P90X? Can someone tell me about it??

Hi guys,

Just a quick one. I've read about loads of you doing this P90X and want to know more about it?
I've had a look on the net and there seem to be loads of different versions and trainers.

Can anyone recommend one or give me any info about it.
I've seen the beachbody one and abs one but I just dont know were to start.

I'm in the UK so obviously need discs that will play over here.

All info and results greatly welcomed!!!


  • jeepzilla
    jeepzilla Posts: 201
    It's a good work out I did 90 days of it and I'm thinking of starting again next week. it pretty much has everything you want cardio,weights,yoga.. good program just make sure you stick to the meal program.
  • Danpellizzari
    P90x is GREAT! Although so is Beachbody Inasanity. They are made by the same company. P90 X is great if you have minimal weights. Insanity is better if you have no weights since it's all body weight stuff. Good luck. Add me if you like.
  • blittle2
    blittle2 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm doing p90x classic right now, in week 4. It's a great workout. I recommend it.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    haven't done this one - but i've ordered a few jillian michaels etc. dvds from amazon - they come from the u.s. but play fine here (thnk they're all universal now) - reasonable too.
  • Plumbvz
    Plumbvz Posts: 6
    It is spectacular. I love it. It's tough but not high impact. Hard to explain that properly. Its geared towards not having a full gym, at home all but abs workout is rougly and hour long and the success stories of friends who started after they saw what it did for me is awesome. Insanity is fun, high cardio and intensity, I'd recommend being in awfully good shape before doing it.
  • leojsivad
    leojsivad Posts: 124 Member
    It's a 90 day program.

    There is just one version, although you will see many coaches selling it on their personal websites.

    It's good if you want to lose weight and build lean muscle.
  • SweetProgression
    SweetProgression Posts: 65 Member
    if you need motivation and an upbeat coach do insanity. I have p9 and it does give results but tony is BORING and make a nice playlist cause the music is not the best but you will see results from either one.
    there's lean for lean muscle and basic for less cardio focused and more strength focused. Then you have doubles no clue what for.
  • scribe313
    scribe313 Posts: 103 Member
    90 day program... sort of hard but has plenty of ways to modify the workout for your fitness level. I am currently on phase 2, (second month). The dvds mix it up pretty well, just when your body gets use to one set of workouts it is time to change up the program.
  • jwinship86
    I like the idea of starting with Beachbody Insanity then working your way up to P90X
  • Bookers23
    Bookers23 Posts: 187 Member
    its a really great workout. Just be aware that it is not conducive to apartment living!!! lots of jumping around. if you have neighbors below you, they will not be thrilled. HAHA.
  • luckyno1three
    luckyno1three Posts: 3 Member
    I agree with what was posted here. I have the "Insanity" workouts which are more cardio-oriented and do not include weights. I recommend Insanity. Insanity is a 60 day program centered around cardio, plyometrics, and a little bit of yoga. The first 30 days are moderate in difficulty; workouts range from about 35 to 45 minutes in length. However, the second phase is significantly more difficult with longer workouts.

    Like others have said, you need to be in good shape to start in order to be successful with the workouts. In addition, there is a meal plan that goes with it that, depending on your current diet, can significantly cut the amount of calories you take in over the course of the day. Sticking to the diet is the hardest part for me. However, it does produce noticeable results relatively quickly.
  • PennStateChick
    PennStateChick Posts: 327 Member
    I'm 24 days in on Insanity and I LOVE it!!!!! Insanity is a 63 day program. (It says 60, but the calendar goes for 63 days.) You don't need anything additional to do Insanity other than yourself and the DVDs. I won't lie, IT'S HARD! But I love doing it. The hardest part is pushing play. After it's started, Shaun T is super motivating and the time goes by quickly.
  • Vaibhav_ace
    Vaibhav_ace Posts: 93 Member
    3 weeks away from completing second round of P90X. I love it. It was really difficult in the beginning, I could barely do a couple of pull ups and 4 - 5 push ups. In the first month or two, I didn't really loose much weight, but I did get stronger. Weight loss started in month 3, and has continued since. Add me if you like, some of my MFPs are doing P90X as well. We keep each other in check.

    PS: I am slacking off today. :/