mmckee10 Posts: 405 Member
    Please disregard the creepy Craigslist style title, but I didn't know how else to phrase it! I'm a 19 (almost 20) year old college sophomore looking to drop my final 17-18 pounds before summer. As much as I love the support on this website from people of all ages, I really am looking for some support from girls who know how tough it can be to drop those lb's in college!

    I'm Amanda by the way! Feel free to add me, just drop a little message in there :)

    Hi Amanda =]
    I'm a pre-PTA major. 23 and i have a 10month old. feel free to add me.
  • I'm out of college but just a little advice. Lose it all before you have children. It was much easier for me to lose in my younger college days. Now that I'm approaching 30 with two children it's much much harder. Good luck ladies!
  • timjai
    timjai Posts: 113
    Weight loss was my original goal... you're messing with my priorities :devil: