WOMEN only - Advise please

Hi all,

I started my weight loss journey in November last year. I have been eating around 1200 calories a day. I eat pretty healthy and only exercise 30 min daily, sometimes for an hour when I hit the gym.
Sincer I started MFP, I didn't get my period. I am so, so worried.

I am NOT pregnant. I took a pregnancy test and have been to the doctor, who said my urine test is fine, However, he didn't give me anything for my period to start again. Will this effect on my chances to have children in the future? I am so stressed I cannot sleep at night, constantly thinking about this.

Any help would be welcomed!


  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    What did your doctor say?

    It shouldn't affect your chance of having children. It could possibly be because you're not eating enough.

    My advice, go back to your doctor and tell him your worries. S/he's the best person to find out if there is a problem.
  • MaggiePuccini
    MaggiePuccini Posts: 248 Member
    Well, tbh, I think 1200 is too littel a day. It's tough even making the right food choices not to go hungry. BUT,.... I don't think it's low enough to affect your fertility. You should be menstruating. I'd tell the doctor that you'd like some blood tests done.
    They can't tell very much from your urine I wouldn't have thought. Certainly not the whole picture. I'd ask for blood tests and a scan i think.
  • tecknik
    tecknik Posts: 5 Member
    That happened to me once when I lost a lot of weight and started working out. I would increase your calorie count a bit. 1200 a day for that long combined with the exercise doesn't sound like quite enough. By not getting your monthly cycle, your body is telling you to increase your calorie intake and needs some more nutrition. Once you do that, you will see your period return. Follow up with your doctor if it doesn't.
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    Aer you considered underweight? I have read that when you get under a certain bf percentage it starts to mess with hormones which could delay your period. Also, drastic diet changes can do this as well. When I was 18 I went on a crazy candida diet that completely changed my horrible eating habits and didn't get a period for 3 months. I would google the possiblities and then perhaps bring to your doctor with your concerns?
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    It shouldn't hurt long-term your chances of having children, however, not having your period for too long can cause bone loss, so it may be time to talk to your doctor about getting your period back into action. It's not surprising you didn't get it with a change in calories and body fat, but for your own peace of mind, ask your doctor how long should you wait before getting medical assistance in getting it going again. Good luck! (BTW I have a friend with a long history of irregular periods and she got pregnant easily several times.)
  • Christina1007
    Christina1007 Posts: 179 Member
    Well, that's the thing. He didn't say much about it. He just took a urine sample, said everything was fine and that was that.

    He wasn't even interested to know what I eat, if I changed my lifestyle or anything like that, so I think he was just waiting to rush me out of his office. GP's in England are the worst!
  • If you saw your doctor and he/she wasn't worried then I wouldn't worry about it. I went about 8 months w/out getting my period at one point in my life. I don't know if it was stress or what but I never went and saw anyone and eventually it corrected itself.
  • FitJenJen
    FitJenJen Posts: 22 Member
    When you say your "doctor" do you mean your general or an OB/GYN? I would ask them more questions, don't be afraid to ask! :smile:

    I am not a doctor, but from what I understand of biochem, your body does need some fat to make hormones, and hormones play a role with your cycle. You may have heard before that gymnasts and other female athletes who have a very low % body fat may have sparse or absent cycles. Could that be the case?

    Another option is to ask your doctors if there is a specialist you can talk to for further advice.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    I would def. get a second opinion - OBGYN to be exact ... I just looked at your diary and it really seems you are keeping a really good intake in food...
  • emily2tx
    emily2tx Posts: 77
    Most likely all the exersise you are doing is taking the energy from your body. This should not hinder your ability to have children. Many athletes have this happen to them. When you plan on having children, you will need to eat more and exersise maybe less intense. Also, as the previous person said, talk with your doctor if you are concerned and stressing about it.
  • mummyzena
    mummyzena Posts: 259 Member
    Weight loss particularly some diets delay periods. Once your body adjusts it should return to normal but this break will not effect having children in the future.
    If you are worried going back to your gp for advice is the best option.x
  • MaggiePuccini
    MaggiePuccini Posts: 248 Member
    Well, that's the thing. He didn't say much about it. He just took a urine sample, said everything was fine and that was that.

    He wasn't even interested to know what I eat, if I changed my lifestyle or anything like that, so I think he was just waiting to rush me out of his office. GP's in England are the worst!

    Just read your profile and I see you're in the uk. I used to live in the UK and when i was there, and doctors were free, I was much less confident about saying 'no, hang on a minute, can you actually test for that??'. But I was brought up in Ireland where doctors cost an arm and a leg and patients are clients and they want their money's worth here!!!! But saying that, GOD BLESS THE NHS YOU GUYS ARE SO SO SO SO SO LUCKY. you just need to go back to your doctor and be more assertive. Your doctor will be paid handsomely whether she ignores you or not. ykwim???! good luck.
  • I'm used to crazy periods. Sometimes changes in life effect our cycle. Stress, diet... even excersize. Skipped or late period is not necessarily an indicator of a permanant issue.


    I also disagree that 1200 calories is automatically too little without knowing your weight, height and body type. I know I'm at 1200 and I'm not hungry, I get all my nutritian in and I eat 6 smalls meals a day. Its very doable. In fact my BMR if I am not excersizing is only around 1500... so 1200 is perfectly fine.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I have to echo the "not eating enough." I actually did quite a bit of studying on anorexia when I was younger to write a couple of papers when I was in college. Your menstrual cycle will stop when you chronically aren't eating enough, have a super low body fat % or are working out to the extreme. It's your body's way of responding because you shouldn't get pregnant if you aren't eating enough to support yourself, let alone feed a growing child, at the same time.

    I'd suggest upping your calories a bit and talking to your doctor about your specific worries.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Well, that's the thing. He didn't say much about it. He just took a urine sample, said everything was fine and that was that.
    But why didn't you ask?
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    You're most likely not eating enough. If you don't have enough fuel your body shuts down non essential functions.

    There are plenty of people on here that eat more to lose more. I know that I lose very little on 1200 cals a day but at 1700 cals it drops off me.

    You need to work out what you're actually burning in a day. I'm classified as sedentary by MFP guidelines (which are pretty much useless to guess your activity level) and with an activity monitor I turn out to be active to very active on a daily basis. That's why I was losing very little at 1200. I was starving myself.
    Stop starving yourself, start eating.
  • Asheea
    Asheea Posts: 211 Member
    I was in the same boat about the same time last year. November, December I didn't have one and after 3-4 BFN's I was stressing out. I have no idea why it happened. I've always been regular and never missed except when I was pg. I think the stress also had something with delaying AF. The 2nd week of Jan. AF finally showed up again. I've been regular since then.

    I didn't do anything to bring her in so I can't advise in that area. Hang in there. AF will show up soon with all her baggage and when she comes she will hit hard and be the biggest PITA ever! d_good_luck.gif
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I also disagree that 1200 calories is automatically too little without knowing your weight, height and body type. I know I'm at 1200 and I'm not hungry, I get all my nutritian in and I eat 6 smalls meals a day. Its very doable. In fact my BMR if I am not excersizing is only around 1500... so 1200 is perfectly fine.

    Your BMR is 1500. That just the calories you need to breath, have your heart beat etc.That's what you'd need if you're in a coma to survive. At 1200 you're not even eating enough to fuel essential bodily functions let alone any other movement you do in the day. Please look into eating more, your body will thank you for it. Start by looking for your TDEE (Total Daily Expected Expenditure). Then cut 500 cals off that. You'll most likely lose faster than you are now and feel better for it.
  • nycalison
    nycalison Posts: 51 Member
    Just wanted to add that stress also affects your period! If you are seriously stressed that its keeping you up at night that might just be it- I know that I have skipped mine while going through a breakup or school finals, things like that :) I don't think it means anything too serious, just a "perk" of being female- worrying when we don't get it, and being annoyed when we do get it ;)
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    first off stressing about it is not going to help and can keep your period away for longer! don't stress. hormones have a huge impact on our period, so does stress.

    also how much weight have you lost? and are you eating well and getting enough nutrients? how much do you weigh? 1200 calories might not be enough and your body might be undernourished if you're not eating right/enough. Also, weight loss can cause your period to get irregular/stop -- I skipped my period one month last year, but it came back the next month. Also, when I started college i was working full time and going to school full time, i was so stressed out i didn't get my period for 6 months.