If you're awesome, we should be friends.

Hi all!

I've been trying to lose my baby weight for about... 18 months. Clearly, I am doing something wrong. (and that wrong is called "chocolate binge eating") ;-) Still have about 35-40 lbs to go. I'm looking for some positive friends to help make this weight loss "journey" a little more fun instead of me going crazy due to chocolate withdrawals. So, if you're awesome, we should be friends. :-)


  • natyts
    natyts Posts: 89 Member
    Ha Ha not sure if id class myself as awesome just yet but striving to get there lol im looking to loose around the same amount of weight as you so feel free to add me we'll cheer each other along the way x
  • r3d13
    r3d13 Posts: 139
    I had to laugh a little with this. The awesome part. I love it. Feel free to add me. I don't have chocolate issues. Mine is SALT. Lots of it. :)
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    I'm an awesome chocolate eater ;)
  • agsudiva
    agsudiva Posts: 1
    Hi Jan, I am Tan and I have started this weight loss journey because I want to healthier and live a long exciting life with my family. I would like to have a partner who is committed and will help me stay motivated. My problem is staying consistent. So maybe we can help each other. I just finished a 34 mins work out. I feel great!!!!! Have a pleasant day.
  • jaxCarrie
    jaxCarrie Posts: 214 Member
    I'm super awesome (if I say so myself!). You can add me. My vice is wine :-) and I run so I can drink it.
  • in the same boat with trying to shift baby weight & then some :D

    gained 3 stone during my pregnancy and still trying to shift it 16 months later. my problem is not eating properly & the amount of sugar i drink :-S

    not quite awesome yet as just started but im hoping to be on my way soon :D

    good luck to all :D

  • Hi! I have an 18 month old too! I need to lose the baby weight and then some. I joined a while ago, but have really started to buckle down and get serious the past week.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I think you all are AWESOME! We can all do this!

    .....I may be over-motivational, but I think I can help :)

    Add me if you'd like! Have an amazing day!
  • jaynepickle
    jaynepickle Posts: 47 Member
    All of you ladies have just made my day! Having friends that are dieting as well makes this whole challenge a little less daunting.

    I am a pretty active person, (I have two little ones 3.5 year old and an 18 month old) , so I spend most of my days chasing them around. I also am addicted to running. I am doing a half marathon in 3 weeks and am PUMPED! I used to loathe running, so the fact that I now can load up my kids in the double jogger and do 5-8 miles whenever, is exciting for me.

    My biggest issue is eating. I LOVE eating. I call myself a garbage disposal because I will pretty much eat anything that passes me by. I am looking to change this. I have a serious addiction to sweets, mainly chocolate, but anything with sugar I'm a sucker for. No pun intended. ;-) I also adore chips, cheese & crackers, bread... If it's high in carbs, sugar, or fat, I love it. Do any of you ladies have any special tricks for getting through the first week? Once I get started (past 7 days or so) I stop craving the junky stuff, but it's those first few days that KILL me! I'm so irritable and my poor husband gets the brunt of my mood swings. Any feedback would be fantastic! You are ALL awesome!!!
  • im working my baby weight off too, hah have been for 18 months as well. I have 30-40 Lbs to lose as well! good luck on your journey
  • mbkrol
    mbkrol Posts: 21
    Chocolate is my problem too!!! Add me! :smile:
  • tinkteri
    tinkteri Posts: 63 Member
    Add me too...I have been on Weight watchers on and off for the past few years and my weight has actually crept up and up....I have about 35 pounds to lose, and am looking for motivation and support too.

    Also am in the Couch to 5K running program week 7...Hoping to do a 5k this spring, but am only running 2.25 miles right now.

    Lets all be awsome friends :-)...Teri
  • Fubar_Bill
    Fubar_Bill Posts: 120 Member
    I'm awesome! ; P
  • I'm pretty freakin' awesome, but I have a nasty sense of humor. If you can handle that go ahead and add me!!!!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I am eating White Chocolate Strawberry Yogurt right now.. that is pretty AWESOME!
  • LisamarieBond14
    LisamarieBond14 Posts: 133 Member
    Yeah I'm pretty awesome! :tongue:

    I'm not getting over baby weight but just the weight put on over my student years and a blissfully (sickeningly) happy 3 years with my partner - you know how they say you put weight on when you're happy? It turns out it's true!!

    I'm aiming to lose 50lbs, to get down to 134lbs. Feel free to add me, we can help each other reach our goal!

    Edit - my vices are chocolate, biscuits (cookies) and bread! I have honeslty thought I was addicted to chocolate in the past! Withdrawal symptoms are very real!!
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    check out my profile pic. mega awesomeness

    I am still losing my baby weight too, 'cept my baby will be 5 in may :)
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I got rid of my baby weight, and I still eat chocolate pretty much every day! :wink: You can do this!
  • Pizzagirl50
    Pizzagirl50 Posts: 112 Member
    I'm awesome but I swear and love pizza. Do I make the cut??
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,079 Member
    "When I feel sad, I just stop being sad, and be awesome instead." -Barney Stinson