If you're awesome, we should be friends.



  • LemonsAndCoffee
    LemonsAndCoffee Posts: 313 Member
    Hi there! I'm working towards awesome-ness :smile: . I have 2 daughters, 13 months and 5yrs old. I'm also trying to lose baby weight (for 5 yrs now!!) I love chocolate, pasta, bread, sweet tea.....
    I've been on MFP since January and I'm down 10 lbs but I have about 60 more I'd love to lose.
    Feel free to add me!

  • LemonsAndCoffee
    LemonsAndCoffee Posts: 313 Member
    "When I feel sad, I just stop being sad, and be awesome instead." -Barney Stinson

    LOVE me some Barney!
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    I find sugar free gum helps with my cravings for sugar. it at least gives my gob something to do whilst talking myself out of eating more.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member

    :wink: :laugh:

    I am still working on baby weight and my youngest is almost 6.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I'm an awesome friend, so send me a request if you like:wink: I am pretty consistent on here and an encourager.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    it is hard to lose the baby fat, BUT if you do not move it,,, YOU WILL NOT LOSE IT!, so get yourself motivated, and YOU GO!@, YOU CAN DO IT!
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    My least favourite word is awesome. Rather than a swear box at work, I have an "awesome" box. I am officially not awesome :smokin:
  • robynj88
    robynj88 Posts: 104 Member
    I like to think I'm a little awesome! I don't have any baby weight, because I've not yet had a baby. But I'm slimming down to get in good enough shape to start trying for one (and hopefully not have such a hard journey shifting the baby weight once baby has been born)
    Feel free to add me though, could do with more motivational friends myself as well!
  • dezi718
    dezi718 Posts: 118 Member
    I :heart: the topic name, therefore we must be friends. :laugh: Request sent!
  • kyrstin__1188
    kyrstin__1188 Posts: 170 Member
    I love chocolate! I've been trying to work on that, but sometimes it just doesn't work! :P I'd love to be friends!
  • rmoga99
    rmoga99 Posts: 37
    I'm working on loosing the exact same amount of weight, from 170, but I think I would be happy at 145. I am 5'6". I am studying for the biggest exam of my career, but I am trying to make smart eating choices while doing this. So, my weight loss will be slow until after the exam (june). I find this site has stopped my mindless eating. I adore chocolate, but now I find I only miss it at that time of the month. I would love a friend as I've only been on this site for 2 weeks.
  • MamaEdmund
    MamaEdmund Posts: 70 Member
    My biggest issue is eating. I LOVE eating. I call myself a garbage disposal because I will pretty much eat anything that passes me by. I am looking to change this. I have a serious addiction to sweets, mainly chocolate, but anything with sugar I'm a sucker for. No pun intended. ;-) I also adore chips, cheese & crackers, bread... If it's high in carbs, sugar, or fat, I love it. Do any of you ladies have any special tricks for getting through the first week? Once I get started (past 7 days or so) I stop craving the junky stuff, but it's those first few days that KILL me! I'm so irritable and my poor husband gets the brunt of my mood swings. Any feedback would be fantastic! You are ALL awesome!!!

    The only thing I can do (I'm the same as you--I enjoy me some food!) is just not buy it. And yell at my husband when he brings home two bags of Harvest Cheddar Sunchips for me ("But they're your favourite!" "Yes, that's why I can eat a bag in one sitting!"). If it's not in my house, I can't eat it. That's about all the advice I can give someone--fill up your cart with fruits and veggies, use lots of delicious spices when you cook, and don't buy the crap. Because invariably the crap gets bought and the crap gets eaten.

    My little thing I love now is buying the super dark (70-80%) chocolate and eating a little bit every day when the craving for crazy sweet hits. It seems like if I eat something really sugary, I just want more sugar. But something with a lot of rich flavour and low in sugar just hits the spot, and I feel like the craving is satiated.

    Good luck, and feel free to add me!
  • Lynnhealthpro
    This weight loss is a daily journey. :smile: I'm here for ya friend.
  • Princessbrene
    Princessbrene Posts: 112 Member
    I sent you a friend request. As far as tips go, I don't cut out anything that I enjoy, except I've not been drinking soda at all. That wasn't even a super conscious decision... it was more that I wanted those calories for other things. As far as the chocolate... you can do a Cadbury cream egg for 150 calories, or the mini cream eggs for 40 calories a piece. Also, there are the Betty Crocker Warm Delight Mini Molten Chocolate Cake or Molten Caramel Cakes. Those are 150 calories each. You can also do a small bit of dark chocolate. I recently found 100 calorie packs of "Brownie Bites" and those are pretty good... there's not much in the bag, but it helps with the chocolate craving. Oh, another thing is the hot chocolate packets with little marshmallows... I think it's Nestle. 80 calories for one packet. Hope those things help some. I find it easiest to stick with my plan when I'm not cutting out my favorite things, just making adjustments. :o)
  • teamdon
    teamdon Posts: 10
    I'm awesome, I have two small kids a weight problem but not in the looney bin! That's pretty awesome!

    Same for me baby weight has to go! Even
    Then I was still a big girl but it will be a great achievement !

    Feel free to add me, the more the merrier x
  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    I'm not awesome, I'm legen--wait for it--dary!! >:3 I love how a Barney quote already appeared in this thread xD
  • RunAmock
    RunAmock Posts: 95 Member
    I'm complete and total awesomeness with a little chocolate sauce on top!!! So feel free to add me. :)
  • sphyxy
    sphyxy Posts: 202 Member
    I am awesome too dammit!!
  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    I'm awesome! Feel free to add me if u wish :)

  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    I am definitely awesome we should be friends!