another womens question

I just got my monthly last night, and I have not BUDGED on the scale since Saturday. Not even half a pound.. how are these two factors related?? When should I start oozing again? Its very discouraging


  • SueD66
    SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
    just stay true to your eatting and moving and weigh next week. I think you will see the difference.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I think it just depends and its different for everyone. I eat over my calories a week before my periods by so much (500-700cals extra) and I gain maybe 4lbs sometimes, but its usually a 2lb gain. I know its water weight since I also tend to crave high sodium and more carbs. I actually lose an extra lb by the time it comes though for some weird reason.
  • cneale91
    cneale91 Posts: 91 Member
    i feel the samee! i think its also cos you feel a bit rubbish you dont want to move and stuff. just watch what you eat and drink alot of water to help the retention xx
  • kaseyAnne425
    I just got my monthly last night, and I have not BUDGED on the scale since Saturday. Not even half a pound.. how are these two factors related?? When should I start oozing again? Its very discouraging

    I meant "losing" not oozing lmao sorry
  • underarmourgurl
    I feel your pain.... I'm the same way.. However, usually since I don't have one... Well, now every time I start dieting there it comes. Which usually makes me stop dieting cause I get all these mood swings and have to have chocolate, when I usually dont want chocolate... Which in turn makes me stop dieting... So, I've started again and just started using this app and its starting again... But I'm trying real hard to control the mood swings and cravings, but its really hard... I would love some pointers and what you do to control all that... I've just been trying to keep my calories under control so when I get home I can have a snack or something if I need to... Plus, I've been so tired, but force myself to exercise.. It's what my husband calls, "All the joys and splendors of being a woman!!" If only he could have it for one day!!! Lol!!
  • Tweety1983
    Tweety1983 Posts: 100 Member
    Im in the same boat. started myself a couple of days ago and have put on about 4 pounds. Im guessing water retention since I havent gone over my calories. Just going to try to eat right and get in atleast some exercise and hopfully see a drop next week... You will get there girl! Dont give up!!!! :) Im here if you ever want to chat... :smile: