Fit and Fun Sized (those under 5'4") for March 2012



  • MamaEdmund
    MamaEdmund Posts: 70 Member

    What are you doing to keep our precious 1/2 and 1/4 inches we all count?


    Kind of an aside, but I'm almost 5'4". I went to the chiropractor at the ripe old age of 22 when I could no longer bend over to tie my shoes (this was pre-baby-weight-gain). He informed me that from all the car collisions I had been in, normal wear & tear, that my vertebrae were compressed, and left untreated they would fuse. This happened to my mom, who didn't know until she was 40 and they were already fused and there was nothing left for it. Anyway, started a rather aggressive chiropractic therapy, and a few months later my spine was normal in its curvature and I'm no longer in danger of fused vertebrae. So hey, treat it while you're young! I found my chiropractor to be a lifesaver (especially when I got pregnant just a few months after resolving my major spinal issues), and possibly an inch-saver as well! I'm still going once/month for maintenance, and I was fortunate to find a practitioner who isn't a quack, as I've heard a lot of bull from other people regarding their chiropractors.

    Good luck to all as we avoid copious amounts of wings & dip during March madness........

    My March goal is to finally finish Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred (that I started in mid-January), and to fit into the jeans I bought myself a size too small (also in January). In other awesome news, I found a pair of 5/6 jeans at the thrift store (great place to shop for your between-sizes on your way down!) that fit. First time I've worn that size since high school maybe 12 years ago? Not to say that all 5/6 pants fit (the rest I didn't even touch, it was pretty obvious), but seeing that at the waistline has inspired me.
  • Just getting started today! My big goal is to be more active, wish me luck!
  • CTK3989
    CTK3989 Posts: 109 Member
    I'm 5'2, roughly 106 lbs, 16% body fat and my goal is 105 and 14% body fat. Everyone, feel free to add me.
  • Hey everyone! My name is Sedona and I'm new, here!As of now, I am 154 pounds at 5'1". My entire life, I have eaten really well, and exercised semi-regularly. Now, I've been on MFP for about two and a half months and exercizing everyday and eating even better than I was before now and nothing is happening! Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do?
  • Looks like I'm the shortest in the bunch so far. I clock in at 4'10"! Coming along nicely on my goals. During Feb. I picked right back up with going to the gym several times a week and control my portions (mostly) using MFP. My goal weight is 100 which I hope to reach by around May-June. After that comes maintenance?
  • .
  • There are special issues for we individuals with a petite frame. There is nothing worst thaen feeling like your as wide as you are tall. Now that I am losing some of the extra pounds I appreciate the unique femine style of a smaller frame again. My feet have even gotten smaller and i wear a size 7 shoe; I had grown into a 81/2 size.
    Sometimes it's interesting trying to adjust some exercise equipment; kinda like bar stools and most srandard size chairs they just don't seem to have been designed for people who are 5'2" or 5'1"
    Anyway even though I am fighting this battle late in life; I plan to get all the way back into petite clothes; I will wear a size 7 by the end of June...I moving into a size 10 and wear a size 12 phants now.. I know i can do this !!!!
  • There are special issues for we individuals with a petite frame. There is nothing worst thaen feeling like your as wide as you are tall. Now that I am losing some of the extra pounds I appreciate the unique femine style of a smaller frame again. My feet have even gotten smaller and i wear a size 7 shoe; I had grown into a 81/2 size.
    Sometimes it's interesting trying to adjust some exercise equipment; kinda like bar stools and most srandard size chairs they just don't seem to have been designed for people who are 5'2" or 5'1"
    Anyway even though I am fighting this battle late in life; I plan to get all the way back into petite clothes; I will wear a size 7 by the end of June...I moving into a size 10 and wear a size 12 phants now.. I know i can do this !!!!

    Yes, you can!
  • samb330
    samb330 Posts: 328 Member
    I'm 5'0". I weighed 176 in January and joined mfp the middle of Feb. My CW is 162. I mostly keep my calories under or right at my goal. My problem is I love junk food and don't eat enough of the good stuff. I'm working on it and have gotten better over the last few weeks. I try to walk between 2-4 mi every day and am on my 2nd week of the 30DS. I'd like to get to 150 by mid May and my GW is 125.
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    5'1" here. Reached my target weight on Feb 22 after almost too much cardio (lol) for 8 weeks.

    Focus has now shifted more towards strength training, which I started a little over 2 weeks ago. Tomorrow I start lifting 5s & 8s and I'm excited.

    Goals for March:

    1) Maintain at least 50 miles via cardio on the stair climber for the month.
    2) Lift 10s by the end of the month.

    Being short sometimes sucks butt because the exercise ball is bigger than me. :laugh:
  • ChshireKat
    ChshireKat Posts: 117
    I didn't have the pedometer on properly on Monday, so it said I only walked a 1000 steps even though I walked in the rain for 30 minutes.
    Got 2559 yesterday because I forgot to go to lunch so I couldn't go walking, and then I forgot to go home as well.
    I forgot to put it on this morning so I guess I will get it out of my car at lunch and wear it then.
    Have a good humpday everyone.
  • I'm exactly 5'4"... do I count? :P

    I just joined MFP and I only want to lose a LITTLE weight... 8-10 pounds. But I want to learn how to successfully maintain that weight and get off of the crazy yo-yo roller coaster I've been on for the past several years... my weight has been SO up and down! I want to get to my goal and STAY THERE, for once!

    And I want to do it in a healthy way this time :)
  • Mizzylizzy
    Mizzylizzy Posts: 12 Member
    Hey! 5'0 ..I lost 10lbs in jan/feb. Got a few more to go. but I just joined today :D
  • ChshireKat
    ChshireKat Posts: 117
    Yesterday during my lunch I walked for 50minutes, give or take, I had to stop twice to stretch out my leg because it was cramping. When I got back to my office I made my lunch and took it to my desk. I reheated it twice and didn't finish half of it by the time I tossed it in the trash at 4pm.
    This morning I made my oatmeal for breakfast. I had to reheat it twice and stayed in the kitchen the second time to finish eating it, that as at 10am.

    Yesterday from 12:30pm til 9:30pm I logged 6420 steps.
    This afternoon I missed my lunch entirely and couldn't go walking; I can't leave my office after 1pm because managers donot like hunting.
  • jmach002
    jmach002 Posts: 113 Member
    Hey I'm 5'3'' 149lbs and a size 4-6. My goal is to be down to 140lbs by mid April. this is week two for me on MFP and week 2 of I have lost one pound (almost) so far. Cant wait to get back into awesome shape for my trip to vegas and for the summer! any tips and advice are greatly appricated!
  • Linda6580
    Linda6580 Posts: 192 Member
  • shyrina25
    shyrina25 Posts: 101 Member
    hi i am 5'4 and I started dieting jan 20th and have lost 25 pounds:) want to lose 20 or so more:) add me would love to be diet buddies with others like me
  • fisher110
    fisher110 Posts: 29 Member
    :drinker: I am also 5'2" (have been since I was 13!). The best thing about being short is that when you lose 5 pounds, it is really noticeable! (That's also the bad thing -- when you gain five pounds, its really noticeable!). I have 10 pounds that I just really need to drop. Even if that doesn't sound like much, it sure makes a difference for me. I walk a lot and the extra weight around my waste is just uncomfortable. Plus it seems that it bothers my knees. So my goal is to drop the 10 for my health! An extra five off to help me look better in my clothes would be a plus! Good luck to all of you! I need the evening-time motivation! Seems I always want that nighttime snack! Now that the weather is changing and it is staying light longer, maybe I can start taking an extra walk in the evening.
  • angelajo01
    angelajo01 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm 5'1 and just joined on Monday, I love how everything is tracked for you. I lost 3 lbs this week so I'm off to a good start of many pounds I need to get off. I love this "fit and fun sized" post!!
  • mandyschalk
    mandyschalk Posts: 93 Member
    Hello! 5'1" here!!
    February was had for me. :( I am still getting over a back injury and am very limited on exercise. I also got a RMR test done a2 weeks ago and found out I was under eating which caused me to stop losing and start storing.
    Anyway getting going all over again. I'm set up to lose a pound a week. I have a small idea of where I want to end up but I'm really going based on size and how I feel rather then what the scale says.... So, I am hoping that come December, when I am going on my dream vacation, that I will be at least mostly happy!
    Have a great month everyone!