Just for the girls......



  • mandiemma
    mandiemma Posts: 128 Member
    I gain 5-8 lbs the week before my period. No joke

    I'm in the same boat! one week I gained 11 pounds then lost it all by the end of my Flow...
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    I gain 5-8 lbs the week before my period. No joke

    Oh jesus i think i would have a melt down if the happened to me

    This happens to me! I know it's all water weight, and I drop it about 3 days after, but it is down right miserable!
  • I usually lose weight...like 2-3 lbs! I guess there is something good about it after all....unfortunately it always returns once Aunt Flow decides to go home!
  • Ruthe314
    Ruthe314 Posts: 18 Member
    Maybe TMI but im currently going through this atrocious week and I gained a lb.. I know its probably water weight but its depressing! I keep weighing myself daily to see if it drops back. but Im just gonna continue to workout/eat good and see what next week brings.. geez. lol

    Also Someone needs to keep ALL the unhealthy snacks away from THIS girl.. seems like I'm a bottomless pit!! UGH!
  • I usually gain 1-4 lbs right before my period, and it lasts until a few days after. I don't even look at the scale when I'm having my period lol.
  • During my lady time my appetite literally doubles and now that I work out its tripled so I tend to gain weight around this time also! With the water weight and my crazy pms'ing self on the hunt for anything chocolate I do gain weight but after I usually shed it right off if not more! I would worry too much about it and just to make you feel better my last lady time I was on a sugar trip and ate 3 donuts, a giant red velvet cak slice and a smoothie so I feel your pain lol
  • Ruthe314
    Ruthe314 Posts: 18 Member
    Ugg! Me too!
  • I gain about 5 lbs, but it feels more like 20! It usually levels out the day after my period ends, but those few days are uncomfortable!
  • night_blossom
    night_blossom Posts: 3 Member
    During my monthly I feel just like you described. My normal weight gain is anywhere between 2-6lbs. It's usually gone by day 3-4 of my cycle. Don't worry about it.
  • fitby38
    fitby38 Posts: 307 Member

    good advice!

    I stay away from the scale at that point in time as well. Why bother getting upset when there is nothing you can do about it? I've always wondered what fitness and figure athletes do...maybe they are so lean they don't get their cycles?
  • Brittmy
    Brittmy Posts: 141 Member

    Truth, I noticed I gain anywhere from 1-3 lbs every for that week, so i have just stopped weighing myself around then because it is hard not to get discouraged, even if you know it is only temporary.
  • thinmintme
    thinmintme Posts: 63 Member
    Oh, the notorious Aunt Flo...

    I bloat. Face, abdomen, legs, etc. The bloating in my face is the most annoying of all. I look like a cherub of sorts. Ugh.
    I crave chocolate and salty things, not at the same time but a few days of the first followed by a few days of the latter.
    Lest I forget, the cramps. Sometimes, they can be murderous. But I don't agree with taking birth control to help curb the pain. I have enough problems without throwing my hormones for a loop. I might look into asking my doctor for a prescription strength painkiller for my time of the month but at this point, I feel I can bite it. At its worst, I spend the first day of my menstruation, lying face down in bed, breathing excessively, trying to calm myself down, hoping the advil kicks in. It usually takes about two hours and a nap before I'm ok again. Also, on those days, I can't eat until the evening hours. If I try to, I'll end up vomiting. The nausea is so bad when the pain is at its worst so I can't handle anything. Sometimes I get chills and very dizzy, too. It's a whole mess! lol
    But, luckily for me, that only lasts about a day of the entire cycle. Thank the gods!

    On my third day, I'm usually almost done and my energy levels seem to skyrocket. o_o I'm usually spending that time cleaning, organizing, cooking, working on some project, whatever strikes my fancy. Wish I was like that all the time....
    By the fifth day, the bloating seems to have disappeared. The 'real' bleeding lasts about two days followed by spotting that eventually just ceases altogether. Which is great because I no longer worry about making a mess. Haha. I never do but I still worry like mad. xD

    The water weight comes off slowly, though. So I don't weigh myself AT ALL during that time. I don't want to stress myself out over something that isn't actual 'weight', ya know?

    And that's pretty much it!
    I don't think you're prying. I think everyone should be able to talk about it. We all deal with it! You can't just hide it...:blushing:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I gain 5-8 ppounds each time I gotta chase the cotton mouse. If I d two ST sessions and a short cardio session during the first 72 hours of it,the gain leaves and takes with it an extra pound or so at the end

  • MsMal24
    MsMal24 Posts: 1
    I have the same issue! It can be really discouraging but I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one this happens to. My scale tells me that I get 5 extra pounds for that week.
  • sandy_taylor13
    sandy_taylor13 Posts: 194 Member
    I really needed to see this!!! I usually dont gain anything or very little, but this week I gained 3 lbs. Im drinking lots of water (although I usually get my 64-80 oz in a day no problem). It is discouraging to see the number jump, but I just tell myself to keep going. It will drop off. Sucks that we have to go through this. My husband jumped on the scale right after our run and he lost 5 lbs. I was happy to stay the same hoping it will drop down after I get my period. Thanks for sending out the this topic and the replies. Makes me feel better.
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    Don't have the scale be your only motivation or demotivation. The week before is the worst time for cravings etc. Try the hardest on the week before to eat the healtiest you have ever eaten, no sugar, no chocolate, etc. It will make the week of a lot easier when it comes to weight gain, water gain, cramps and all. Try it.
  • I'm like you, in the fact that I usually have a small gain in the week leading up to and during my period. I'm on the Depo shot so that time only comes a few times a year, thankfully.
  • jsbpoohbear
    jsbpoohbear Posts: 1 Member
    I am new here and just starting my process of trying to loose some weight and of course that time is coming SOON. I usually gain 1-6 lbs and am always starving a few days prior. That is not helping the motivation but oh well such is life. Must stick with it. LOL
  • pf3855
    pf3855 Posts: 31
    I can easily gain 4-6 lbs in the days leading up to that TOTM, as soon as I start I can drop 5 lbs overnight! I'm 49 and not on any birth control and as I've gotten older the bloating, backache, etc., has only gotten worse. Problem is I'm too regular, even without BC, so my doctor(s) really don't see a problem. I keep offering to donate my uterus to science as it's never been used and surely there's some kind of donor program for it but alas they won't take me up on it. We all feel your pain and weight gain!