Is a binge SO bad?



  • mstemen
    mstemen Posts: 111 Member
    Dude, you should totally binge. Eat everything in sight and everything you've wanted to eat but didn't. Do it all in one day.

    Next day, you'll feel so great. I doubt that you'll be puking and squirting. You'll feel awsome and ready to conquer the world. So, I say DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What's the opposite for "bump" on here? :)

    Sorry, I didn't realize that you want positive support for binge eating. I misunderstood. My bad.

    I think you did misunderstand. Eating a piece if pizza and binge eating are not the same thing.
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    All - I'm having some SERIOUS cravings lately.

    I have been doing very well for almost a year - making good food choices, staying at/under/around my calorie goal, working out regularly. I've lost more than 60% of the total amount I want to lose... it's going great (with some minor plateau irritations thrown in now and then).

    But suddenly, I'm really wanting some bad food. I'm craving things I've NEVER liked, like chili cheese fries. I really want to splurge on a deep dish Chicago style pizza or maybe a bean burrito covered in salsa.

    My favorite food in the world is pizza - specifically that Chicago-style deep dish I mentioned. I don't want to "treat" myself to food, because rewarding weight loss and fitness with food just seems counter-productive to me. But, honestly, would it be SO bad to go get myself a pizza this weekend? I haven't had a slice in 6 months... I can do a double workout to make up for the extra calories.

    No biggie, right? Or is it? Could it be a slippery slope?

    Haven't you had cheat days for things like this? The whole point of a cheat day is to prevent cravings like this with a planned "bad" day. It also has helped me a great deal in the past to keep from plateauing.

    I certainly wouldn't recommend eating everything you mentioned all at once, but a reasonable serving of pizza this week, maybe the burrito next week along with an extra workout should be no big deal.
  • TaraERZ
    TaraERZ Posts: 8
    Agree with everyone. Fit it into your calories. I eat practically what I want as long as I stay IN my calories. Smart ones has some really good pizza bites. Had some today. 4 snack bites for like 210calories I believe.!!!! If u deprive yourself your going to want it more later...
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    All - I'm having some SERIOUS cravings lately.

    I have been doing very well for almost a year - making good food choices, staying at/under/around my calorie goal, working out regularly. I've lost more than 60% of the total amount I want to lose... it's going great (with some minor plateau irritations thrown in now and then).

    But suddenly, I'm really wanting some bad food. I'm craving things I've NEVER liked, like chili cheese fries. I really want to splurge on a deep dish Chicago style pizza or maybe a bean burrito covered in salsa.

    My favorite food in the world is pizza - specifically that Chicago-style deep dish I mentioned. I don't want to "treat" myself to food, because rewarding weight loss and fitness with food just seems counter-productive to me. But, honestly, would it be SO bad to go get myself a pizza this weekend? I haven't had a slice in 6 months... I can do a double workout to make up for the extra calories.

    No biggie, right? Or is it? Could it be a slippery slope?

    Haven't you had cheat days for things like this? The whole point of a cheat day is to prevent cravings like this with a planned "bad" day. It also has helped me a great deal in the past to keep from plateauing.

    I certainly wouldn't recommend eating everything you mentioned all at once, but a reasonable serving of pizza this week, maybe the burrito next week along with an extra workout should be no big deal.

    I have had one or two cheat days in the past 6 months... I know a lot of people use them, I guess I just wasn't sure how to incorporate them. I'm getting a lot of great feedback and ideas on this thread - appreciate it!
  • toffee322
    toffee322 Posts: 186 Member
    building healthy relationship with food is very important.. no one should avoid any type of food because they are scared that they will gain weight.. moderation is the key.. i'm still learning and is super hard to do.. but i know it's true. go for it if you really feel like it! you worked so hard to lose the weight.. a pizza will not ruin everything! cheers :)
  • confuzzledwife
    When I REALLY want something or I'm craving something I normally wouldn't even eat.. I just figure it into my allowed calories for that day, and it has really helped me out. I wouldn't say eat an entire deep dish pizza, but maybe a slice or 2? I will have a slice or 2 once a month because I know depriving myself completely will end up in a really bad way for me (like yesterday when I DID binge). So I say go for it, just keep it within your calorie range.
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    Thanks for all the feedback!!
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    If you're craving pizza, try opting for a thin crust one (less calories/carbs) or get a pizza with healthier toppings (ie. chicken instead of pepperoni, etc.). This helps keep my cravings in check.
  • Dahllywood
    Dahllywood Posts: 642 Member
    Don't let food control your life. Enjoy your cravings now and again, it's only natural. It's unrealistic to think that you will never eat another slice of pizza (or 2 or 3) in your life ever again. I do it quite often (more than I should), and its just about budgeting and getting back on track the next day. Don't think of it as a punishment, but rather a reward. Positive reinforcement is always good for the mind.
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I'm not sure I'm even capable of a real "binge" at this point. It's surprising how fast you feel full after getting used to a couple months of smaller meals (I'm on a "eat or snack every 2-3 hours" plan. My largest meal of the day is dinner at 750 calories, which isn't a terribly large amount of food).

    My wife and I went out to an Indian buffet we like on my cheat day a couple weeks ago, and I was feeling stuffed by the time I finished one plate. I don't know if my stomach is shrinking to match the amount of food I usually eat now, or what, but it's nice to have a little physical defense against the "I'm depressed and going to eat enough food for a family of 4" routine that has been a problem for me.