why eat cls burnt off

something I really cant get my head around, I line dance, have done for roughly 8 years, I linedance not particularly for exercise but cos I love it and my linedance friends, howerver when I linedance I burn cals which to me is a bonus, My question is why after making an effort to burn cals are we supposed to stuff them back in food wise? I mean im always full on my allocated cals so just couldnt eat that amount of cals extra and cant see the point.

I hate jogging so what would be the point of wasting my time jogging and hating every minute just to eat food I really dont want, may as well sit on my bum do nothing and just enjoy the cals allocated.

I feel any exercise is great especially if you love it and certainly has numerous benefits but to eat more, well thats not for me, am I totally on my own with this out look? look forward to your opinions.

21/2 tuesdays


  • killerkat89
    killerkat89 Posts: 22 Member
    Depending on how your MFP account is set up, will determine who to anwser this question. Mine i have it set to loose about 1-2lbs a week, so MFP tells me to eat 1200 calories a day. That is all readying cutting calories, so when i exercise i earn "extra" calories. Really what your doing when you eat your extra calories... you making it equil out to be about the 1200 caloires. I hope this makes since, i personally like to eat back my earned calories, but i dont go overboard. I still stick to healthy snack choices. I try to have only one cheat meal a week... so i am normally pretty good. and i am still losing weight.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    You're not alone. There are a lot of people here who don't eat their calories, or all of them, back.

    Personally, I do. MFP already includes my calorie deficit in its calculations, and I don't want to make it bigger because I think it's important to properly fuel my body. You don't have to do exercise to lose weight with MFP, but again I do because it's my priority to be fit and healthy, not just thinner.

    Of course, that doesn't mean I have to aim for a certain calorie burn. I tend to burn anywhere up to 600 calories a day, sometimes only as much as 40 on a cardio day, but I always aim to eat within 100 calories of goal. Sometimes, that means eating when I'm not hungry at all, but that's how I like to do it because I'm determined to give my body the energy it needs. Not easy on a day when I've burned 600 calories or similar!
  • mmckee10
    mmckee10 Posts: 405 Member
    something I really cant get my head around, I line dance, have done for roughly 8 years, I linedance not particularly for exercise but cos I love it and my linedance friends, howerver when I linedance I burn cals which to me is a bonus, My question is why after making an effort to burn cals are we supposed to stuff them back in food wise? I mean im always full on my allocated cals so just couldnt eat that amount of cals extra and cant see the point.

    I hate jogging so what would be the point of wasting my time jogging and hating every minute just to eat food I really dont want, may as well sit on my bum do nothing and just enjoy the cals allocated.

    I feel any exercise is great especially if you love it and certainly has numerous benefits but to eat more, well thats not for me, am I totally on my own with this out look? look forward to your opinions.

    21/2 tuesdays

    i was thinking the same thing. =] but sometimes it makes it easier to workout if i know i'm gonna treat myself to 110 cals of ice cream (1/4 of a cup ben and jerry's country peach cobbler lol) and still be under my required calories by like 150
  • traceyjolli
    My calorie deficit already set up by MFP is 430 a day. If I ate back all of my exercise calories, it would mean that I would lose 0.9lbs per week based on 430 deficit a day.

    I want to lose at least 2lb a week, so I exercise to bring my deficit up to 1000 a day, thats 7000 a week and hopefully 2lb loss.

    of course, it does not happen all the time, if I am hungry I eat, I try to do what my body tells me, and in all honesty, I could not eat another 600 cals per day!!:smile:
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    I agree with you. I'm working on eating when I'm hungry, since that's supposedly what thin people do (it's been so long I'm not sure i remember), not just to hit some arbitrary caloric intake. I don't want to eat just to eat ....that's pretty much the philosophy that got me in the jam I'm in. Some days i'm a little over and that's OK. Some days, I'm a little under and that's OK too.

    I exercise to make muscles tighter and therefore smaller. Even if the scale eventually stalls, I'll still be working muscle groups and firming up and am hoping that clothes fitting better and better will continue to motivate me even if the scale isn't cooperating.
  • rockinsue285
    something I really cant get my head around, I line dance, have done for roughly 8 years, I linedance not particularly for exercise but cos I love it and my linedance friends, howerver when I linedance I burn cals which to me is a bonus, My question is why after making an effort to burn cals are we supposed to stuff them back in food wise? I mean im always full on my allocated cals so just couldnt eat that amount of cals extra and cant see the point.

    I hate jogging so what would be the point of wasting my time jogging and hating every minute just to eat food I really dont want, may as well sit on my bum do nothing and just enjoy the cals allocated.

    I feel any exercise is great especially if you love it and certainly has numerous benefits but to eat more, well thats not for me, am I totally on my own with this out look? look forward to your opinions.

    21/2 tuesdays

    i was thinking the same thing. =] but sometimes it makes it easier to workout if i know i'm gonna treat myself to 110 cals of ice cream (1/4 of a cup ben and jerry's country peach cobbler lol) and still be under my required calories by like 150
  • rockinsue285
    i WOULD IF i really fancied something or was very hungry happily on days ive exercised it more without feeling guilty but 88O CALS BURNED , couldnt eat that much
  • rockinsue285
    My calorie deficit already set up by MFP is 430 a day. If I ate back all of my exercise calories, it would mean that I would lose 0.9lbs per week based on 430 deficit a day.

    I want to lose at least 2lb a week, so I exercise to bring my deficit up to 1000 a day, thats 7000 a week and hopefully 2lb loss.

    of course, it does not happen all the time, if I am hungry I eat, I try to do what my body tells me, and in all honesty, I could not eat another 600 cals per day!!:smile:
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I agree with you. I'm working on eating when I'm hungry, since that's supposedly what thin people do (it's been so long I'm not sure i remember), not just to hit some arbitrary caloric intake. I don't want to eat just to eat ....that's pretty much the philosophy that got me in the jam I'm in. Some days i'm a little over and that's OK. Some days, I'm a little under and that's OK too.

    I exercise to make muscles tighter and therefore smaller. Even if the scale eventually stalls, I'll still be working muscle groups and firming up and am hoping that clothes fitting better and better will continue to motivate me even if the scale isn't cooperating.
    Look up Leptin and Ghrelin.

    Eat your calories back.
  • rockinsue285
    I burnt 880 cals and it was 10 at night, so couldnt eat that much, im with you, I simply eat when im hungry
  • rockinsue285
    want to thank you all for your comments so far, think im gonna try to eat my assigned intake but because I do linedance twice a week im not gonna worry if I have a day when I eat more rather than eating so many extra cals in one day, maybe it will just even itself out that way
  • lilysue8
    lilysue8 Posts: 2 Member
    :smile: i'm just so glad when i get near or at my goal, i was wondering myself what to do with the xtra cals, i sure hope this works as it seems nothing else worked. i just started so don't know yet if it is working.