Newbie With 100+ lbs to lose

Hi All :)

Just joined today and looking for motivational buddies to help me shed 105lbs :(

Happy adding :)



  • Vegetablearian
    Vegetablearian Posts: 148 Member
    Hi there,
    Im new too my aim is 15kg (33lb) loss minimum and see how I go from there.
    My current BMI is 29
    Aim to get a BMI of 23 or less
  • mandycasey
    mandycasey Posts: 274 Member
    Hi and welcome, feel free to add me and good luck xx
  • kerrphy_2011
    Hi!! I have a little over 100 to lose as well!! I will send you an invite!

    Welcome to MFP!! It is a fantastic community to be a part of!
  • gsbanks1
    gsbanks1 Posts: 69 Member
    I need to lose over a 100 punds too. I will send an invite :)
  • natyts
    natyts Posts: 89 Member
    Hey turn that frown upside down lol :laugh: ( so corny but true ) I only been on here a week loving it wish i had discovered the site sooner :smile: ill add you we'll stay positive together x
  • GetFitWithDe
    Hey ladies I am working toward losing 100+lbs as well please send me an invite! I am a Beachbody coach and fitness blogger with an Super Trainer for a little sister so I have plenty of resources to assist just the same as I! We can do this ladies!
  • soonernick
    soonernick Posts: 63 Member
    Hello! I have 100 pounds to loose. Sadly I've done it before and I am doing it again. Its a long road but I wish I had this site the 1st time. It makes keeping track of everything much easier.
  • Jnine25
    Jnine25 Posts: 126 Member
    i started two months ago and am in it for life. I have about 80 left to lose, but started at 100 ;). Add me if you like. I love to encourage people who are motivated and dedicated to their weightloss. Warning, I do delete friends after a week of not logging on, unless I know there is something going on preventing their log in. Wishing you lots of luck on your weightloss journey... we can do this!!!
  • Monicaraby
    Hi there,

    I am with you. I started on January 19, 2012 and. thus far, has lost 22 lbs.

    This is the best, free, app you could ask for. I was on weight watchers paying for the exact same service I am getting here.
    Except in calories.

    I wish you much success on your weight loss journey.:smile:
  • benn1977
    benn1977 Posts: 34
    You've come to the right place, MFP is great. You can do it! Maybe start with smaller goals and you will get there!

    I have about 50lbs to loose, I'm still a newbie but I'm already enjoying the journey.

    Feel free to add :)

  • sissypunks
    i have 121 lbs to lose dont know how to add anyone but have no friends on this site as of yet so u can add me also
  • itsall4younow
    Hello! I'm pretty new myself, also looking to loose 100 lbs :)

    Friend request sent! :smile:
  • HeatherMarie1174
    Hello and welcome to the site! Feel free to add me as well! :)
  • mwc42
    mwc42 Posts: 2
    Hey My name is Shirley and Im new . I'm trying to loose 10 lbs. Doesn't sound like much but it is to me. Since my last child (the 4th one) I have weighed 145 and I'm trying hard to loose at least 10. Maybe more but as for now just 10 till I can see if it will really happen.I'm walking some and counting calories and I believe I can do this.
    Tell me about yourself , would love to hear from you. And Im here to encourage you along the way. Keep it up Girl!
  • HodderAL
    HodderAL Posts: 358 Member
    Hi! I'm new here too, having joined just about a week ago! I have almost 87lbs to lose, and already have 8lbs gone :)

    I'd love to support someone, and receive support as well. I believe this journey is about state of mind, and who we surround ourselves with.

    Add me if you like :)
  • jacquirich
    jacquirich Posts: 105 Member
    I have just joined to and have 94lbs to lose, willing to be a buddy, I warn you I lose weight very slowly :-(
  • janorris82
    Feel free to add me as well......I have 104lbs to lose......
  • galededras
    galededras Posts: 45 Member
    Hi all,

    Newbie here with over 100 lbs to lose. I started my journey March 1st and I'm down 7 lbs today. I'd love to add some friends to my list!
  • msphyl46
    msphyl46 Posts: 49
    Welcome to MFP I'm new too I joined 2 weeks ago. I've lost 4.5 lbs already. You are in the right place I wish the best for your on your weight loss journey. Feel free to add me if you want.
  • Kamalalue
    Kamalalue Posts: 87 Member
    Hi All!

    I just wanted to put myself out there, and tell you that I would love to be friends with anyone who is serious about getting healthier and creating a longer happier life.

    Also, I started a group for people with a lot of weight to lose - it is called Heavy Weights and it open to anyone with 100 lbs or more to lose.

    I hope that you will check it out!
