Has anyone done Chalean Extreme???

I just started two weeks ago the Chalean Extreme 90 day Challenge. Just wanting to know what other people who finished like and didnt like, their results and etc.. What you did to help increase weight loss and get in better shape and if you did turbo jam or fire what one you like better.. If anyone started same time as me or is starting Chalean Extreme feel free to add me and join in on my journey..



  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    Started today, so I'll be interest in responses also.:smile:
  • AngieMcHenry
    AngieMcHenry Posts: 36 Member
    I have done this part of the way a couple of time. I love the workouts and I could tell I was getting stronger. The last time I almost finished the lean phase, but I started training for a half marathon and I let my strength training slide for a while. I started back on the Burn phase this week and I am sore as all get out from the first day. I do enjoy it thought and I can tell a difference in my arms and butt especially when I am doing this.
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    I just started it this week, as well.
    I did start it a couple months back, but fell out of the routine due to personal reasons.
    So, here I am starting at it again, round 2.
    I plan to be successful this time!!!
    I lost 10 lbs with P90X and want to really tone up and I think these CLE workouts will definitely help.
    I want to rock that bathing suit this summer!! :-)
    Good luck to everyone on here who is starting it! You can do it! Just hit PLAY!
  • HealthierFitMe01
    Thanks, I noticed my biceps so far the most cant wait for my triceps to start getting defintion. Good Job obrien821 on losing 10lbs on P90x thats awesome I am too scared for trying it right now as I heard it really hard so I wanted to start off with something hard but that I can still do. I cant wait to for summer to come after this workout hope I can rock the bathing suit too.
    AngieMcHenry I too noticed the difference in my arms not my butt yet but I justed started my 2nd week of the burn phase. My celebration for my wedding is in May so I want to have better arms and get in better shape for the summer.
    Lindajay3 Hope you enjoy Chalean Extreme!

    If anybody wants to message each other to motivate each other and share our thoughts on the workouts just let me know and you can also add me and follow my journey to get in shape for summer and become a healthier person.